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EURO-MEDITERRANEAN Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond

Final Report Summary - ERANETMED (EURO-MEDITERRANEAN Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond)

Executive Summary:
In 54 months of activities, ERANETMED has achieved important results and milestones, which paved the way for enhancing Euro-Mediterranean co-ownership through innovation and competitive research. The overall coordination management (WP1) was guaranteed by the coordinator of project (CIHEAM Bari), in close collaboration with the deputy Coordinator (TUBITAK) (WP leaders and coleaders) and the project was led by the Steering Committee to monitor governance. Furthermore, the External Advisory Board periodically provided advice on the project activities and on the quality of the results reports, considering the project objectives and timetable. As for WP2 (Scientific analysis and strategy for joint activities) four events were organized: one dedicated to the development of a co-ownership strategy for joint activities (27-28 February 2014 Athens-Greece); one focused on the mapping of the research programmes of the EU and MPC countries (13-15 October 2014 in Cyprus); one focused on research infrastructures(May 2015 Beirut); one gathering the1st ERANETMED joint call project coordinators and Brokerage Event (17 – 18 November 2016 Malaga - Spain). After each event, a summary document was drafted and widely disseminated, providing strong recommendations to policy makers and research managers. As for WP3, (Support sustainable research through a long-lasting and stable cooperation) the objective was to support sustainable research through the implementation of long-term Euro-Mediterranean scientific cooperation, support for the development or implementation of joint programming for the Mediterranean, an article 185 or other legal forms. Two events have been organized on the merits: 1st awareness event & Multi-task event, (13-15 October 2014 Cyprus), 2nd awareness event & Multi-project event, (May 27-29, 2015 Beirut). In addition, a report on awareness events, leaflet of long-term stable cooperation for Mediterranean, and a long-term strategic agenda and a roadmap for stable cooperation were delivered. As for WP4 (Preparation of calls): the project developed the specific scope of the three calls, the preparation of the call text, the set-up of a common framework of evaluation criteria and the preparation of the work plan and the operational tools for the launch of the calls. The call text, a work schedule and a timetable for the launch of each call was also developed, in addition to a document on rules and systems for submission and evaluation. The WP5 (Call implementation) organized the launch of three calls: First Call launched on 01/11/2014 expiring: 10/02/2015 (month 19), second Call launched on 30/03/2016 expiring: 31/05/2016 (month 34), third call launched on 15/05/2017 with expiry: 14/07/2017 (month 47). In the second call, 158 eligible proposals: 52 land and water, 78 energy and the environment, 13 climate/demographic changes and the environment, 15 societies/ecosystems and the environment 16 countries have been involved in the proposals. A PT-Outine electronic submission and evaluation system was created and over 400 proposals were submitted. The evaluation process included: The scientific evaluation group Call 1: Istanbul, from 7 to 9 September 2015; the Scientific Evaluation Panel Call 2: Bonn, 18-19 October 2016; the scientific evaluation Group Call 3: Lisbon, Portugal, 16-17 November 2017. The WP6 (Call monitoring and impact assessment) aims to monitor project calls and recalls of impact assessment projects and joint activities. Several seminars were organized in Athens, Bari and Cyprus. The List of Call Monitoring indicators and the results of the three calls were delivered. As for WP7 (Communication and dissemination) the project aims to develop the communication and dissemination based on the WEB during and after the implementation of the joint activities of the project. It also aims to provide online information on progress towards stable cooperation. An ERANETMED website and a Facebook page have been created that published events about ERANETMED. There have been created posters and brochures for the diffusion of the calls during Info Days that have been organized in different countries: Italy, Spain, Lebanon, Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Jordan, France, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. A call bulletin and special newsletter dedicated to calling results and participation. Several awareness events, addressed to potential owners/ managers of the program, were organized. NCP training events were organized (the first in 2014 and the second March 2016 in Malta).
Project Context and Objectives:
ERANETMED has been drafted and implemented in a particular moment in the history of the Euro-Mediterranean Region, characterized by political disorder on one side by the strong momentum for strengthening Euro-Mediterranean cooperation. With reference to the latter, an important framework to be considered is the political declaration made at the first Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Research and Higher Education organized in Cairo (June 2007), setting the main framework of objectives to be pursued for the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in Research and Higher Education, for example for research: -) increase the capacity of the system, -) enhancing the participation of Mediterranean countries in the EU-funded programmes in Research and Higher Education, -) promoting innovation. These objectives became a main reference frame to orient projects and actions jointly undertaken by the EU and Southern Mediterranean countries. Recommendations and commitments for a strong Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in R&I came also from the Barcelona Conference on S&T in 2012. In this scenario, the implementation of ERANETMED should become an important exercise functional to the implementation of a synergy with ERANET contributed to keep the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue on R&I cooperation active among different actors: institutions, research managers, researchers, academics, civil society. This dialogue has led to the identification of common challenges, gaps, opportunities and priorities. Some of these elements have fueled the writing of the ERANET initiative and ERANETMED has undoubtedly contributed to raising the awareness of Mediterranean communities and institutions on the importance of an initiative under Article 185 of the Lisbon Treaty. Thus, ERANETMED is called upon to pursue policy coherence with initiatives such as art 185 for the Mediterranean and the MoCo.
Regarding the goal of ERANETMED, the main objective of the project is to improve the Euro-Mediterranean co-ownership through innovation and competitive research in the social challenges of the region. The project aims to reduce the fragmentation of programming in the Mediterranean by increasing the coordination between the national research programs of the European Member States, the associated countries and the Mediterranean partner counties.
Following the Barcelona Conference of 2012, ERANETMED responds to the need to develop new ways of "sustainable" cooperation, in which both European and MPC partners will participate and benefit from the results and opportunities created by the project.
To this end, ERANETMED will consider a wide area of research, addressing not only the most important social challenges of the region, but also actions to improve innovation through applied research, capacity building, mobility and clustering. Its action will result in a concrete cooperation between research programs, such as the creation of networks, the definition of strategic scientific activities, the structuring of research for a lasting and stable cooperation beyond ERANET.

