Periodic Reporting for period 4 - EXTPRO (Quasi-Randomness in Extremal Combinatorics)
Reporting period: 2019-09-01 to 2021-02-28
Within the above framework, I mainly try to prove theorems on graph and hypergraphs specifically regarding the connections between local and global properties of such objects. I also try to use these insights in order to design very fast algorithms for solving various problem on such objects.
1. We obtained a tight bound for Green’s arithmetic regularity lemma.
2. We proved a tight bound for the hypergraph regularity lemma.
3. We laid out a new graph theoretic approach for solving a famous conjecture regarding the density of matrices avoiding certain patters.
4. We obtained a new proof of Fox’s famous bound for the graph removal lemma.
5. We obtained a new general sufficient for polynomially bounded removal lemmas. In particular, we proved that every semi-algebraic graph property has an efficient removal lemma.
2. Find a characterization of the linear equations for which one can prove a polynomial bounds for their removal lemma.
3. Prove supersaturation results over product posets.