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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Delivery of sustainable supply of non-food biomass to support a “resource-efficient” Bioeconomy in Europe


The main aim of this project is to support the sustainable delivery of non-food biomass feedstock at local, regional and pan European level through developing strategies, and roadmaps that will be informed by a “computerized and easy to use” toolset (and respective databases) with update harmonized datasets at local, regional, national and pan European level for EU27, western Balkans, Turkey and Ukraine. It will do so by comparing and making use of the most recent relevant information from recent and ongoing EU projects by a set of carefully selected validation case studies and in concise collaboration with key stakeholders from policy, industry and markets.The project fits under the overall umbrella of the Europe 2020 strategy for the building of a bioeconomy, as well as the targets for deployment of renewable energies and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.The project will build up a concise knowledge base both for the sustainable supply and logistics of nonfood biomass (quantities, costs, technological pathway options for 2020 and beyond), for the development of technology and market strategies to support the development of a “resource efficient” Bioeconomy for Europe. This includes industrial processes (i.e. bio-based industries) for manufacturing biomass-derived goods/products as well as energy conversion, both for large scale and small scale units.The research work will be organized in three individual but strongly interrelated Themes:
Theme 1 will focus on methodological approaches, data collection and estimation of sustainable biomass potentials, resource efficient pathways and optimal logistical supply routes as well as will develop the computerized toolset.
Theme 2 will make use of the findings of Theme 1 and develop a Vision, Strategies and an R&D roadmap for the sustainable delivery of non-food biomass feedstock at local, regional and pan European level.
Theme 3 will validate the findings from Themes 1 and 2 and ensure the project outreach

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call


EU contribution
€ 299 311,00
18276 Gulzow

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Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Landkreis Rostock
Activity type
Total cost
No data

Participants (32)