The principal objectives have been:
-) establish a framework for communication and coordination of the programs of those responsible for scientific and technological cooperation from Europe and Mediterranean partner countries;
-) strengthening of the Euro Mediterranean R & I cooperation that promotes joint activities;
-) development of common funding schemes and procedures among the partners;
-) supporting a stable and long-term Euro-Mediterranean cooperation;
-) strengthen the capacities of the MPCs to improve research and innovation and increase the impact of research on the socio-economic development of the region. It also implies achieving consistency between research, policy and funding instruments to contribute to the regional challenges of society, to have a real impact on society and to establish synergies with other programs and instruments;

This has been achieved through the following actions:
Principal priorities of search
- The project focused on three principal themes selected from the list of the main research topics included in the Communication on the European Union on research and innovation: -) Renewable energy and energy efficiency; -) Management of water resources ;-) Nexus energy-water; these principles constitute the main cross-cutting theme of the project and are at the center of the general framework of activities aimed at EU-MPC cooperation.

- The analysis of the thematic has been agreed all the partners and a series of EoI's (Expressions of Interest) were involved for themes and actions. The EoI was based on a matrix that proposed cross-cutting themes, actions and issues. The results of the EOI were the starting point for discussion in the interinstitutional workshop and stakeholders, with the aim of seeking a common interest on the themes and horizontal action/issues to be addressed in the first joint call. A number of interested parties were invited to take part in the event trying to cover all the main EoI themes representing the countries of the consortium. The results of the interinstitutional seminar and stakeholders indicate a general orientation towards a holistic approach in the implementation of the joint activities of the project.

- The relevant themes will be tackled in a global and trans-disciplinary vision, bringing together different skills ranging from economics, politics and other sectors. Projects should encourage an interdisciplinary approach to each topic by addressing innovation, promoting cost-effective initiatives, increasing employability, creating market opportunities and enhancing the real impact on the sustainable growth of the Euro-Mediterranean, including the impact on well-being social. Sleep research projects have been developed by integrating competitive and fundamental research with other actions, such as capacity building or mobility.

Support policy dialogue
The project has carried out key activities to support political dialogue. Support for political dialogue has been tackled through an integrated and comprehensive approach, aimed at achieving specific results, functional to on effective political support.

- First of all, the analysis of determined main thematic, by dialogue with stakeholders and civil society, led to the identification of gaps and needs, strengths and weaknesses of ongoing cooperation, priorities, synergies and impacts, opportunities for innovation.

- The establishment of a Euro-Mediterranean open dialogue through social networks has allowed the upscale of institutional political dialogue. Through social media, the project involved the EU, government agencies, researchers, stakeholders in social dialogue and strengthened the link between social and institutional dialogue.

- Identifying and designing the ways for trilateral EU-MS/AC-MPC institutional and financial synergies (joint activities, program-level cooperation), possibly including European Regions, is another important contribution to research cooperation and ERANETMED has supported the institutional dialogue among the MPC and the EU and the AC, Committee of the Regions.

-In addition, the project supported MoCo activity, trying to make it more visible and to influence its work through a dedicated website

Strengthening EU-MPC cooperation
- The project has organized specific events (mediation-networking, stakeholder workshop), working meetings, training activities and strengthening and NCP network reinforcement with the aim of facilitating/promoting joint cooperation, increasing awareness and knowledge on Research Framework Programme and other relevant EU programs, increase the participation of MPC in Horizon2020.

- Also, the above-mentioned activities (under policy dialogue) related to promoting “trilateral" institutional and financial synergies has contributed to strengthening the overall framework of EU-MPC cooperation research, identifying ways to reduce the research fragmentation, increase complementarities and enhance multi-donors’ coherent approach to selected social challenges

Increase effectiveness and impact
- The establishment of Euro-Mediterranean ISM, based on social network, has ensured deep communication and penetration in the society while ensuring deep dissemination at societal level. Ad-hoc scientific/research and institutional research has been integrated through the project portal, which will also support public knowledge repository.

- The participation of relevant partners from most of the MPCs, opportunities to build stronger, high-quality partnerships and networks, better access to legal frameworks, funding schemes, common tools and tools for effective cooperation with the EU. On the other hand, European researchers will benefit greatly from the generation of joint knowledge and joint activities with MPC research partners.

ERANETMED has achieved the following specific objectives:

1) Contribute to the coordination of research activities throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region;

2) Creation of a reinforced European research area by reducing the fragmentation of research actions, through relevant policy dialogue and existing activities / projects in relevant sectors, by identifying priorities, preparing support and implementing joint activities and developing common recommendations for a mutual dialogue.

