With the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (CC) the European Commission has adopted new instruments aimed at contributing to the development of a European labour market for researchers. Applying the CC is a key milestone in addressing conditions to attract and to retain researchers. The Austrian presidency conference will focus on the question, under which conditions the European researchers´ labour market can be a pole for attraction for well trained and highly motivated researchers at all levels from all over the world. Furthermore it will explore whether the CC are a driving force for enhancing career prospects.
The event will serve as an opportunity to evaluate progress made in the implementation of these instruments through the identification of models of implementation according to different organisations, e.g. industry and academia, and how such experience can serve as an example to be followed. This includes the discussion on the impact o f CC, the exchange of "good practice"-examples and the debate on remaining issues and framework conditions, which hamper a successful application at national, regional, institutional and inter-sectoral level.
Call for proposal
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Funding Scheme
SSA - Specific Support ActionCoordinator