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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Multifunctional facades of reduced thickness for fast and cost-effective retrofitting


The project aims to deal with the numerous requirements of facade panel retrofitting by developing a light-weight, durable, cost effective and high performance panel. Its layered structure allows for separate but also synergistic function regarding high thermal and acoustic insulation, excellent mechanical properties, up to standards flame retardancy and photocatalytic activity. Employing nanofillers such as CNTs, TiO2 and perlite nanoparticles and cellular nanofibers, will lead to reduction of facade panel weight and thickness by at least 40%. Furthermore, individual components have a definite environmental orientation, taking advantage of recycled materials and biomass foams, low energy and low toxicity processes. Finally, project viability and sustainability will be ensured by performing a Life Cycle Analysis in order to optimize individual processes. Hygrothermal behaviour and thermodynamics will also be simulated and modelled to ensure the high performance of the panel.
The project’s advancements will be
1. Customization possibilities: Apart from panel thickness which can be easily tuned, integrated encapsulated nano-PCMs will be tailored along the customer needs regarding temperature of phase change.
2. Easy and fast to install: It is calculated that 10m2 can be installed in less than 3 hours by 2 workers
3. High acoustic and thermal insulation: The three internal layers offer varying degrees of insulation, with an ultra-light aerogel middle layer boasting thermal coefficients lower than 0.012 W/mK, thus allowing insulating layers 3 to 4 times thinner than conventional ones.
4. Photocatalytic activity offering self cleaning and antimicrobial behaviour, virtue of the surface coating. In addition, the surface coating will also contribute to flame retardancy due to nanofillers.
5. Reduction in weight and volume by 40%, as a result of applying polymeric and light-weight materials reinforced by nanofillers, therefore improving the panel mechanical properties

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call


EU contribution
€ 661 602,00
157 72 ATHINA

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Αττική Aττική Κεντρικός Τομέας Αθηνών
Activity type
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Total cost
No data

Participants (9)