3) Creation of a network of research programs to address regional challenges and an Internet-based social dialogue to integrate and support institutional dialogue, support the development of policy recommendations, in particular as regards the socio-economic and social dimension governance of identified social challenges.

4) Improve communication and facilitate the exchange of information between researchers, research institutes and research policy makers;

5) Create a strategy for joint planning that can effectively contribute to societal challenges in the region;

6) Support and promote networking and clustering to strengthen joint research cooperation and improve local and regional innovation.

7) Identification of mechanisms and organization of dialogue to develop institutional and funding synergies on certain social challenges;

8) Monitoring research cooperation and policies and societal challenges;

9) Support for policy dialogue, particularly the activities MoCo;

10) Dissemination, institutional/stakeholders and scientific outreaching;

Project Results:
The main results for each project Work Package are outlined here below:
Work Package 1
Partner participations in the WP: Leader: CIHEAM-IAMB; WP co- Leader TUBITAK.

WP Objectives
The general objective of this WP is the overall project management and coordination, and secretariat support to the project consortium and project steering committee. The responsibility of the Work Package is of CIHEAM-IAMB (project coordinator), which has been supported by the deputy coordinator TUBITAK.
Task 1.1 - Ordinary management of ERANETMED activities, including preparation of Consortium Agreement (Task responsible: CIHEAM-IAMB): In this task, the grant agreement has been signed in due time. A consortium agreement has been prepared, shared with all partners and endorsed. It has been signed by all partners.
Four amendments to the Grant Agreement and DoW has been submitted and accepted by the EC:
• A new partner from Greece (Ministry of education and religious affairs, general secretariat for research and technology) no budget;
• Changing the PIC of P18 -MCST;
• Including a Third Party (FECyT) to P19 – MINECO
• Extension of the project duration

Task 1.2 - Supporting and assisting high level Project Management Bodies: Steering Committee – SC, Executive Committee –ExC, External Advisory Board EAB. (Task responsible: TUBITAK - TURKEY): During the KoM meeting, a governance scheme has been presented and approved by all partners as follows: The Steering Committee (SC), constituting the highest level of the project governance structure having a strong political dimension to oversee the governance, “strategic group” from MS/AC and MPC participating. SC has wprked with the Coordinator in establishing synergies with other projects involving EU and Mediterranean partners, setting up some mechanisms to be used for this coordination to avoid duplication of programming and to learn from their experience.
At the meeting of the financing agencies held in Beirut (28-29 March 2014 in Lebanon), the composition of the steering committee was also agreed: Chaired by MIUR, 3 MS and 3 AS / MPC members. The first meeting of the SC was held in Bari (Italy) on 14 July 2014. The External Advisory Board (EAB) is composed of three internationally renowned experts, who have provided advice on project activities and on the quality of results considering objectives and calendar of the project. The meetings of the EAB were held on 4-5 December 2014 in Egypt, 19-20 January 2015 in France, 16 November 2016 in Spain and March 2018 in Jordan.
As for the Executive Committee (ExC) composed by one representative of each Funding Agency, seven meeting have been held:
• 1stmeeting took place in Bari (Italy) on July 14-15th, 2014. It endorsed all the documents related to the first call;
• 2nd meeting took place in Bari (Italy) on October 8-9th, 2015. It decided the list of the projects to be funded within the first joint call;
• 3rd meeting was held on 19-20 January 2016 in Paris (France) to define the strategic orientations (themes, budget, timing) related to the second call;
• 4th meeting 18 March 2016 in Malta to launch the second joint call;
• 5th meeting, 16 November 2016 in Malaga (Spain) to decide the list of the 2nd call funded projects;
• 6th meeting in February 15, 2017 in Beirut to launch the third joint call;
• 7th meeting on December 6th, 2017 in Beirut (Lebanon) to decide the list of the 3rd call funded projects;

Task 1.3 - Relations with new potential funding parties (Task responsible: CIHEAM-IAMB): CIHEAM Bari has kept contacts with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for their potential involvement in ERANETMED joint calls. However, no new Funding Parties were found

Task 1.4 - Quality control (Task responsible: CIHEAM-IAMB): A quality control plan overlooked the project quality control (quality of deliverables, quality of all thematic and non-thematic papers). The detailed Terms of Reference have been prepared by the coordinator and provided to all partners in the second month, not only including instructions on deliverable preparation but also list of project deliverables selected for assessment.

Task 1.5 - Preparation of kick-off meeting (Task responsible: CIHEAM-IAMB): The Project kick off meeting was held at Istanbul, Turkey on 4-5 November 2013, with 55 representatives of 18 Mediterranean countries. A two days kick-off meeting was carried out with the aim of presenting the overall work-plan and define in details the first year-work plan. Very high participation, each partner came with at least two representatives, for a total number of participants of more than 60.

Task 1.6 - Preparation and organization of project annual meetings and management (Task responsible: CIHEAM-IAMB): Four annual meetings have been held: the first annual meeting took place on 4-5 December 2014 in Egypt; the second annual meeting 19-20 January 2016 in France; the third annual meeting 16 November 2016 in Spain; the final annual meeting 5 March 2018 in Jordan;

Task 1.7 - Technical and administrative reporting: The management of project report and deliverables have been continuously implemented. The repository and status of deliverables is managed by an internal project Management system. All deliverables have been submitted on the Participant Portal (intranet). On May 27, 2105 in Beirut the General Assembly held a meeting to discuss budget issues.
Task 1.8 - Support the organisation of MPCs meetings: A meeting of the MPCs took place in Beirut on 28 May 2015. The meeting was aimed at giving support to the MPCs in developing further the Mediterranean regional vision and have stronger impact in the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.

