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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-06-16

Argentinean bureau for enhancing cooperation with the European community in the science, technology and innovation area


The project objective is to (i) improve and expand EU-Arg cooperative activities in science & technology and assist Argentinean researchers, research groups and SMEs to make better use of theEuropean Sc&T programmes and (ii) develop a platform for better interaction with other LA countries also having association agreements with the EU in Sc&T (Brazil, Chile and Mexico). It is expected that through the works of this proposal Argentinean participation in ERA will be substantially improved. At the strategic level, the increased dialogue around policy issues will help a more convergent policy environment and facilitate improved cooperation between the EU and Argentina,and also between Argentina and other LA countries having association agreements wi th the EU(Brazil, Mexico and Chile). A more convergent policy environment will also help to build up on the complementarities of the LA and EU science and technology systems and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of resources use on issues of common interest. The implementation strategy has 2 lines of activities. One working to highlight the different experiences and opportunities in Sc&T and improve the capacities of both EU- Argentinean research communities to interact and prepare projects and specific actions to confront problems of common interest and to make better use of available resources. The second is aimed at regional and bi-regional EU-LA cooperation, working with other LA countries having association agreements with the EU by (i) iden tifying actions to be undertaken within existing EU programs and instruments, (ii) to establish a EU-LA dialogue directed to learn from cooperation experiences,develop better practices for implementing it and looking into the future, to jointly identify pr iority areas and instruments to include in the 7th FP so to assure a better reflection of LA needs and characteristics .

Appel à propositions

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Régime de financement

SSA - Specific Support Action


Contribution de l’UE
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Coût total
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