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European Researachers' Night in Madrid 2014-2015

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MadridERN2014-2015 (European Researachers' Night in Madrid 2014-2015)

Reporting period: 2014-12-01 to 2015-12-31

Under the motto “Supporting researchers, supporting the progress in Europe”, the European Researchers’ Night in Madrid 2014-2015, highlighted the importance of researchers’ work, its contribution to the progress and welfare of the European Society and the need of getting support by the citizens. A democratic and participative society indeed requires the involvement of citizens in scientific and technological issues.
Researchers from the cutting-edge research centres in Madrid Region had the opportunity of showing their work, knowledge, interests, personal profiles, hobbies and enthusiasm. They shared all this to the public in a playful and fun atmosphere.
Although all the activities addressed the public at large in all its components, a strong focus was put on young people, in particular those not having yet chosen their career orientation. Students and children had the unique opportunity of meeting researchers and entrepreneurs, asking questions, debating and being an active part of the activities.
The broad range of activities offered included workshops, hands-on experiments, science shows, competitions, exhibitions, chats and speed-dating with researchers, quizzes, movies... all conceived in such a way to attract the general public whichever their age and scientific background and allowing an active involvement of the visitors.
A large range of scientific disciplines was represented. Gender balanced was also taken into account.
Different European corners illustrated the advantages of the transnational research, with the presence of Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellows and researchers of EU-funded projects sharing with the public their experiences working and living in Madrid.
Common actions were also performed together with other European Researchers’ Nights in Europe and in Spain.
Target audiences
o Public at large regardless of age and scientific background;
o Special attention to be paid to students (university, secondary schools, pupils in primary schools), parents, schoolteachers;
o Also focus on other collective non directly related to research activities;

Messages conveyed
o Researchers are amongst us;
o Researchers are ordinary people with an extraordinary job;
o Supporting researchers is supporting progress in Europe;
o Research is fun and fascinating;
o Researchers can also work in the industrial world and not only in academic circles;

Main communication tools to rely on
Off line
o Conception, production and display of promotional material (10.000 leaflets/guides) in universities, libraries, cultural centres, secondary and primary schools of the Madrid region;
o Publication of several press releases communicated to media (press, radio, TV);
o Public advertising (urban furniture, notice boards, posters in public tube stations);

On line
o Revamping, constant updating an maintenance of project website;
o Revamping, updating and maintenance of social networks profiles;
o Announcements and advertisement on blogs (science and culture) and relevant national websites;

Promotional material
o Written promotional material (programmes, posters, brochures, leaflets, guides…);
o Ads, banners, websites…
o Mention of "This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions" on all promotional material displayed;
o Promotional gadgets (displayed through the European corner notably), complying with the general guidelines available at
o Projects located in Spain were coordinated with a common website, common visual identity, some common actions (i.e.: common press conference…etc.)

Overview of the results
o Conception, realisation of promotional material: posters of various formats, leafkets, programmes, displayed to schools, universities, public libraries, bank branches, cultural centres…, invitations;
o Public advertising : billboards, citylights in main Madrid streets, digital poles on main motorways, advertising in public transport (underground);
o Airing of announcements, promotional spots, programmes,interviews on national and regional radio and TV stations;
o Conception, relaisation of a press kit displayed to the main radio stations, newspapers, websites of science and technology and TV programmes;
o Sending of direct invitiations to over 90.000 addresees, such as researchers, students , people involved in technology parks….;
o Promotion during public events:
- Summer Course on Quality Science Dissemintation, July 2015;
- Training course on Scientific Communicatión to Chile delegation in Madrid;
- Meetings and brokerages of the Entreprise Europe Network ( EEN);
- Infodays of MSC Actions;
o Pre events: vists and display of posters in schools;
o Organisation of a press conference in the premises of the Regional Government in Madrid (22nd of September), attended by the President of the Regional Government and several researchers (including demo of drones);
o Publication of press releases by both the coordinator and the participants;
o Publication of articles, news, interviews, announcements, advertising in written press at both national and regional levels (newspapers, magazines, newsletters);
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website namely (info about Euroepan Researchers'Night, activities, participants, researchers, …;
o 62.786 hits and 31.889 unique visitors on project website;
o Revamping, constant updating and mlaintenance of social network profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Flickrà and various blogs;
o 5.523 likers on Facebook, 16.555 followers on Twitter and 205 researchers' profiles, and 1.355 pictures on Flickr;
o 4 news agencies tickers/teletypes;
o Over 3,3 million people made aware of the European Researchers' Night and its objectives