Significant results and Activities implemented

• One grant agreement has been signed in due time. A consortium agreement has been prepared, shared with all partners and endorsed. It has been signed by all partners.
• Four amendments to the Grant Agreement and DoW has been submitted and accepted by the EC:
• A new partner from Greece (Ministry of education and religious affairs, general secretariat for research and technology) no budget
• Changing the PIC of P18 -MCST
• Including a Third Party (FECyT) to P19 – MINECO
• Extension of the project duration
• The meeting of the financing agencies held in Beirut (28-29 March 2014 in Lebanon)
• The first meeting of the SC held in Bari (Italy) on 14 July 2014
• Organization of four meetings of the EAB (Egypt 2014, France 2016, Spain 2016, Jordan 2018)
• The Executive Committee (ExC) have organized seven meeting: in Bari (Italy) 2014, Bari (Italy) 2015, Paris (France) 2016, Malta 2016, Malaga (Spain) 2016, two times in Beirut 2017,
• First meeting of the MPC took place in Beirut on 28 May 2015
• Kick off meeting was held at Istanbul, Turkey on 4-5 November 2013, with 55 representatives of 18 Mediterranean countries
• The management of project report and deliverables have been continuously implemented. The repository and status of deliverables is managed by an internal project Management system
• The first meeting of the MPC took place in Beirut on 28 May 2015

Work Package 2

Partners participants in the WP: (WP Leader: CNRS-F; WP co- Leader: MESRSFC) CIHEAM, TUBITAK, DGRSDT, RPF, CNRS-F, DLR, NHRF, HCST, CNR, CNRS-L, MESRSFC, FCT, MHERS, MCST, MINECO, MIUR, RegPuglia.

WP Objectives
The WP2 objective is setting a strategy for project joint activities and further Euro-Mediterranean scientific cooperation.
Task 2.1 - Developing a strategy of co-ownership for project joint activities following MoCo recommendation: WP2 has developed a co-ownership strategy for joint activities through the circulation of the expression of interests concerning themes, actions and cross-cutting issues. On 27-28 February 2014 in Athens (Greece) a seminar has been organized with the participation of 20 representatives from national and regional MS/AC and Mediterranean partner countries. All partners completed the expression of interests that contributed to the drafting of the strategic co-ownership report for joint activities and recommendation for WP3 and WP4.

Task 2.2 - Identifying areas of cooperation for project joint activities: For the development of this activity, questionnaires were created on research programs and questionnaires on research infrastructures that allowed to draw up a mapping of research programs in EU countries: France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Cyprus and the MPC countries: Turkey, Malta, Portugal, Greece complementary to those achieved through other initiatives. With regard to the questionnaire on research infrastructures, it has been possible to provide an initial overview of R&I inputs in the following EU countries (Italy, Portugal, France, Spain, Cyprus, Greece) and MPC countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine). The primary results were presented in a multi-event on 13-15 October 2014 in Cyprus. In May 2015, a seminar has been held in Beirut on the consolidated results and concrete results were achieved.

Task 2.3 - Analysis of bilateral and bi-regional programmes in the region in order to increase synergies on relevant themes and establishing synergies with other relevant ERANET projects and other FP research projects: This activity has been enabled to mapping and stocktaking report on the analysis of bi-lateral and bi-regional cooperation on R & I in order to increase synergies on relevant topics and establish synergies with other ERANET projects and other research projects.

Task 2.4 - Developing the scientific dimension of the Strategic Research Agenda for project joint activities and joint calls: The development of the scientific dimension was carried out through D 2.1. (strategy report co-ownership for joint activities) and D 2.2. (report/white paper on strategic areas of cooperation for joint activities) and D 2.3. (report/white paper on strategic sectors of cooperation for joint activities) the collected data allowed the update of the results from June to September 2015 on the participation of the MPCs. The results were distributed by collecting the results available on Programs and Research Infrastructures.

Task 2.5 - Open opportunities to innovation by joint activities: On 17 and 18 November 2016 in Malaga (Spain) in order to have an overview of the opportunities for innovation inputs from the results of the 1st ERANETMED joint call a meeting of ERANETMED call project coordinators and ERANETMED Forum and Brokerage Event was organized. The contents of the meeting were based on the results obtained from surveys on research programs and research infrastructures and taking stock of parallel innovation programs promoted by the private sector in order to gather ideas and suggestions for future cooperation and complementarity. On the same occasion, a forum open to public and private institutions and with the participation of the coordinators of the projects funded was organized.

Significant results and Activities implemented
• A seminar with the participation of 20 MS/AC representatives and national and regional Mediterranean partner countries was organized in Greece 2014
• Questionnaires on research infrastructures
• A multi-event was organized in Cyprus 2014
• Seminar in Beirut in 2015: “ERANETMED Multitasks event Euro-Mediterranean cooperation through ERANET joint activities”;
• Brokerage session, 18th Nov. 2016, Malaga;
• Strategic Research Agenda, delivered at the meeting in Beirut in 2017;

Work Package 3


WP Objectives
The WP3 objective is to support Sustainable Research through the implementation of a Euro-Mediterranean long-lasting scientific cooperation, supporting the development and/or implementation of joint programming for the Mediterranean, an article 185, or other legal forms.

