Other documents
- D1.3 FI-LINKS Roadmap v2.0 and specific focus releases
- D2.1.1 Plan for engaging FI stakeholders v1.0
- D1.1 FI-LINKS technology and business models map
- D3.1.1 Updated version of the ICT region taxonomy focusing on FI-PPP v1.0
- D3.1.2: Updated version of the ICT region taxonomy focusing on FI-PPP v2.0
- D4.3.1 Report on dissemination and promotion activities v1.0
- D4.3.2 Report on dissemination and promotion activities v2.0
- D4.2 Dissemination and promotion plan
- Final Publishable Summary Report
- D3.2.1 Policy and regulation taxonomy v1.0
- D2.1.2 Plan for engaging FI stakeholders v2.0
- D3.2.2 Policy and regulation taxonomy 2.0
- D1.2 FI-LINKS Roadmap v1.0
- D2.2.1 Report on FI stakeholders engagement and use of FI-PPP technology v1.0
- D4.1 Project web site
- D2.2.2 Report on FI stakeholders' engagement and use of FI-PPP technology (v2.0)