Locations and venues
o Alcalá de Henares
o Boadilla del Monte
o Leganés
o Madrid
o Móstoles

As for the venues, they will mainly consist of university campuses, museums and historical buildings, as well as cultural and innovative centres.
Main types of activities planned
Workshops, hands-on experiments, science shows, competitions, exhibitions, chats and speed-dating with researchers, quizzes, movies...

o Alcalá de Henares
- Playing with sparkling microbial bugs: build your own bioelectricity generator . Demonstration and hand on experiments
- The night exploits. Demo and hand on experiment.
- The threat of invasive plants . Guided tour and demos
- Star party. Hand on experiment, astoronomical observationa, photo session.
- Blue-green algae: important players in water bodies. Demo
- What groundwater organisms tell us about groundwater functioning and water quality? Debate and hand on experiments
- Household water treatment and safe storage. Workshop, hand on experiments

o Boadilla del Monte
- Telemonitoring: Building the Ubiquitous Intensive Care Unit. Hand on experiments, performance of physical activities
- Do you think you could hang a car from a bunch of spaghetti? (or how to estimate the resistance of a material or structure). Hand on experiment and workshop

o Leganés
- Digital Humanities, a new culture. Science show, hand on experiments

o Madrid
- Industry Research activities for Society: Demos, chats, workshops and hands-on experiments;
- Bioengineering and Cardiovascular Research . Workshops
- CO2 Capture first step. Guided visit and talks, encounters with researchers
- Science and cinema. Movies show, round table and debate
- The "Scientific Interlude": scientists and the science on cinema, does it reality out perform the fiction? . Interviews and live performances, talks
- Play it again, researcher. Theatre, concert and guided tour
- Be a scientist for one night! . Dating with researcher, hands-on experiments and science videos
- Research in the clouds: Leveraging Cloud Computing. Talks, workshops and hands-on experiments
- To uncover your genes . Talks and workshops
- Cartography of the sea surface in support to the fisheries, vulnerable ecosystems and submarine archeology. Hand on experiments
- Create, modify, collaborate, share: Social Networks for commons based peer production communities. Talks and hand on experiments
- International Year of Light. Workshops and hands-on experiments
- Meteorites and fossils: between sky and earth. A workshop with hands on experiments;
- TechnoUAM: come and see our technological super UAM innovation. Tours, experiments, discoveries and games
- Beyond the Solar System. Observations, workshops, games and jazz concert
- One night in Wall Street. Games and contest
- Journey around the world of energy. Interactive experiments
- Flying drones and more amazing robots. Exhibitions, hand on experimientes

o Móstoles
- No soil, no life: how can we care for our land? . Demos, chats, music, dance. Workshops, games..

European corners
29 European corners present in all the activities
Location: main EU corner: frequented area in Madrid; venue: Espacio Fundación Telefónica a very big space in the center of Madrid.

Activities planned:
o Display of informative and promotional material;
o Connection with all relevant EU websites;
o Witnesses by researchers having benefited from EU support( Marie Curie actions and other);
o Presentation of research results of EU-funded projects;
o European Researchers’ Night MSCA roll-up (entrance of the event) complying with the following content and format requirements: 200 X 85 cm, and the mentions: “European Researchers’ Night”, “Marie Skłodowska-Curie: an inspiration to follow”;
o An image was provided on due time by the European Commission;

Overview of the results
o Offer of 29 different activities as describe ed in the Annex I part B to the Grant agreement, namely:
o Hands-on experiments;
o Science shows;
o Workshops;
o Kids programmes;
o Guided visits;
o Star gazing;
o Science cafés;
o Debates;
o Competitions, quizzes…;
o Euroepan corners:
o Active involvement of 378 researchers of whom:
- 54 researchers having benefitted from Marie Curie schemes;
- 32 researchers having benefitted from another EU support;
o 10.135 having taken part in the activities offered;

