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ScienceCity Szczecin

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ScienceCity (ScienceCity Szczecin)

Reporting period: 2015-01-01 to 2015-10-31

The main goal of the Polish European Researchers’ night in Szczecin, “Science City”, consisted of enhancing researchers' public recognition notably through offering the public at large in all its components, whichever their age and scientific background, the opportunity of discovering in an attractive form the direct impact and the importance of researchers work on citizens' daily lives and well-being; it also intended stimulating young people’s interest for science and science careers. In such a purpose, the project brought together researchers from Western Pomeranian University of Technology, Pomeranian Medical University, University of Szczecin and Maritime University of Szczecin. The project took advantage of many major environmental investments realised through EU
and regional public funds, to point out the importance of research achivements on citizens’ lives. A broad range of activities was offered, notably including: hands-on experiments, science shows, presentations, demonstrations, chats and debates with researchers, guided lab visits, quizzes, competitions, games, European corners… Researchers from various regional institutions were directly in touch with the audience through a series of talks, interactive events and exhibitions. A virtual ScienceCity game was created as part of the awareness campaign, map of Szczecin aimed at making scientific themes interesting and accessible for the public and at encouraging people to take part in the events: each new technology illustrated in ScienceCity was actually associated with an interactive expert (virtual avatar of a scientist who developed it, whom the audience was able to directly meet during the event itself). European Union and its support in favour of research and researchers was also particularly pointed out since all technologies and research results presented on the map were linked to
research projects EU funded. ScienceCity also offered a virtual representation of existing industrial facilities, covering several topics such as logistics, mechanics, automation, computer science, materials
science, chemistry, etc.
Target audiences:
o Public at large regardless of age and scientific background;
o Special attention to be paid to kids and young people, in particular those facing or about to face a career choice;

Messages conveyed:
o Researchers are amongst us;
o Researchers are ordinary people with an extraordinary job;
o Experience is the foundation of creating science;
o Scientific career can be both challenging and rewarding;
o We learn from each other;
o Everyone can be a researcher;
o Europe cares for its researchers;
o European and international cooperation are of utmost importance for current research;

Main communication tools to rely on:
Off line
o Publication of articles, announcements, advertisements in regional and national press;
o Airing of promotional spots, announcements, interviews, programmes on several radio and TV stations;
o Publication of various press releases;
o Patronage of Ministry of Science and education as well as Local authorities;
o Organisation of a press conference (researchers, rector, representatives of local authorities attending);
o Direct contacts with students clubs and associations from all regional universities;
o Facial contours of famous researchers on public buildings (beam projections);
o Enlightening of public buildings according to the weeks ‘ coloured code;
o Display of promotional material in public transport means (trams, busses especially long distance);
o Pre-events:
o Mobile labs in public spaces (shows, experiments, workshops in squares);
o Circulation of 2 small electric cars around city centre;3
o Display of colourful mini gadgets throughout the city;
o Display of interactive and functional art sculptures (science-related) within a city landscape (bench with solar panel, stationary bicycle…);
o Open science gallery (knowledge exhibition);
o Open workshops for groups , invitation to schools and groups to develop their own project modules;

On line
o Setting up of project website, linked to national Polish Researchers‘ night website;
o Links with cooperating bodies, institutional and popular websites;
o Setting up of social network profiles (Facebook, Twitter, FourSquare)
o Setting up of Science city platform(June 2014);
o Internet advertising campaign (banners and sponsored articles);
o Direct mailing to previous attendees, mailing database, cooperating bodies newsletters lists, commercially obtained database;

Promotional material:
o Posters, leaflets, programmes, banners;
o Ads and banners, websites, links;
o Mention of "This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions" on all promotional material displayed;
o Promotional gadgets (such as maps, plastic balls, edible plastic gadgets, seed paper, fluorescent stickers, 3D printed objects, info kits and packages)(displayed through the European corner notably),