Task 3.1- Stocktaking of past and on-going activities for establishing long-term and stable Euro-Mediterranean: The task 3.1 made a stocktaking of past and ongoing activities developed in the framework of joint Euro-Mediterranean programming, including activities related to legal instruments and governance for the implementation of Article 185 (identification of positive results, needs, remaining gaps and questions to be addressed). It also identified positive outcomes, needs, remaining gaps and issues to be addressed and progress made in involving MPCs in the process. This task provided a substantial contribution to the preparatory work of PRIMA.
Task 3.2 - Complementing and furthering activities: The aim of this task is to promote the activities that lead to the successful development of joint programming for the Mediterranean, to implement an article 185 for the region concerned through:) Support in building relationships useful to involve more and more stakeholders in the implementation of Art.185 (Joint Programming for the Mediterranean); -) Increase JPM awareness of policy makers, stakeholders and civil society. Two awareness-raising events were organized: -) 1st multi-task event, 13-15 October 2014 in Cyprus; -) 2nd multi-project event, May 27-29, 2015 in Beirut. In these events, it has been discussed how to identify priority scientific pressures to be addressed in cooperation: -) Environmental pressure: climate, anthropogenic activities, natural risks; Hygiene and water resources: adapted technology/innovation; desertification; Competition of different uses in coastal areas; Lack of awareness of the importance of the inclusion of social sciences in research. There has also been discussion on issues concerning funding (national, regional and EU, as well as public and private); infrastructure (development and sharing), development of human resources (training and mobility), policies and regulations, awareness raising and involvement of stakeholders and strengthening of bi-regional cooperation. A brochure on the Art.185 for the Mediterranean has also been drafted.
Task 3.3 - Scheme implementation: This task is finalized at developing a scheme on the long-term and stable common planning and roadmap for the implementation of the strategic research agenda beyond ERANETMED. Under this Task, in March 2016 in Malta was held a multi-task event: Training and development of a network of supporters. Furthermore, in December 2017 in Beirut was held ERANET-MED meeting: Towards the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.

Significant results and Activities implemented
• Two awareness events were organized:
• 1st multi-task event, 13-15 October 2014 in Cyprus;
• 2nd multi-project event, 27-29 May 2015 in Beirut;
• The drafting of the brochure of Art.185 for the Mediterranean;
• One Multi-Tasks Event: Training and development of a network of supporters it was organized Malta 2016;
• ERANET-MED meeting: Towards the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda it was organized Beirut, 2017;

Work Package 4


WP Objectives
The WP4 objective is preparing the calls for proposal for their launch and implementation

Task 4.1 - Negotiating the preparation of the calls accounting for the need to encompass call activities within common programming: Three Implementation Agreements (one for each call) have been drafted, negotiated among all funding agencies and signed.
Task 4.2 - Developing the specific scope of the two calls: Based on the outcomes of the Expression of Interest and of the meetings held in WP 2 and 3, the scientific scope of the three calls have been identified and shared among all ERANETMED Funding Agencies.
Task 4.3 and Task 4.4 - Preparation of the call text/ Preparing rules and developing system for submission and evaluation: Based on the results of Task 4.2 the call texts have been prepared. For each call, a “Guide for Applicants” and a “Call text” have been delivered. A contact point in each country has been identified. The mechanisms and rules for submission and evaluation have been identified, to be then implemented in WP5.
Task 4.5 - Developing a common frame of evaluation criteria: A workshop has been organized, aimed at defining a common frame of evaluation criteria of the projects funded with the members of the External Advisory Board and other invited experts.
Task 4.6 - Preparation of work plan and operational tools for launching the two calls: A timetable and work plan for each of the three calls has been prepared and disseminated among applicants and funding agencies.

Significant results and Activities implemented
• Negotiation and Signature of three Implementation Agreements;
• Drafting and release of three “Guidelines for Applicants” and “Call text”
• Drafting of a timetable for each call

Work Package 5


WP Objectives
The WP5 objective is to provide the technical requirements for the Joint Call and to establish the ERANETMED Scientific Council, to launch the joint call and to implement the application, the assessment and the selection procedures of the joint call, to facilitate and monitor the implementation of the funded projects

Task 5.1- Launch of the three calls: The activities carried out in this task are: The launch of three call for proposal respectively on: 01 November 2014 (deadline on 10 February 2015); 30 March 2016 (deadline on 31 May 2016); 15 May 2017 (deadline in July 2017).
Task 5.2 - Establishing and operating an electronic submission and evaluation system PT-Outline: The electronic submission system has been set-up kept operational for the three calls. A total of 190 proposals were presented in the PT-outline system for the first call: 107 Energy proposals, 26 Nexus proposals, 57 water proposals. In the second call a total of 172 proposals were presented: 55 proposals RQ1 Land and water, 86 proposals RQ2 Energy and environment, 15 proposals RQ3 Climate change/demographic and environment, 16 proposals RQ4 Society/Ecosystems and the environment. For the third call a total of 72 proposals were presented in the PT-outline system.

