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Content archived on 2024-06-16

An innovation strategy to integrate industry needs and research capability in the European forestry-wood chain

Final Report Summary - INNOVAWOOD SSA (An innovation strategy to integrate industry needs and research capability in the european forestry-wood chain)

The project INNOVAWOOD SSA aimed to contribute to the strategic goal of the European Union becoming the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy, capable of sustainable economic growth with greater social cohesion. The vehicle for its contribution will be a survey and gap-analysis of the capability of the research community contrasted with the research needs of industry in the extended forestry-wood chain of Europe.

This main objective consisted of a number of specific objectives:
- set-up contact databases of research performers;
- carry-out online surveys in the 27 European Union Member States to set-up a research community's capability database, industry needs database;
- database analyses to bridge the gap between the research provider community's capabilities and the operational needs of industry;
- develop an integrated strategy for innovation based on the results of the gap analysis;
- ensure more active links between industry and provider communities by creating enhanced communication and dissemination tools.

The database of contact details of research performers in Europe has grown to 450 individual contacts, in 83 institutes. The structure of the two databases (industry, research needs research capability) was finalised. The capability surveys were sent to all contacts in the new contact list and the industry surveys were distributed to contacts in the confederation's membership. In both cases, the distribution method used was e-mail of a spreadsheet. The initial response rate was quite poor and this improved to about 20 % after a series of follow-up emails and phone calls.

The research capability data were collated in a master-spreadsheet. An online database was designed with the support of the sub-contractor 'informatic software'. The design was implemented and tested for usability before completing the population of the database with research capability data.

The project coordinator maintained ongoing liaison with the secretariat of the Forest based industries technology platform (FTP) with a view to supporting the work of the FTP. The project activities have been widely disseminated among the research community, industry and policy makers.

It is envisaged that significant use of the results of this project will be made by organisations in the provider community in determining their future strategy. By having access to a comprehensive resource indicating the real needs of industry, they will be able to develop strategies in line with those needs.

Industrial organisations, particularly Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), will be able to use the results of the capability register to understand which organisations possess expertise in different specialities. It will enable them to forge links with those organisations in order to help the SMEs to develop effective products and processes through collaborative research and ultimately to improve their competitiveness.

The online database of researchers (technical experts) will be used by industry, especially SMEs, to gain access to specialised technical information and people working (researching) their own subject.

The purpose of the dissemination plan is to ensure that the INNOVAWOOD-SSA project:
- creates awareness and communicates project results and benefits to widest possible audience;
- targets specific audiences that will benefit from the results: industry, especially SMEs in the forestry wood chain; policy makers, both national and European; researchers and educators;
- uses a variety of techniques as appropriate for the content to be delivered to the target audience.

The report will focus on the following main techniques:
- reports for internal circulation within the project and document the work done;
- presentations at conferences and seminars;
- workshops activity for project partner organisations and other contributors;
- publications, articles, posters and other literature that communicate the detailed activities, results and benefits of the project;
- use of internet and other electronic media in generating awareness of the project.