Overview of the results
o Conception, realisation of promotional material: posters of various formats, leaflets, guiders, maps, badges, programmes, displayed in shopping malls and public spaces;
o Public advertising: billboards (giant) in city centre, on coordinator's premsies and other public buildings, setting up of pesters in central public spaces (city) and bulletin boards (surrounding area),spacing windmills on green squares in central city places;
o Advertising in public places and public transport (trams and buses);
o Airing of annoucements/advertising /programmes/interviews/information strips on national, regional and local radio and TV stations :
o General mailing of invitiations to directions of kindergartens, primary, middle and high schools, as well as universities, cultural institutions, public bodies, including city and region authorities, businesses and scientific partners, combined with displaying posters and leaflets in educational institutions;
o Annoucements during public events : visits and presentations in educational science fairs, (branded promotional stands), International Baltic tal ships regatta, national movie festival, regional floristic championship, pyromagic festival…
o Pre events: teasing events (mobile labs in public spaces, lecturs and experiments during children tehcncial university, showcasing best students projects in open science gallery), science photo (opportunity to take photographs with attributes of science)
o Press conference two days prior to the event, attended by regional media (Press, TV, radio), researchers, university authorities;
o Publication of articles, interviews, announcements, advertising in regional press, notably Gazeta Wyborcza, Kurier Szczecinski, Głos Szczecinski, Hot Magazine, Forum Akademickie, …;
o Revamping of project website, and links wth popular and institutional websites;
o Over one million views on national website and over 24.000 on regional one;
o Revamping of social network profiles, namely Facebook, Snapchat, Youtube;
o Over 1.100 likers on Facebook, 250 followers on Snapchat, 410 shwos on YouTube;
o General mailing to both commercial and non commercial addresses;
o About 200 000 people in West Pomeranian region made aware about the Night and its objectives.

List of locations and venues involved: Szczecin and surrounding metropolitan area, ZUT Campus with (so-called) University Square located at the centre of the city will perform as a main venue for the events during the Night, where the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering and Mechatronics, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Nanotechnology Research and Education Centre and Technological Hall are based within a walking distance from each other, Laboratories of Centre of Bio immobilization and Innovate Packaging Materials, Premises of Regional Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer, shopping Malls, City park and City main square.

Main types of activities planned
Hands-on experiments, science shows, presentations, demonstrations, chats and debates with researchers, guided lab visits, quizzes, competitions, games, European corners…
Detailed programme of activities

o Medicine: human anatomy (phantoms provided) and curing illness, mysteries of blood, tumour cell’s intelligence, how to brush teeth properly- demonstration for children, how to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack, how to do the breast self-examination, how to give the first aid etc., preventive medical examination by medical team (body scan based on footprint, testing the blood for sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol) and provision of medical advises, 3D printing;5
o Green: herbs’ advantages (herbs in medicine, cosmetology :“ How to make the herbal cosmetics?”, presentation of several fruits and vegetables e.g. the tropical plants (how to grow them in our climate), distribution of seeds, presentation of bee-keeping (the beehive model, various types of honey), facts and myths about an egg and eggs’ examples form different animal species, by animal husbandry’s students;
o Landscape architecture: design and designing methods, including computer designing, programmes, presentation of visualisations by specialised researchers;
o Little particles: cells farm: how to grow it and keep healthy?, Genes mysteries, why are my eyes blue?, little warriors how do pharmaceuticals work, Chromatography: colours’ secrets etc. how to isolate DNA from a banana, kiwi and strawberries?, the word in a drop of water, proteins migration, electrophoresis-particles wandering; use of microscopes (observing one-cell organisms, hair);
o Multimedia: second World, the future of Internet, safety on Internet individualist’s Media, how to make an Internet TV and Radio, how to recognize faces, vintage diaporama shows, animated cartoon workshops, competitions for the internet enthusiasts e.g. break a code, decipher a top-secret message, algorithmic marathon, stock exchange mechanisms etc. analogue photography, magic of the dark;
o Technology: how to make a robot?, inside the battery-little power station, thunderstorm in a glass of water, secrets of electricity, car running on water etc. a joke or the future? Self-replicating robots, car electronic systems, machines and modern tools (e.g. a prototype of cold plasma, flight simulator, modern engines etc.)
o Architects: sculpture (from wood, stone and clay), sketching, drawing and painting, how to build and intelligence house?, buildings constructing (projects’ visualisations), presentation of building constructing games;
o Health: nutrition, healthy food for everyone, dietary tips for the obese and overweight,‘Feed your brain diet for thinkers’, vitamins silent helpers, presentation of their role forhuman health, be active how the muscles work? e.g. aerobic classes etc.
o Chemists: making artificial blood made, traffic lights in a bottle, fragrances’ secrets, crazy chemical reactions: colourful foam, explosive cellulose, invisible ink etc.;