Description of the current situation
o Relying on VI Report on National Perception about Science and Technology in Spain launched in October, 2012 and elaborated by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness;
o 2013 Eurobarometer Responsible Research and Innovation;
o Results obtained during the last editions of the Researchers’ Night in Madrid;

o Ex-ante, on-going, ex-post questionnaires, face to face interviews;
o Brief questionnaire available through website prior to the event ;
o Special questionnaires addressing children, available during the event itself and offering the possibility of drawing;
o Questionnaires ex–post addressing participating institutions;
o Questionnaires addressing researchers and stakeholders

Indicators and parameters to be applied
o Qualitative indicators: public opinion on researchers and their job previous to the event and after ( good for the progress and the economic growth, useful, boring, interesting…), association the word researcher (progress, effort, hard study, weird people, normal people….), characteristics of “actual” and “desired” researcher (social recognition, commitment and dedication, enough salary….), interest expressed towards science, research and scientific careers ( opinion about the importance of science to the welfare of society, resolve daily problems, diseases, energy…, opinion about the importance of studying scientific careers, hard work, bad paid, highly recognized…), typology of attendees (age, gender, occupation, background…), intention to attend similar events in the future (opinion about the activities performance, kind of activities chosen and why, opinion about the opportunity and interest of that kind of event and the need of organizing in the future);
o Quantitative indicators: number of attendees, rating of the event, participation in several activities, kind of activities chosen…), number of hits, number of friends and followers on social network (Facebook, Twitter, Flicker where there will be a displayed with the little bios an hobbies of the researchers involved…… );

Selection of the sample
o Method of selection: random selection;
o Minimum number of answers expected: about 40% attendees will answer the questionnaires, 2% face to face interviews including attendees and researchers of whom 30 % should provide their feedback)
Overview of the results
o Collection, analysis and processing of 4.152 feedbckas, including ex ante questionnaires, questionnaires dsipaleyd and filled in during the events and face to face interviews;

Main conclusions:
o Typology of visitors: 58 % female and 42 % male, mostly adults aged from 16 to 56, 50 % under 35, 43 % secondary or vocational training education, 56 % universitary studies, 46,5% declaring an average level of scientific knowledge, 31% stating a very basic scientific knowledge, 92 % expressing their interest in science-linked issues, most attendees coming from Madrid region;;
o Young attendees, namely aged under 16: 54% boys and 46% girls, . 25% under 9; 34% between 9-11; 17% between 12-13 and 25 % between 14-15, 54% attending primary school and 45% secondary studies and basic vocational traning, 85% stating an interest in science-linked issues;
o Over half of attendees having attended one activity, about 20 % two or several ones;
o Knwoledge about the event: 49 % word of mouth (friedns and families), 48,7 % public advertising, social networks, websites, 13 % based on previous editions;
o Overall positive feedback about the event itself (activities, interest, contacts with researchers, scheduling, venues and locations) (89 % adults, 90 % kids);
o Positive feedback from researchers involved: contacts with children, direct communication with audience, increased awareness about importance of general scientific dissemination;
o Over 80 % responders intending to take part in future similar events;
o Most successful activities: industry research activities for society, European Corner, techno at the Universidad Autónma de Madrid (UAM), come and see our technological super UAM innovation, flying drones and more amazing robots, Ppaying with sparkling microbial bugs, build your own bioelectricity generator, the night exploits, the threat of invasive plants and stars party;
o Less successful activities: bioengineering and cardiovascular research;
o Increased awareness about researchers and their job in particular through the face to face interviews, as well of the importance of EU support to researchers and research (63 %);
o Improved public image of researchers and their cotnributino to society: over 90 % responders considering researchers' impact on welafer and compeitiveness as positive, although some respodners consider it insufficiently known and remunerated;
o Increased interest for scientific careers amongst young people: (80 % responders under 16);

Most successful activities: workshops and hands-on experiments, such as "Industry Research activities for Society. European Corner", " TechnoUAM: come and see our technological super UAM innovation" and "Flying drones and more amazing robots"
Logo of the European Researchers´ Night in Madrid 2014-2015
Logo of the European Researachers' Night in Spain_Madrid 2014-2015