Task 5.3 - Building up an evaluators database: an EVAL-INCO system has been created (Evaluators database for International Cooperation). The evaluator system has about 5,000 evaluators from all over the world. The development of the 5.3 task of experts for the Mediterranean countries to achieve this goal has been created a website which is open to registrations of international experts.

Task 5. 4 - Implementing the eligibility check of the outlines and the peer review process of the proposals: for implementation of the eligibility e-check, it has been carried out by the national funding agencies. In the 1st call for 148 projects (78%) were eligible; in the 2nd call for proposals: 158 projects (92%) were eligible. In the 3rd call, 61 projects (85%) were eligible. The peer review process of the three calls involved the evaluators database set-up in T5.3. Each proposal was evaluated by three evaluators. on PT-Outline. 445 evaluations were carried out by 147 evaluators who carried out a preliminary collection of proposals that were in turn presented to the Scientific Evaluation Panel. The scientific evaluation group for 1° call was held in Istanbul, from 7 to 9 September 2015, and hosted by TUBITAK. The Call 2 scientific evaluation group was held in Bonn, 18-19 October 2016, hosted by TUBITAK and DLR. The Call 3 scientific evaluation group was held in Lisbon, Portugal, 16 - 17 November 2017 and hosted by FCT. The participating experts were nominated by the financing parties and their functions were: -) review of the questions with the best or missing or divergent evaluation; -) consolidation of a ranking; -) recommendation for funding.

Task 5.5. Organization of project selection meetings: the objective of the task 5.5 was the organization of the funding agencies meetings for the final selection of projects to be retained for funding. For the first call the meeting was organized in October 2015 in Bari organized by CIHEAM. In the 2nd call the meeting of the funding agencies was held on 16 November 2016 in Malaga (Spain) organized by CIHEAM and MINECO. As for the 3rd call: the funding agencies meeting was held on 5-6 December 2017 in Beirut (Lebanon) and was organized by CIHEAM and CNRS-L.

Significant results and Activities implemented

• The creation of an EVAL-INCO system (Evaluators database for International Cooperation);
• Launch of three call of proposal: -) the first call 01 November 2014 with the deadline on 10 February 2015; -) the Second call has been launched on 30 March 2016 with the deadline on 31 May 2016; -) the Third call has been launched in May 2017 with the deadline in July 2017;
• The creation of the web-site serving as the registration of international experts;
• The organization of 1st call: meeting of the funding agencies was held on October 8-10, 2015 in Bari;
• The organisation 2nd call: the meeting of the funding agencies was held on 16 November 2016 in Malaga (Spain);
• The organisation of 3rd call: the funding agencies meeting was held on 5-6 December 2017 in Beirut (Lebanon);

Work Package 6

Partners participants in the WP: (WP Leader: CSIC; WP co- Leader: DG-RSDT); CIHEAM, DGRSDT, MHESR, ANR, CNRS-F, DLR, NHRF, HCST, CNR, CNRS-L, FCT, CSIC, MHERST, MCST, MIUR, AGAUR.

WP Objectives
The objective of WP6 consists in monitoring project calls and developing the impact assessment of joint activities.

Tasks 6.1 - Developing call monitoring objectives and scheme:
The activities of this task have been the preparation of the discussion and delivery of the "Terms of reference of ERANETMED Monitoring of calls". Several versions of the draft of the document were distributed between the ERANETMED Consortium and discussed with the participants in the Inter-institutional seminar and stakeholders ERANETMED (Athens, February 2014), ERANETMED Executive Committee Meeting (Bari, July 2014) and the Event multi-task ERANETMED (Nicosia, October 2014). Finally, the List of Call Monitoring indicators and the results of the first call and second call were approved.
Task 6.2 - Call monitoring: The monitoring of calls has been presented on the monitoring alerts portal as provided for in 18-month, 28-month, 36- month and in 54 -month.

Task 6.3 - Assessment of joint activities: The activities foreseen for task 6.3 consist in presenting reference terms to evaluate joint scientific and technological activities throughout the Mediterranean region. Finally, a survey has been developed to gather perspectives that could foster dialogue between the countries involved. The reference deadline for the evaluation of joint activities was published in May 2015. In May 2015, the opinion of a survey was requested during the joint WP2/ WP3 meeting. The result was published in the portal.
Task 6.4 - Assessment of call impact: CSIC developed a document based on previous ERA-LEARN project results and other experiences of ERANET projects. The draft of the document has been adapted to the developments of the ERANETMED project.
Task 6.5 - Ensuring synergies among selected projects: This task was aimed at delivering an analysis of the short track of the selected projects of the three calls.

Significant results and Activities implemented

• "Terms of reference of ERANETMED Monitoring of calls"
• Almost 2.000 research groups from EU and MPC have participated in ERANETMED, certifying that there is common interest in the topics targeted
• An increasing number of companies participating in the Calls
• The number of connections between EU and MPC has notably increased in the fields covered by ERANETMED

Work Package 7

Partners participants in the WP: (MHESRT; WP co- Leader: RPF), CIHEAM, TUBITAK, DGRSDT, RPF, MHESR, ANR, CNRS-F, HCST, CNR, MHERST, MCST, MIUR.

