Final Report Summary - NETWORKEU8000 (Network of the first farmers - anticipation of European Union 8000 years ago)
01.05.2014 -30.04.2016
According to the timetable of our project the following activities have taken place.
I. Examination of the archaeological data and collection of samples for analysis:
1. The collections of the Brunn 2, 3 and 4 sites were analyzed by N.Kotova. She has reconstructed the pottery and figurines. N.Kotova has begun work with typology of materials with help of program Montelius Editor.
2. Study of the Neolithic materials in the Germany took place earlier, after applying of project, but before it beginning.
3. She traveled to Bulgaria and Serbia, where she studied the Neolithic materials and new literature in the Institute of archaeology of Bulgarian Academy of science, in the Museums of Blagoevgrad, Pernic, Chavdar, Bulgarian National Museum, Belgrad University, Belgrad archaeological Institute, Museum of Porocin.
Study of the Neolithic materials in Croatia and Hungary took place earlier, after applying of project, but before it beginning. Studies of the Neolithic materials in Romania and Czech Republic were replaced by the study of the materials in Slovakia.
4. Flint materials are studying by Prof.I.Mateiciucova from Brno University (Czech Republic).
5. N.Kotova has collected samples:
1) for technological analyses, which were given to the Krakow for Dr.Anna Rauba-Bukowska (Krakow, Poland).
2) for studies of chemical substances contained in the pottery, mostly coming from cooking or other processes which were given to Professor Richard Evershed at the Univerity of Bristol, School of Chemistry, and to Dir. Dr. Franz Brandstätter at the department of mineralogy of the Museum of Natural History (Vienna),
3) for radiocarbon analyses in the Poznan Laboratory;
II. Natural sciences investigation.
1. 15 new radiocarbon dates have received in the Poznan Laboratory.
2. Technological analysis of pottery by Anna Rauba-Bukowska, Archeometria, Staszica Street, Kraków, Poland.
3. Archaeobotanical analysis from the Brunn 3 and 4 sites are studied by Dr. Sylvia Wiesinger.
4. Zoological analysis have been done by Dr.Pucher (Department of zoology of the Museum of Natural History, Vienna).
III. Quantitative methods
1. Sequencing of the radiocarbon dates for the Linear Pottery culture with using of more than 100 dates for the Brunn sites and applying of Bayesian statistics has been done by Dr.P.Stadler.
2. To the Montelius database were added 50000 of Early Neolithic and Mesolithic images in the framework of project, so that now we have about 230.000 images for our project. All materials of the Brunn sites were input in the Montelius database.
The Montelius database has been used for preparation of typology of our materials, which then were used for articles about the oldest amphorae and figurines.
3. Input control was made by Dr.P.Stadler.
IV. Workshops and conferences
1) Several workshops for students in Munich and Vienna, which took place in winter semester 2014/2015, taught how to use the software developed by P. Stadler.
2) A presentation of our project was given in the Neolithic seminar in Ljubljana (Slovenia) in 11.2014 and 6.11.2015 by N. Kotova.
3) P. Stadler presented also results from our project in the framework of a conference in Mannheim (Germany), April 2015.
4) P. Stadler presented his methods, used in our project, in a conference in Erding (Germany), in July 2015.
V. Outreach activities:
1) the lecture about the Linear Pottery culture and Montelius database was given in the city hall of Zillingtal (Austria).
VI. Preparation of articles and books:
1) two articles are in press;
2) two articles are in preparation;
3) text of a book about the oldest Linear Pottery culture have been prepared. It includes a part about intercultural contacts in Prehistory on the base of analysis of different objects (pottery, figurines and
01.05.2014 -30.04.2016
According to the timetable of our project the following activities have taken place.
I. Examination of the archaeological data and collection of samples for analysis:
1. The collections of the Brunn 2, 3 and 4 sites were analyzed by N.Kotova. She has reconstructed the pottery and figurines. N.Kotova has begun work with typology of materials with help of program Montelius Editor.
2. Study of the Neolithic materials in the Germany took place earlier, after applying of project, but before it beginning.
3. She traveled to Bulgaria and Serbia, where she studied the Neolithic materials and new literature in the Institute of archaeology of Bulgarian Academy of science, in the Museums of Blagoevgrad, Pernic, Chavdar, Bulgarian National Museum, Belgrad University, Belgrad archaeological Institute, Museum of Porocin.
Study of the Neolithic materials in Croatia and Hungary took place earlier, after applying of project, but before it beginning. Studies of the Neolithic materials in Romania and Czech Republic were replaced by the study of the materials in Slovakia.
4. Flint materials are studying by Prof.I.Mateiciucova from Brno University (Czech Republic).
5. N.Kotova has collected samples:
1) for technological analyses, which were given to the Krakow for Dr.Anna Rauba-Bukowska (Krakow, Poland).
2) for studies of chemical substances contained in the pottery, mostly coming from cooking or other processes which were given to Professor Richard Evershed at the Univerity of Bristol, School of Chemistry, and to Dir. Dr. Franz Brandstätter at the department of mineralogy of the Museum of Natural History (Vienna),
3) for radiocarbon analyses in the Poznan Laboratory;
II. Natural sciences investigation.
1. 15 new radiocarbon dates have received in the Poznan Laboratory.
2. Technological analysis of pottery by Anna Rauba-Bukowska, Archeometria, Staszica Street, Kraków, Poland.
3. Archaeobotanical analysis from the Brunn 3 and 4 sites are studied by Dr. Sylvia Wiesinger.
4. Zoological analysis have been done by Dr.Pucher (Department of zoology of the Museum of Natural History, Vienna).
III. Quantitative methods
1. Sequencing of the radiocarbon dates for the Linear Pottery culture with using of more than 100 dates for the Brunn sites and applying of Bayesian statistics has been done by Dr.P.Stadler.
2. To the Montelius database were added 50000 of Early Neolithic and Mesolithic images in the framework of project, so that now we have about 230.000 images for our project. All materials of the Brunn sites were input in the Montelius database.
The Montelius database has been used for preparation of typology of our materials, which then were used for articles about the oldest amphorae and figurines.
3. Input control was made by Dr.P.Stadler.
IV. Workshops and conferences
1) Several workshops for students in Munich and Vienna, which took place in winter semester 2014/2015, taught how to use the software developed by P. Stadler.
2) A presentation of our project was given in the Neolithic seminar in Ljubljana (Slovenia) in 11.2014 and 6.11.2015 by N. Kotova.
3) P. Stadler presented also results from our project in the framework of a conference in Mannheim (Germany), April 2015.
4) P. Stadler presented his methods, used in our project, in a conference in Erding (Germany), in July 2015.
V. Outreach activities:
1) the lecture about the Linear Pottery culture and Montelius database was given in the city hall of Zillingtal (Austria).
VI. Preparation of articles and books:
1) two articles are in press;
2) two articles are in preparation;
3) text of a book about the oldest Linear Pottery culture have been prepared. It includes a part about intercultural contacts in Prehistory on the base of analysis of different objects (pottery, figurines and