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Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Aquaculture

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - AquaSpace (Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Aquaculture)

Période du rapport: 2016-09-01 au 2018-02-28

The central goal of the AquaSpace project is to provide increased space of high water quality for aquaculture by adopting the Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture (EAA) and Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) and so to deliver food security and increased employment opportunities through economic growth.

AquaSpace aims to provide solutions to reduce Europe’s dependency on imported aquatic products, currently at 64% of total consumption (for finfish).

Our detailed objectives by workpackage are:
WP2 Accurately identify industry-wide issues and options
• apply an EAA framework to characterise key influences on the use of space by aquaculture including: governance, legal, environmental, economic, social and cultural issues;
• determine and prioritise the key issues constraining the growth of aquaculture in Europe: offshore, coastal, and inland, in close consultation with stakeholders.
WP3 Develop and deliver tailored tools
• characterise existing tools for assessing spatial issues in relation to aquaculture and external factors such as climate change that will influence selection of aquaculture sites.
• customise or further develop operational tool(s) allowing for a risk-based analysis of spatial management options to support the licensing process and facilitate investments, defined in a given spatial planning context taking into account the constraints identified in WP2 and informed by the real world of the case studies (WP4).
WP4 Work collaboratively with stakeholders on validation of tools
• using a wide range of case studies, define ecosystem boundaries in space and time, and identify the relevant stakeholders through close engagement of local end-users in an issue-focused, user-driven and scale-sensitive manner to test and assess relevant tools and document their utility.
WP5 Synthesise outcomes for post-project legacy and impact
• evaluate and compare the outcomes of case studies and the suitability of different tools, synthesising the lessons learned across spatial and temporal scales, institutional and governance levels, environments, culture practices, and cultivated species.
• work with users to produce an innovative web-based platform (building on successful experiences such as the ecasatoolbox) to deliver the results of the project outputs (tools, evaluations, case studies, synthesis) with entry tailored to the needs of different user profiles (industry, planners, public) providing information and operational tools to end-users.
WP6 Impacts through effective Knowledge Exchange
• exchange information throughout the project with a selected panel of key stakeholders in a User Reference Group (URG e.g. FEAP, EAS, GFCM, IUCN, ICES…) to ensure maximum relevance and impact.
• develop a Masters level online module on MSP for Aquaculture for inclusion in MSc programmes on Aquaculture and Marine Spatial Planning to impact future planners.
• research and develop a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course on MSP for Aquaculture to impact existing planners and industry.
• disseminate the project’s results using newsletters, media presentations and articles, Web 2.0 tools, and smartphone apps, anchored in science published by the partnership in peer-reviewed open access journal papers, through an edited book and a school video competition to widen AquaSpace impact to the maximum extent possible.
• develop a business case for licensing a subset of the intellectual property (IP) developed within the project to an existing or bespoke commercial or other entity to ensure lasting impact.
AquaSpace has delivered a regional review with key findings and recommendations (D2.1/2) has identified constraints on aquaculture growth, and has evaluated tools for allocating space for aquaculture (D3.1) tested them in a set of case studies (D4.2) synthesised the main outcomes of the experienced gained (D5.1) providing guidance on tool selection and use (D3.1) a web toolbox (D5.2) web materials for a Masters module (D6.1) and CPD course (D6.2). The 15 case studies incudes a wide range of Member States and non-member states with highly different legislation, degree of industrialisation and conditions for aquaculture, and drew on the Galway statement and collaboration with China.

AquaSpace has assisted in developing the knowledge base for the implementation of the EU MSPF Directive as well as ICZM through working with policy-makers and policy-implementers in Case Studies, as documented in case study reports (D4.2) and for selected cases in the videos (D6.5). A number of AquaSpace partners have participated in national MSP implementation processes.

The AquaSpace spatial planning tool (D3.3) focuses on options to (i) assist reducing time and costs to secure licences for aquaculture, and (ii) circumvent conflicts associated with development applications. The BlueFarm2 tool assists zoning for shellfish cultivation.

AquaSpace has developed new tools (remote sensing, decision-support, GIS) to reduce the uncertainty for investors by optimizing the location of new developments with respect to the needs of the species cultured, interactions with other users (or co-users where appropriate) and sensitive habitats. The tools are META, WATER, AquaSpace Tool, BlueFarm2 and the Aqua Investor Index (see reports D2.4 D2.5 D3.3 and D5.1).

AquaSpace has assembled spatial data (e.g. viewsheds, designations, derived zonation) from GIS analysis and tools (e.g. WATER, D2.5) that allow identification (on a European scale) of areas that are environmentally suitable for the cultivation of particular organisms, and tools that allow site selection to avoid environmentally sensitive marine areas (AquaSpace tool, D3.3). Further, tools allowing for an environmental carrying capacity assessment are listed in the tool function matrix documenting core competencies of tools and methods (D3.1).

AquaSpace has studied factors relating to Social Licence to Operate for aquaculture development, including visual impacts on communities (Scottish case study in D4.2 and visualisation component in AquaSpace tool, D3.3). Stakeholder engagement in all case studies (see D4.2 and D5.1) the schools video competitions in WP6, and the development of both the Masters Module (D6.1) and CPD course (D6.2) have and will enhance the perception of aquaculture leading to a more level playing field with terrestrial food production and capture fisheries.

AquaSpace has assessed the contributions that inland aquaculture ponds can make to the management of water resources, wildlife diversity and quality of landscape (Hungary case study in D4.2; Hungary video in D6.5).
AquaSpace integrating tools, especially the AquaSpace Tool, WATER and BlueFarm2, demonstrate the complexity of information needed for Marine Spatial Planning. Some of the Case Studies functioned as Action Research, aiding local provision of good quality space for aquaculture whilst testing tools and acquiring new context-specific knowledge. Influenced by Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom, we conclude that there are no panaceas for tyhe sustainable expansion of aquaculture. EU and member state governments can help by improving frameworks for MSP and implementing them, but citizen and stakeholder engagement is essential for the expansion of aquaculture.
Participants first annual meeting - Venice