WP Objectives
The WP7 aims at developing WEB based communication and dissemination during and after the implementation of the project joint activities. It also aims at providing online information of progress towards stable cooperation through – for example - Article 185 and capacity building for potential/new programme owners and managers in the region.

Task 7.1 - Overall information system management ISM: The creation of the information system was carried out through an Intranet system . The intranet system is the main project tool for collecting and storing general information related to ERANETMED, which mainly acts as an internal communication tool. That allows the interconnection and sharing of information among the Consortium members and contributed to the joint development of the activities, as well as to the continuous updating of all the partners. The intranet acted as an archive and database of project documentation, as it hosted all information related to final results, progress reports, planned internal and external events (bulletins, newsletters, flyers). It facilitated the collection, storage and statistical analysis of data, on the basis of an ad hoc search engine. The Intranet also hosted a discussion forum where members of the project consortium and funding partner held conversations in the form of posted messages, in topics relevant to project activities.

Task 7.2 - Project WEB: The project Web up and Running contains information on all the aspects of the project: Objectives & Consortium, Information on Calls &Helpdesk, Database of the Euro-Mediterranean Programmes, Progress toward stable Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation, Information on ongoing funded projects, News Section (Newsletters & Bulletins). The website work as an interactive communication platform, using the popular “wiki” methodology with regulated user access, to facilitate contributions by different partners. This tool facilitates the identification of partners for ERANTEMD Calls and the available tools and initiatives for research cooperation in the Mediterranean. The Facebook page informed the public directly about the various events will taking place during the project.

Task 7.3 - Dissemination of the calls before, during and after their implementation: The activities of this task consist in the dissemination of information regarding the three calls. To achieve these objectives, posters were prepared and brochures were used during the Info Days. These days of information were organized in most countries: Italy, Spain, Lebanon, Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Jordan, France, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. The spread of calls through social networks, and websites. The continuous activities have made an interesting rate of participation in calls.

Task 7.4 - Dissemination of calls outcomes: The results of the call were made public through the announcement and a special newsletter dedicated to calling applications and participation. A specific newsletter and a flyer were dedicated to selected projects. During the project three bulletins were published in 2016, three more in 2017 and three bulletins in 2018 for a total of nine bulletins. During the course of the project eight newsletters were presented up to 2018. These activities were mainly provided through the website of the project, which offers the public a section that includes information on selected projects through a repository of ad hoc projects. In this section of the website, ongoing projects were presented through an executive summary of their activities and a list of the partners involved.

Task 7.5 - Publication of newsletters: the newsletters have been published on the Facebook page in which the events organized by ERANETMED are available. In addition, two newsletters and a call bulletin prepared by MESRST was published on the website. The newsletters communicating general and policy messages on Euro - Mediterranean cooperation on ISTs and the related perspective coordination, co - financing synergies, political dialogue for stable and sustainable cooperation.

Task 7.6 - Online information of progress toward stable Euro-Mediterranean cooperation: On the ERANETMED website there have been regularly updates on joint programming, which also included the set-up of PRIMA.

Task 7.7 - Raising awareness: the goal of this task is to raise awareness through events, precisely awareness events addressed to potential owners/managers of the program. Furthermore, this Task targeted the set-up and development of a network of supporters (including NCPs). A two-days event as organized in Nicosia (Cyprus) in 2014 (with the participation of stakeholders and NCPs). The training session was recorded: the video is available on the Web, and the respective Deliverable D7.7 was presented on the portal. In mid-March 2016, the training event for the second call was held in Malta and presented on the portal.

Significant results and Activities implemented

• The creation of the information system was carried out through an Intranet system . The intranet system is the main project tool for collecting and storing general information related to ERANETMED, which mainly acts as an internal communication tool;
• The creation of the project Web up and Running;
• The creation of Facebook page;
• The creation of Online Med Programmes Database [31/03/2018];
• The publication of bulletins and newsletters for all the duration of the project;
• Material of Training / Network Events were distributed in 2015 and 2017 for the dissemination of call announcements;

Potential Impact:

The final Conference of the project that was held in Aqaba (Jordan) offered the opportunity to reflect on the project's legacy by providing input for actions to be developed beyond ERANETMED and to guide the European Commission's policy and planning towards functional areas to fill the remaining gaps and needs. For an in-depth reflection that includes all perspectives, at the event open to the public, ERANETMED partners have been joined by members of the external advisory board, senior research representatives, young innovators, researchers and cooperation actors, reflecting the positive impact of the project and benefits in outlining the remaining gaps and constraints. The event aimed to reach and involve, in an open debate, different people and stakeholders interested in Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in research and innovation: EU officials, parliamentary members, research organizations, innovation actors, young people, private sector, public / government administrations, NGOs (including representatives of civil society).

To evaluate the effectiveness of the project, the following aspects were taken into consideration:

• Impact of the actions: the long-term effects of the actions of the project were considered.
• Remaining gaps: the aspects for which the project has not reached or only partially reached the objectives indicated.
• Legacy of the project: the results of the project that can be a legacy for future projects / programs.

