The BASE-STREP aims at advancing the science and technology of sustainable and functional materials. Specifically it targets innovative nano-coatings for plastics, metals and ceramic objects, exploiting the self- assembly capabilities of short (< 25) am ino-acid sequences (=peptides) in industrially relevant applications. Self- assembly is a method of spontaneous organisation of molecules into higher order structures and defined by set boundary conditions (e.g. pH, T, etc).This addresses the need for wate r based coating solutions beyond plastics and explores principles of nature for supramolecuar structure formation at various surfaces. These ambitions require a work programme addressing the challenges facing peptide based nano-coatings in terms of their b io-technological engineering at a cost of < 300 Euro /kg and their functional performance validation in selected self-assembled nano-coatings. The workplan covers: 1 .Laboratory solid-phase synthesis of known peptides and their evaluation 2.Experimental biosynthetic production of two peptides at laboratory (1-3L) scale and the development of efficient scale-up protocols 3.Exploring the coating capacity of tailored peptides for various substrates and environmental conditions. 4.Biotechnical production and scaling up the production of one peptide to 100 L 5.Functionality evaluation of a specific peptide for selected multi-sectorial applications targeted by the industrial partners. 6.Either production at 1000 L scale (aiming at kg quantities), or production of a second peptide in g to hg quantities to allow larger scale performance evaluation of nano-coatings on selected substrates 7.A sustainability study to assess the environmental, economic and societal impact of these novel applications. BASE brings toget her a diverse, highly skilled group from large industry (Dow,P&G), SME (MARE, SupraPolix, Interchem Hellas), research institutes (A&F, CIDETEC), and academia (Ghent, Leeds, Stuttgart).
Fields of science
Call for proposal
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Funding Scheme
NoE - Network of ExcellenceCoordinator