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Content archived on 2024-06-18

UPF Fellows

Final Report Summary - UPFELLOWS (UPF Fellows)

The UPFellows programme ( promoted by Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF, Barcelona, Spain) with the support of the Marie Curie COFUND, (7th Framework Programme) aims at co-financing 24 international fellowships through three competitive calls. This programme addresses international researchers in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities, Health and Life Sciences and Communication and Information Technologies and it offers career development opportunities to junior postdoctoral candidates of any nationality in a highly stimulating research environment. UPFellows’ beneficiaries have the privilege to join one of the most unique and dynamic research environments in Europe, Catalonia, where they were able to advance in their research and further develop their professional skills while taking advantage of a career development plan under the guidance of a senior UPF scientific mentor.

UPFellows started on 1st May 2013 with the launch of an extensive advertising campaign covering different channels and tools (i.e. social networks, Portal Euraxess, announcements in portals, Journals, etc.). For the launch of the UPFellows a programme web page ( was created and a corporate brand (logo, banner, poster) was developed which was very useful to identify and distinguish UPFellows from other similar programmes. D3.1 on dissemination of programme and calls: advertisement, Material and Strategy summarizes the main work executed. One report was produced and available for each one of the three calls launched for the selection of the fellows.

Fig. 1. Logo of the UPFellows programme

Fig. 2. Banner of the UPFellows programme for the Calls for proposals

All actions were planned and carried out following the principles of transparency, publicity and equal of opportunities and in accordance with the commitment of UPF with the European Charter and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (UPF was awarded in April 2014 with the logo “HR Excellence in Research” which identifies UPF as an institution provider and supporter of a stimulating and favourable working environment. ( This acknowledgment was further renewed).

The UPFellows’ first call opened on May 1st, 2013 and closed on July 1st 2013 offering 12 postdoctoral positions in the three above mentioned areas. A total amount of 184 applications were received and 149 met the eligibility requirements. After a very competitive and merit-based two-phase process 10 final candidates were selected by the UPF Selection Committee. All of them accepted the fellowship and subsequently incorporated to the UPF.

The UPFellows’ second call opened during the first week of March, 2014 offering 14 positions. A total amount of 90 applications were received and 75 applications met the eligibility requirements. The UPF Selection Committee selected 11 final candidates. All of them but one (10 candidates) accepted the fellowship and incorporated to the UPF.

The third call opened on February 20th, 2015 and closed on April 20th, 2015. In this last call, 6 positions were advertised and a total of 145 applications were received. 131 applications met the eligibility requirements. All places were covered and 6 candidates were selected by the UPF Selection Committee. All of them accepted the fellowship and started their training at the UPF premises.

D2.1. Report on Evaluation and Selection process deliverable describes in detail the overall process carried out. One report was delivered for each call detailing both common issues and specific aspects for the calls (dates, names of the evaluators, etc.)

The level of internationalization and the capacity of attracting non-Spanish candidates were very high as shown below in the graphs for call 1, call 2 and call 3.

Graphs for call 1, call 2 and call 3

In terms of the programme impact the large number of the received applications shows that a very positive impact was achieved and the programme had a great visibility and capacity of attraction of candidates. In this sense, it is worth to highlight that the intensive communication campaign carried out contributed to a wide disseminating of the calls at international level and to create interest between outstanding candidates.

As far as the impact for fellows is concerned it is remarkable that most of them have been able to continue their research careers (both at UPF and other research institutions). The UPfellows programme enabled them to gain training and experience and promote them in their own research fields. Some of them were awarded with ERC Starting Grants or other prestigious research grants and in some cases they received offers for permanent positions.

At institutional level the impact was very positive since the UPFellows programme contributed to establish the basis for an institutional programme for talent attraction, to improve institutional practices and policies concerning recruiting of researchers aligned with the UPF commitment to the Human Resources in Research (Charter & Code and OTM-R) and to set up a new tenure-track policy to retain the best talents.

For further details, please contact Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Ms. Eva Martin,, Tel. +34.935 422 140.