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Looking over the Horizon - horizontal priorities in research and in everyday challenges of the researchers' career!

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FAWORIT 2014-2015 (Looking over the Horizon - horizontal priorities in research and in everyday challenges of the researchers' career!)

Reporting period: 2014-12-01 to 2015-11-30

The main objectives of “FAWORIT 2014-2015”, the European Researchers’ Night in Hungary in 2015, consisted of :
o Overcoming and tackling the prevailing stereotypes about researchers;
o Contributing to the enhancement of their public recognition through aspects of innovation, gender, mobility, international research and lifelong learning and
o Addressing the future generation, showing the attractiveness of research career;
o Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the European Researchers’ Night
For such a purpose, a very intensive awareness campaign was undertaken. The activities offered addressed the public at large in all its components, but a special focus was set on the young people, especially aged 5 to 24. Such targeting was expected to allow increasing the vocation for science of young people, through an increased awareness about research and innovation as a career.
Most activities, taking place in over 30 different cities, more than 100 different venues with over 1.000 different programmes, focused on the researcher seen through their career and the lively experiences of their scientific life, completed with lots of connected partners, their venues and knowledge and experiences in science.
An entertaining component was mostly present, mixed with science-linked activities, such as unique innovative drone-bike, interactive introduction of researchers’ life or IQ games and competition …
As 2015 was the “Year of Light”, lots of interesting and creative programmes were set up for promoting the relevance of the European Commission and its important role in implementing the initiative and main target of ERN. Numerous programmes reflected this target like ike “Laser show”; physical and chemical experiences “In the name of Light”; “LightCoverage” or “Create Light” … etc.
But this year was also important with regard to the 10th Anniversary of the European Researcehrs'Night, and lots of programmes were consequently oriented around this theme such as Science Cafés and High Tech Pubs before the event, anniversary cakes for children, or “Conference for 10-year old children”.
All the programmes’ and communication strategy’s purpose consisted of illustrating the fascinating, cool and exciting aspects of the researcher’s life.
Marie Curie fellows also actively participated in raising awarenesss of the European engagement in research, development and innovation, while Research EU programmes as well as Marie Curie schemes were promoted through the various European Corners.
The action was conducted by the consortium supported by stakeholders from academia and industry, non-profit and for-profit organisations, with the contributing participation of schools, a cluster, and a multinational company.

Overview of the results
o Conception, production and display of promotional material: posters of various formats displayed in schools, research institutes, public venues, leaflets, roll ups, molinos displayed in venues and participants' premises, programmes
o Direct mailing (over 600 schools, announcement of the event and offer of visit for providing further information);
o Advertising in public places and on public transport (trams, metro stations, "O" emission and nanobus), display of leafletsin popular public venues and streets (Budapest, Szeged, and Miskolc);
o Publication of articles in print media (including daily papers and weekly, monthly journals;
o Organisation of several press events, namely round table discussion (role of media in increasing awareness about science careers) and a press conference (attendance of press, TV and radio journalists);
o Organisation of various pre-events, namely science cafés and high tech pubs proting research and development as well as the enth anniversary of the Night;
o Airing of interviews on several national and regional radio and TV stations including commercial ones;
o Sending of invitations to over 600 schools (announcement of the event, posters);
o Announcement to 1.400 "talent points" all over Hungary (supported by Association of Hungarian Talent support organisations);
o Publication of several national press releases (journalists and major egncies at national level) and regional ones (Szeged, Miskolc, Debrecen and Tatabánya);
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of the project website, namely (information, detailed programme, venues…) and of (info and programme displayed in English);
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of social network profile (Facebook, YouTube);
o 19.122 likes on Facebook;
o Airing of promoitonal video, spots, interviews, reports and relevant info notably regarding the Night's tenth anniversary on YouTube;
o Links to other ERN videos:, such as;
o Airing of promotional video in sign language;
o Reports on several printed and electronic newsportals;
o On line promotion on several on line media such as national portals, regional on line media, university and other institutional portals;
o About 1.000.000 people made aware of the Researchers'Night and its objectives.


Overview of the results
o Offer of the activities as described in the Annex I part B to the Grant Agreement, namely:
o Interactive workshops;
o Demos and hands-on experiments;
o Treasure hunting with cell phones;
o Quizzes and games;
o Lectures and presentations;
o Guided labs visits;
o Hobbies of researchers;
o High tech and creative programmes;
o Beating Guinness record (drawing robots made at home);
o Archaeological exploration;
o Display of science movies and 3D movies;
o Awaring ceremonies for competition winners;
o Specific programmes addressing kids (kids corner);
o Specific activities focused on women scientists an sciece careers for girls;
o Activities focused on sace research, planetarium shows;
o Science shows, molecular gastronomy show;
o Exhibitons (computer technology, project in cooperation with German partner school);
o Laser technologies show;
o Specific activities for the celebration of the NIhgt's tenth anniversary;
o European corners;
o Active involvement of 175 researchers, of whom:
o 43 having benefitted from MSCA schemes;
o 53 having benefitted from FP7/HORIZON 2020 support;
o 17.189 vsitors having actively taken part in the activities offered.

Overview of the results
o Collection, analysis and processing of 3.646 feedbacks, based on 2.800 contact sheets, 2 focus group each gathering 21 participants and 804 on-line questionnaires;
o Main conclusions:
o Typology of visitors: aged 31 in average, balanced gender representation, mots having a university degree, employed an dresiding in capital city, mostly families wth young kids, schools with teachers, young people;
o Overall positive feedback regardin g the evnt itself (activities, interest, contcats with researchers, locations and venues, scheduling, concrete organisation);
o General intention expressed to take part in a smilar future event;
o Most successful activities: science presenations, presentation of technological innovations and results, new inventions;
o Improved public opinion about researchers, their work and its potential societal impact;
o Increased interest for science and science careers expressed by young people respondents;
o Increased general awareness about research's impact on citizens'daily lives;
o General wish expressed for a longer duration event.
Pictures of ERICSSON 2015_b
Pictures of BZN Szeged 2015
Pictures of BZN Miskolc 2015
Pictures of Obuda Cluster 2015
Pictures of planetarium and countryside 2015_b
Pictures of press conference
Pictures of BZN Bp 2015_a
Pictures of Budapest-Fasori 2015_b
Pictures of Planetarium and countryside 2015_a
Pictures of Budapest-Fasori 2015_a
Pictures of BZN Bp 2015_b
Pictures of Obuda University 2015
Pictures of Klebelsberg 2015
Pictures of ERICSSON 2015_a
Pictures of BZN Tatabánya 2015