European corner
Location: university square of ZUT campus;
o Display of informative and promotional material;
o Permanent presence of personnel likely answering on the audience’s questions about EU policies and programmes;
o Connection to all relevant EU websites; 6
o Testimonials by researchers having benefited from EU support and MC fellows about their research, experience and career mobility;
o Demonstration/illustration of several EU funded research projects, exhibited and explained by their creators;
o European Researchers' Night MSCA roll-up (entrance of the event) complying with the following content and format requirements: 200 X 85 cm, and the mentions: "European Researchers' Night", "Marie Skłodowska-Curie: an inspiration to follow";
o The image as provided by the European Commission;

Overview of the results
o Offer of the activities as planned in the Annex 1 to the Grant Agreement, namely:
o Over 150 science-related events;
o Over 85 workshops and hands-on experiments;
o About 40 shows and experiments;
o 18 guided science exhibitions;
o Over 15 science quizzes, guided tours and Euroepan corner's activities;
o In 15 different venues throughout the city, linked by free shuttle service, the main activities taking place in university main square (90 activities openly running all day in 5 minutes walking distance);
o Several visits for schools (morning and early afternoon);
o European corner in the centre of the main venue, notably offering in-depth consultation about EU programmes with specialists from EU-related insitutions and research bodies (combined with ice cream testing by Estonian science theatre);
o 4 stationary Info points, offering guided tours each half an hour;

o Active involvement of over 500 researchers (as from the preparatory works to the activities' implementation), of whom:
o 21 having benefitted from Marie Curie schemes;
o 26 having benefitted from another EU support.
o Collection and processing of 1.000 ex-ante questionnaires and 1.000 questionnaires during the event itself;
o Collection and processing of the results of the survey addressing reseachers regarding their perception by the general public;
o Main conclusions (details to be found in deliverbale n° 3 related to the impact assessment):
o Typology of visitors:
Aged 6-12 (8%), 13-18 (47 %), 19-26 (20 %), 27-40(18 %), 41-55 (7 %);
Education level: basic (8 %) , basic vocational (47 %), medium (28 %) higher (17 %)
Origin mostly from Szczecin and province (97 %);
o Overall positive feedback regarding the event itself (activities, interest, contacts with researchers, concrete organisation, scheduling, location and venues);
o Increased interest for science after having participated in the event (82 %);
o Increased interest for science careers after having participated in the event (52 %);
o General will to take part in future similar events (98 %);
o Own perception of their social position by researchers: over 50 % not considering it satisfactory or even fair.

Socio-economic impact of the action

Clearly the Researchers' Night event will not on its own have a measurable socio-economic
impact. It nevertheless can has a certain influence about the relationships between
research institutions, universities etc. operating in the area and having cooperated for the
project, likely to go on after it and generate further synergies and positive impact for the
territory concerned.

Researchers' night, when involving (whether directly within the partnership or through
external cooperation) companies, including small and medium ones operating in the area,
can ease the setting up of bridges between research and industry and, as such, lead to
employment and innovation. It is intended reinforcing the participation of companies,
including small and medium ones, in the implementation of the activities not only for a
reinforcement of the links between research and industry but also with a view to an
increased integration of researchers in the local social fabric.

The strong presence of research communities in the territory concerned, allows anyway the
Researchers' night having an impact on the social fabric, strengthening the links between
scientific and non-scientific population. Furthermore, the interest shown during the various
events by students about choosing a career orientation allows expecting a certain increase
in university population opting for scientific careers, and first signs in such sense have
already been observed as referred to above.
press conference
shows, labs, activities during the night
shows, labs, activities during the night
shows, labs, activities during the night
shows, labs, activities during the night
shows, labs, activities during the night
public advertising
shows, labs, activities during the night
shows, labs, activities during the night