In terms of impacts, there has been a common success factor in all the pillars of the project: the establishment or strengthening of networks, partnerships, relationships and dialogue platforms that have contributed to the achievement of the project objectives. The line between all pillars has increased the level of dialogue between research, political level and civil society, functional to strengthening the approach in addressing social challenges related to water, energy and multidisciplinary issues such as climate change and demographic and the environment or societies and ecosystems and the environment. The project helped to create a favorable environment for research and innovation by building an effective ecosystem in which policymakers, researchers, civil society and public / private entrepreneurs collaborate on innovative solutions to problems related to water scarcity, production and consumption sustainable food and sustainability, production and management of energy. The continued involvement of young researchers and innovators has laid the groundwork for further actions aimed at facilitating job creation and addressing migration issues by providing local development opportunities.
All results will help to facilitate the creation of a constant path of actions aimed at filling the remaining gaps.
The table below shows the main impacts for the output of each main project.

Main Project outputs Main Achievements/Impacts
• 4st annual meeting from December 2014 to march 2018 (Egypt, France, Spain, Jordan) • Participation of 18 country
• Very higher participations for a total number of participants of more than 60.
• 1st call Water, Energy and their Nexus

• 2nd call on Environmental challenges and solutions for vulnerable communities

• 3rd call on Fostering sustainable water management for the economic growth and sustainability of the Mediterranean region

• 190 total proposal submitted (21 funded)
- Water: 57 proposals submitted (7 funded)
- Energy: 107 proposals submitted (11 funded)
- Water-Energy Nexus: 26 proposals submitted (3 funded)

• 161 proposals submitted (17 funded)
- Land & Water /Food and Environment (55 submitted,4 funded)
- Energy and Environment (78 submitted,10 funded)
- Climate/demographic change and Environment (13 submitted,1 funded)
- Societies/Ecosystems and Environment (15 submitted, 2 funded)

• 68 proposals submitted, 12 funded

WP 6
• Ensuring synergies among selected projects • Almost 2.000 research groups from EU and MPC have participated in ERANETMED, certifying that there are common interest in the topics targeted;
• The cooperation among funding Agencies is feasible, in spite of the failures in matching the acces of financing of the partners;
• There is an incresing number of companies participating in the Calls.
• The number of connections between EU and MPC has notably increased in the fields covered by ERANETMED

In terms of remaining gaps, the participants to the event have discussed and considered the main gaps that can be filled by further actions based on the results achieved by the project. To this regard, it has been noted that outreaching the policy level can be demanding for a single project but it is of crucial importance to guarantee the highest level of involvement of policy and decision-makers, when tackling societal challenges and engaging in building an enabling environment for research and innovation. This can be related to supporting mobility of young researchers coming from the MPCs,
improve the skills of decision-makers, administrators and researchers needed to manage and support innovation, create opportunities for meeting research supply and demand, to enable private/public partnerships facilitating innovation processes, institutionalizing specific training paths related to innovation management that can guarantee a steadier local development in the MPCs.
The ERANETMED project has shown that political dialogue requires dedicated tools / actions. With this in mind, the ST (Steering Committee) consists in a relatively "strategic group" of research, civil society and policy makers. Its role is to ensure and maintain consistency with MoCo and to nurture political initiatives such as art. 185. will also aim to ensure effective synergy with other ERANETs operating in the Mediterranean area and other relevant international initiatives. In order to ensure this synergy, the coordinators or relevant members of the other Mediterranean ERANETs will be encouraged to communicate and cooperate with the Steering Committee and the Mediterranean partner.

ERANETMED had the opportunity and the responsibility to identify and agree common challenges for each of the three joint calls made during the project, taking into consideration the change in context, dynamics and demands in the region, as well as relying on excellent research and innovation potential of Euro-Mediterranean researchers.

The open and flexible structure of the project proved to be a key success, increasing the negotiating capacity of the ERANETMED research funding agencies and their adaptation to a constantly evolving environment. This approach has improved mutual trust and dialogue to seek solutions to societal challenges in the region and to have a positive impact for both people and the research community.
The following table, discussed and agreed at the event, summarizes the main impacts, gaps and remaining elements on which future initiatives could be implemented in order to further strengthen Euro-Mediterranean cooperation and political dialogue on research and development:

Actions that had an impact Remaining gaps Building on ERANETMED legacy
Institutional/policy level dialogue and cooperation • Achievement seen in terms of continuous progress
• Majority of objectives achieved
• Built effective ecosystem
• Connections & relationships as base for the future (Community) • Political message/s to convey
• Outreaching policy level
• Idea/s of what is next
• Public skills should be better addressed
• Insufficient cooperation on research in the EU-Med area • Policy dialogue proved that need dedicated tools/actions
• Common indicators for impact assessment
• Continuing S&T common prioritization
• Continuing R&I common prioritization
• Continuing increase regional approach
Researches level cooperation • Networking
• Connecting research with society • Support to mobility, particularly youth for MPC Country • More involvement of economic actors
• Continue increasing participation in research programme
Innovation • Learning & advise
• Networking
• Involvement of the MPC in research • Difficulties in meeting demand/offer
• Local assistance to start-ups • Build clear frame of success indicators
• Strengthening partnerships with the enterprise
Opportunities for youths and engagement of industry • Important repository of solutions
• Unraveled high youth potential that can become business • Limited involvement of private sector and their European networks • Integration in new initiatives
• Take stock of provided ideas
Capacity building/training • Important participation and high request • Capacity building still occasional initiatives
• Targets should be innovation managers in MPCs • Structuring training and prepare regional/common training paths
• Develop training programmes to support innovators in building business plan (weakness point of their innovative ideas)

List of Websites: