Final Report Summary - ENHANCED EUROTALENTS (Enhanced Eurotalents: a European programme for transnational mobility of experimented researchers managed by CEA)
The Enhanced Eurotalents postdoctoral fellowship programme was run by the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA) during the period 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2018, and aimed at fostering international mobility for advanced researchers at postdoctoral level. The Enhanced Eurotalents programme awarded fellowships from one to three years between 2014 and 2018 in four research fields: Energy, Environment and Climate Change (E2C2); Key Enabling Technologies (KET); Life Sciences and Biotechnology (LSB); High Energy Physics, High Energy Density Physics, and Physics of the Universe (HEPPU).
The programme proposed two mobility schemes: the Incoming CEA Fellowship (ICF) scheme and the Outgoing CEA Fellowship (OCF) scheme. The first one was dedicated to fellows welcomed in one of the CEA’s laboratories in France; the second one applied to CEA researchers welcomed in a partner laboratory abroad, with a compulsory return phase at CEA. The National Institute of Science and Technology (INSTN), the CEA’s training institute, managed the programme with an overall initial budget amounting to ten million euros. INSTN was also in charge of the organisation of short dedicated training sessions to the benefit of fellows, aiming at strengthening their professional skills.
All the information related to the programme is available on the dedicated website: where potential applicants could fill in a form to request an access to the application database. All subsequent steps of the selection procedure (submission of the projects, eligibility check, and evaluation of the applications) were carried out by the applicants, the project management team, the scientific counsellors and the reviewers in a remote manner through this dedicated database. The selection results were published on the website and were sent to the applicants by e-mail.
During the selection phase of the programme 2014-2017, 3 ICF selection sessions and 1 OCF session were organized yearly. As a result, a total of 11 ICF selection sessions and 5 OCF selection sessions have been organized over the whole period of the project. Out of 220 received applications with complete research projects, 147 ICF research projects have been selected with an average duration of 2 years. Regarding the OCF applications, 25 have been selected during the 5 sessions. Taking into account withdrawals, cancellations and earlier resignations of fellows, the programme financed 189 person-years in the ICF scheme and 30 person-years for OCF. As a result, the rate of completion of the programme is about 80% when compared with the initial objectives set out by CEA. All research projects co-financed by the programme have been completed by December 31, 2018, but a number of them could continue with a total financial support by CEA.
The programme proposed two mobility schemes: the Incoming CEA Fellowship (ICF) scheme and the Outgoing CEA Fellowship (OCF) scheme. The first one was dedicated to fellows welcomed in one of the CEA’s laboratories in France; the second one applied to CEA researchers welcomed in a partner laboratory abroad, with a compulsory return phase at CEA. The National Institute of Science and Technology (INSTN), the CEA’s training institute, managed the programme with an overall initial budget amounting to ten million euros. INSTN was also in charge of the organisation of short dedicated training sessions to the benefit of fellows, aiming at strengthening their professional skills.
All the information related to the programme is available on the dedicated website: where potential applicants could fill in a form to request an access to the application database. All subsequent steps of the selection procedure (submission of the projects, eligibility check, and evaluation of the applications) were carried out by the applicants, the project management team, the scientific counsellors and the reviewers in a remote manner through this dedicated database. The selection results were published on the website and were sent to the applicants by e-mail.
During the selection phase of the programme 2014-2017, 3 ICF selection sessions and 1 OCF session were organized yearly. As a result, a total of 11 ICF selection sessions and 5 OCF selection sessions have been organized over the whole period of the project. Out of 220 received applications with complete research projects, 147 ICF research projects have been selected with an average duration of 2 years. Regarding the OCF applications, 25 have been selected during the 5 sessions. Taking into account withdrawals, cancellations and earlier resignations of fellows, the programme financed 189 person-years in the ICF scheme and 30 person-years for OCF. As a result, the rate of completion of the programme is about 80% when compared with the initial objectives set out by CEA. All research projects co-financed by the programme have been completed by December 31, 2018, but a number of them could continue with a total financial support by CEA.