The goal of ICFONest+ is to provide outstanding young researchers with high level research training, within the INCOMING trans-national mobility scheme. To achieve this ICFO offers to the Fellows its state-of-the-art facilities and resources, and also its outstanding research environment where collaborations and knowledge sharing can thrive, and different fields converge. We believe such an environment to be a unique one. The new ICFONest+ builds on the currently running ICFONest, and puts forward new salient opportunities for the Fellows:
- ICFONest+ would increase its level of transnational fellowships to host 25 Fellows, as opposed to the current 14. This has in part been made possible by in 2011 being awarded the highest distinction ever made available for research centres under the Spanish National Funding Program, to belong to the Severo Ochoa Centres of Excellence Program. This award granted ICFO the necessary funds to make its Postdoctoral Programme permanent, and would also allow for potentially expanding the number of Fellows substantially. We believe this possibility to leverage the number of transnational Fellows would be at the heart of the objectives of the COFUND call.
- New advanced research training opportunities will also be generated within the Severo Ochoa award itself, enlarging the scope and quality of the Fellows´ training possibilities.
- The recent and continuous expansion of ICFO´s facilities, scope, research groups and research lines will allow the Institute to offer a wider variety of research and training opportunities to the Fellows, thus increasing the career advancement possibilities for the Fellows and the potential impact of the Fellowship.
In summary, the new ICFONest+ Programme builds on the previous experience and success of its predecessor and is primarily designed as a career-boosting opportunity for the awardees. New research lines and new post-doctoral training opportunities have been put in place to achieve such goals
Call for proposal
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08860 Castelldefels