The KONNECT project will strengthen STI cooperation between the EU and Republic of Korea, promoting innovation and the enhancement of communication for technology-related policy dialogue. This project brings together seven organizations from the EU and the Republic of Korea to improve and sustain communication between the two regions at the research and policy level and increase the expand the scope of STI networks and activities. The fulfilment of these objectives will improve the overall level of prosperity in both Europe and Korea and contribute to the resolution of natural and societal issues and threats facing the world.
The main activities of the KONNECT project will work towards progressing research in four central fields of mutual interest: Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials, and New Production Technologies (NMP), Green Technology and Secure, Clean, and Efficient Energy (GT), and Biotechnologies (BT). The project's consortium will organise important activities within the set parameters of the project, and focus on key issues such as raising awareness for Horizon 2020, advancing innovation as well as R&D, and expanding joint activities under thematic areas.
Due to the newly announced EU R&D Framework Programme (Horizon 2020) and Korea's upcoming government changeover in 2013, initiating new collaborative activities between the two sides takes on even greater importance. The KONNECT project will be committed to adhering to the following broad objectives: 1) Developing Knowledge-based Infrastructure, 2) Improving Strategic Communication, 3) Raising Awareness to Facilitate Cooperation between the EU and Korea, 4) Enhancing Networking between Science, Technology, and Innovation-focused Actors, and 5) Fostering Innovation-focused Joint Activities. This project will allow Korea to utilise its assets to assist the EU as it works towards achieving its goals for Europe 2020.
Call for proposal
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
CSA-SA - Support actionsCoordinator
305350 DAEJEON
South Korea