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Content archived on 2024-06-18

CLAFIS - Crop, Livestock and Forests Integrated System for Intelligent Automation, Processing and Control


The Crop, Livestock and Forest Integrated system (CLAFIS) will develop and demonstrate a pre-commercial intelligent integrated solution prototype based on a cross platform OPC unified architecture (OPC UA) specification entitling standards and related technologies for communication between automation systems and IT systems in farms and forest related process. The project is centred on a Use Case demonstrator involving a complete process sequence of a smart seeding, spraying and harvesting for grass/grains/trees including the following target activities:
- Implementation of IoT cloud-enabled Agribusiness Intelligent Information Management System platform and Subsystems with corresponding middleware, and security and privacy architecture for process automation, data management, monitoring and control.
- Development of novel sustainable intelligent Knowledge Management (KM) subsystem for integrating currently scattered data and resources for optimal conformity, interpretation and adaptation to agriculture.
- Development of an input-output gateway module based on the OPC UA model specification for unified automation, including wireless standards for medium/ long range.
-Development of Human Machine Interface (HMI) demonstrator device and end-user’s application services.
- Implementation of fusion algorithms and network propagation models for heterogeneous sensor networks and wireless sensor networks including the corresponding APIs, signal/data analysis and visualization
CLAFIS brings together technologies, experience and research results from industrial automation, “Internet of Things” and agribusiness sectors. The system is addressing needs for seamless data transfer between complex field devices/automation systems and IT systems for several stakeholders in European agribusiness and forestry production. The overall integrated system will contribute towards seamless integration of autonomous equipment and machineries and devices in farms and forests related process

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call


EU contribution
€ 454 216,00
2800 Kongens Lyngby

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Danmark Hovedstaden Københavns omegn
Activity type
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Total cost
No data

Participants (13)