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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Researchers' Night in Sweden-ForskarFredag 2013


"Researchers’ Night in Sweden, ForskarFredag 2013 (Researchers’ Friday), FF13, will unite 26 events in 30 cities across Sweden. The project will bring the general public face-to-face with researchers through fun and hands-on activities in festive, central and unexpected environments on 27th September 2013. It will be coordinated by VA (Public & Science) as in 2006−2012. FF13 will build on the success of previous years, drawing on experience, contacts and the ever-increasing national profile and awareness of what has become a recognised national event. Events will be planned locally and brought together under the national FF umbrella. Local event organisers will be universities, science centres, municipalities, a regional council and a group of research institutes. Extensive use of local networks will ensure each event has an individual angle. By reaching out to all corners of Sweden people will see local research in a national and international context. This year a uniting theme will be “local research, local industry”. High-profile national activities will include a mass experiment for school classes and the researchers’ communication contest Forskar Grand Prix. Social media and the event website will also cement FF13 as a national event with a unanimous message: “Researchers are ordinary people with extraordinary jobs”. This shared identity will be reinforced through graphical and marketing materials. The estimated visitor total is at least 30,000. A coordinated awareness campaign will be implemented from the early stages and will exploit a range of media. The combined media reach is expected to be 5 million Swedes (over 50% of the population). Impact will be assessed through measuring visitor numbers and media coverage, and through questionnaires for both participating researchers and the visiting public. Findings from the impact assessment will be disseminated through the project participants’ networks and at national and international conferences."

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call


EU contribution
€ 240 000,00

See on map

Östra Sverige Stockholm Stockholms län
Activity type
Total cost
No data