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Content archived on 2024-04-19

Integration Support for Uncertain, Incomplete and Temporally Dependent Applications


The UNITE project addresses the application of KBSs in industrial environments. Common characteristics of such applications are the evolution of information with time, incompleteness, unreliability and uncertainty, and the need for sophisticated numeric/symbolic interpretation mechanisms.

Different techniques have been proposed for handling incompleteness, uncertainty or time-dependency, though many difficulties in terms of performance or complexity have been experienced in deploying them in industrial contexts with ad hoc adaptations or simplifications carried out by development teams to match industrial constraints. Furthermore, full-scale industrial applications generally require cooperation between specialised knowledge-based facilities for simulation, fault diagnosis, planning, scheduling, emergency decision-making, etc, and the integration of these facilities with other components such as databases or conventional software. Partial solutions exist for establishing cooperation between KBS and their integration into industrial environments, and UNITE aims to integrate these into a comprehensive set of techniques, methods and supporting tools.

UNITE aims to produce:

- techniques for the integration of appropriate knowledge model paradigms including incompleteness, uncertainty and time-dependency (internal integration) and for the cooperation between knowledge-based facilities (external integration)
- a comprehensive development methodology based on state-of-the-art methods such as KADS
- a platform to support the development and integration of embedded KBSs based on existing solutions such as those derived in the ACKNOWLEDGE (2576) project
- pilot applications demonstrating the feasibility and applicability of the proposed solutions to complex real-life applications.

UNITE is driven by industrial applications of strategic importance for Eritel and Matra Marconi Space: the management of intensive care units in hospitals, and space applications such as satellite assembly, integration and test environments, and future space control centres.


Data not available

Call for proposal

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Funding Scheme

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Cap Gemini Innovation
EU contribution
No data
86/90 rue Thiers
92513 Boulogne-Billancourt

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (5)