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Content archived on 2024-05-29

Researchers' Night in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013


The Researchers' Night 2013 in Bosnia and Herzegovina – RiNG-BA’13, will unite research communities from Banja Luka in REpublika Srpska and Sarajevo in Federation of BiH with the aim to jointly promote scientific careers and enhance public recognition of work of the researchers by engaging interactive communication with the public at large in BiH.
The main idea of RiNG.BA.13 is based on connection (RiNG) between otherwise separated units of BiH (.BA), uniting organizations from essentially different sectors with the one aim – to build a bridge between researchers and “normal” people in 2013 (.13) and it also has references to horror elements (RING, 13) which will be effectively incorporated into the communication strategy.
Overall objective of RiNG.BA.13 is to enhance researchers' public recognition in BiH notably through offering the public at large the opportunity of discovering the “human face” of research via direct interactions with the researchers, as well as understanding the impact of research on their daily lives. RiNG.BA.13 will be organized with common theme “Science Horror” in both cities. RiNG.BA.13 specific objectives are: (i) Bringing researchers and public at large closer to one another, contributing in such way to their increased mutual knowledge and reciprocal understating; (ii) Illustrating the fun and fascinating aspects of science and research; (iii) Stimulate young people to embark on scientific careers; (iv) Stressing the societal importance of research, including for citizens' daily lives and wellbeing, and illustrating potential “horror” scenarios, e.g. asteroid crash or virus outbreak; (v) Pointing out the European support in favour of Researchers and research, and stressing the importance of European and international cooperation in research.
RiNG.BA.13 quantitative targets are:
- Total number of people to be reached through awareness raising campaign in BiH: 200.000;
- Expected number of direct attendees to RiNG.BA.13 events: 10.000.

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call


EU contribution
€ 30 585,50
78000 Banja Luka
Bosnia and Herzegovina

See on map

Activity type
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Total cost
No data

Participants (2)