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Content archived on 2024-06-16

German Presidency Conference: European Researchers of Tomorrow - Crossing the Borders of Academia and Industry


The German Presidency conference organised from 13-15 May 2007 by MWK and SEZ, under the auspices of the Federal Government (BMBF), will facilitate the continuation of the debate on an integrated strategy for human resources, in particular the creation of an open and transparent labour market for researchers within the broader context of the renewed Lisbon strategy. The conference continues work initiated by a series of Presidency conferences dedicated to this subject organised in the Netherlands (2004), in the United Kingdom(2005), and in Austria (2006). It also complements other initiatives focussing on fostering cooperation between academia and industry, e.g. the one led by the European Universities Association (EUA) and the European Industrial Research Management Association (EIRMA). It will thus build on key conclusions and recommendations which have emerged from different conferences and analyse in particular the existing obstacles affecting researchers' move between academia and industry. The conference will involve a large range of stakeholders at different levels and will provide the opportunity to exchange good practice examples and discuss and identify effective monitoring models. The event is also expected to have a leverage effect on organisations not yet fully exploiting the potential of a transparent and open labour market for researchers in Europe through more structured collaboration between different sectors. After the conference, outputs of workshops and panel discussions will be devloped into recommendations for further action and produced in a printed Conference Proceedings brochure ensuring that the conference outcomes have a platform for further discussion and that the discussion is well placed to be taken forward during future presidencies. The German Presidency will report findings and conclusions of the EUR Future Conference to both the EU Council Research Working Group and to other suitable bodies, e.g. CREST.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data

Participants (1)