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Radio technologies for broadband mm-wave satellite communication systems

Final Report Summary - DORADA (Radio technologies for broadband mm-wave satellite communication systems)

DORADA aim has been to underpin a strategic partnership between leading European industrial and academic Research Technology Development units in order to enable addressing key technological challenges relating to the delivery of satellite communication (satcom) services during the coming decades. An on-going and forecasted explosive growth of broadcast and broadband multimedia satellite communication services is putting extreme pressure to increase throughput. To meet the ever increasing demand, future systems must exploit higher carrier frequencies and reconfigurable radio techniques. These systems are particularly demanding on the performance of RF frontends, which are increasingly required to combine agility and adaptability with superior performance at ever higher frequencies, setting an extremely challenging landscape for the existing RF technology base while offering major prospects for high-end technology supply in both home and global markets. DORADA has the aim of fostering a strategic intersectorial alliance capable to deliver the technological leadership and innovation in future mm-wave satcom developments that will underpin new services to the consumer and strengthen the position of the EU space industry globally. Bringing together Space Engineering - a European pioneer in satcom RTD – with world leading expertise in the areas of microwave and antenna engineering for space available at Heriot-Watt University, DORADA nurtures an environment suitable to deliver transformative research exploiting complementarities and knowledge transfer.
DORADA has established significant achievements over the four years of the project duration. From a technical point of view, in a collaborative effort with NASA DORADA has led to the establishment of a satellite terminal at 38 GHz (Q-band) on Heriot-Watt University’s premises that receives signal from the experimental payload on-board the ALPHASAT satellite. As a result, DORADA has led to the establishment of the most northern receive terminal for ESA’s Aldo Paraboni propagation campaign
Together a significant number of R&D outputs have been achieved as evidenced by a strong publication list (please refer to the project website). The main technical scope of DORADA has been to develop innovative technological solutions and accelerate their deployment in emerging mm-wave satellite communication systems. In accordance with the project planning, DORADA has placed the focus of its activity on three key components/subsystems, namely mm-wave solid-state power amplifiers (WP1), reconfigurable RF filters (WP2) as well as tracking antenna systems (WP3). In addition to the identified key technologies, a technical workpackage has been dedicated on system-level aspects and ultimately a demonstrator and technology verification (WP4). Significant R&D contributions have been achieved across all these fields. Our activities on antennas for satellite on the move (SOTM) have led to innovative solutions with commercial potential. Presently a patent is in the process of being filed in this domain.
In terms of broader impact at European level, DORADA has also leveraged added value within the consortium by securing additional funding and expert partnerships to support related developments. DORADA’s activities have been supported by two projects from the European Space Agency. DORADA has also attracted internationally leading expertise at Heriot-Watt University as evidenced by the award of a MSCA Incoming Fellowship on Highly Disruptive and Compact Antenna Systems for Small Satellites (CSA-EU,
At a European level, DORADA has provided valuable input in the QV-LIFT project ( funded by H2020-Space-2016), which targets the development of the ground segment for future QV-band satellite systems. DORADA has also underpinned the establishment of the REVOLVE Initiative Training Network ( H2020-MSCA-2016) which focuses on Radio Technologies for Broadband Connectivity in a Rapidly Evolving Space Ecosystem.
In terms of integration of the consortium, DORADA has led to the appointment of a senior engineer from Space Engineering and DORADA fellow as Honourable Professor at Heriot-Watt University – while a junior engineer from Space Engineering and DORADA fellow registered for and submitted a PhD thesis at Heriot-Watt. In the fringe of the project the two partners co-funded an additional PhD student at Heriot-Watt. In total DORADA was the main contribution in three PhD students.
DORADA has also significantly reached out to the scientific and broader communities. A wide range of specialised events have been organised as part of DORADA raising the profile of the project in the industrial and academic communities. Together and as part of our outreach activities, DORADA has been an active player in a series of outreach events, science festivals and further led to the development of an experimental set for educating primary school pupils.
For further information please visit DORADA’s website: or contact Prof. George Goussetis (