Final Report Summary - ADVIOT (Advanced Methods for Analyzing and Improving the Reliability and Security of NovelEnvironmental-friendly Wireless Devices for Internet of Things)
AdvIOT (11/2013-10/2017) was aimed at strengthening research partnerships through staff exchanges and networking activities between eight worldwide organizations; four based in Europe, from Finland, France, and United Kingdom and four organizations from China and Japan. AdvIOT addressed scientific issues related to “Advanced Methods for Analyzing and Improving the Reliability and Security of Novel Environmental-friendly Wireless Devices for Internet of Things”. It was based on a four years coordinated joint programme of exchange of researchers, thus providing mobility possibilities to individual researchers and support to research organizations to establish and reinforce long-term research co-operation. During the project, a total number of 46 mobility periods and 70 mobility months were carried out.
An important part of AdvIOT was early-stage researcher training, where young researchers got a chance for international collaboration and high quality knowledge transfer, by well-organized and guided international secondments. In AdvIOT, also the guidance of the visiting experienced researchers and professors was important for the early-stage researcher training at the hosting universities. In addition to the actual early-stage researcher mobility, several international student internships (not funded by the project) were carried out. Apart from real research experience, students gained the valuable opportunity to learn about life in a different culture. This was something that all project partners wanted to support.
During the project, transfer of knowledge proceeded in schedule and collaboration in versatile fields was active and successful. The main achievement of AdvIOT was a multidisciplinary approach for the creation of wireless systems by utilizing new materials in novel fabrication methods to enable innovative structures and reliability improvement. Pioneering work was done in design, development of fabrication methods and materials, reliability improvement, as well as practical implementation of wireless systems into identification, monitoring, and sensing applications.
Based on the work carried out in the project, 34 co-authored scientific publications (11 journal papers and 23 papers in conference proceedings) were published. Most of the partners had no connection before the project and thus AdvIOT proved out to be a successful way for establishing new connections and starting research collaborations.
An important part of AdvIOT was early-stage researcher training, where young researchers got a chance for international collaboration and high quality knowledge transfer, by well-organized and guided international secondments. In AdvIOT, also the guidance of the visiting experienced researchers and professors was important for the early-stage researcher training at the hosting universities. In addition to the actual early-stage researcher mobility, several international student internships (not funded by the project) were carried out. Apart from real research experience, students gained the valuable opportunity to learn about life in a different culture. This was something that all project partners wanted to support.
During the project, transfer of knowledge proceeded in schedule and collaboration in versatile fields was active and successful. The main achievement of AdvIOT was a multidisciplinary approach for the creation of wireless systems by utilizing new materials in novel fabrication methods to enable innovative structures and reliability improvement. Pioneering work was done in design, development of fabrication methods and materials, reliability improvement, as well as practical implementation of wireless systems into identification, monitoring, and sensing applications.
Based on the work carried out in the project, 34 co-authored scientific publications (11 journal papers and 23 papers in conference proceedings) were published. Most of the partners had no connection before the project and thus AdvIOT proved out to be a successful way for establishing new connections and starting research collaborations.