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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EEBERS (EEB ICT ClustERS)

Reporting period: 2016-02-01 to 2017-01-31

Background and context:
There are about 130 ongoing or recently completed European RTD projects within the EeB PPP initiative and related other EU programmes.
About 87 of them will continue beyond 2014. Approximately 35 new projects can be expected to from the EeB calls closing in 2014.
Additional related projects, approximately 15, can be expected from other H2020 calls closing in 2014. Out of all these about 134 EeB related projects that will be active beyond 2014 about 86 are likely to address ICT as one of their key priorities.

–These projects are the primary target of this CSA.

The mission of EEBERS is to identify opportunities for synergies in ICT related RTD in the EeB (energy efficient buildings) domain and to engage stakeholders in networking for future RTD and exploitation of results.

In line with this overall mission the tangible objectives of the EEBERS project are to:

1. Engage relevant stakeholders in identifying and exploiting opportunities for synergy:
Mapping of the EeB domain i.e. identifying relevant RTD an innovation activities / projects, their main focus areas, expected results and involved stakeholders.
Engaging the stakeholders in contributing to the common areas of interest

2. Analyse and consolidate latest developments in the EeB domain:
Technological developments based on recent RTD and literature.
Best practices, trends and visions.
Achieved and expected results, emerging exploitation prospects and potential impacts.

3. Stimulate cooperation for future RTD and exploitation of results:
Promote networking and collaboration between key stakeholders.
Catalyze exploitation of RTD results.
Suggest future RTD priorities.
Suggest mechanisms for continued clustering/networking between stakeholders.
T1.1 Mapping and clustering of EeB domain
Map the EeB domain projects, contacts, topics, results and correspondent TRL.
RESULT : D1.1 EeB projects map Delivered as planned. Submission delayed due to improving of stakeholders mapping and text editing in order to improve readability of the public deliverable.

T1.2 Engagement of stakeholders
Define of EEBERS stakeholders community.
Define the project clustering model.
RESULT : Delivered as planned D1.2 Stakeholder community

T2.1 Review technological developments
Develop a literature review of technological developments in selected EeB domains.
RESULT : Delivered as planned D2.1 Literature review

T2.2 Consolidation of best practices, trends and visions
Consolidate best practices, trends and visions from selected EeB projects.
RESULT : Drafted as planned D2.2 Best practices, trends and visions

T2.3 Consolidation of results and expected impacts
Consolidate information about the expected results and impacts from selected EeB projects.
RESULT: Drafted as planned D2.3 Results and expected impacts

T3.1 Recommendations for future EeB ICT priorities and
T3.2 Recommended clustering Beyond CsA duration
Together with previously obtained results and especially the impact report this task was pointing out the recommendations for future EeB priorities processed from the technological solutions in 5 clusters. The recommendations are presented per technological solution but simplified.
RESULT: D3.1 and D3.2 as planned. The WP3 recommendations included both detailed ( all 23 technological solutions ) and 2 major themes.

T41 Dissemination
Provide information about the project results to various target groups, in order to realize the expected impacts.
RESULT: Web site presenting the project. Poster and leaflet released. Links to related other activities and networks in the website.
Summary of the project public web site. Images of the project leaflet and poster.

T42 Communication
Communicate with external stakeholders and engage them in the project for getting their inputs and feedback.
RESULT: Done as planned. The most important outcome from this task is related to the feedback obtained from the different project workshops and the established experts from the Advisory Board of the project. A total of 5 different Workshops were performed gathering information from different stakeholders and interested parties. In all these workshops we counted with the expert opinion from the Advisory Board Committee that guided the discussions along with EEBERS project members.

T4.3 Networking
RESULT: Done as planned. Initial suggestions for networking and alliances between stakeholders involved in related EeB activitiesThe participants of targeted EeB related projects were the main stakeholders group targeted by the engagement and communication activities. Other groups included the expert members in the Advisory Board (AB) and in the EEBERS extended expert list. Also the project communicated with related industry associations and various technology transfer programmes as E2BA and ECTP as well as Linked nation.

T5.1 Project coordination
RESULT: Done as planned. manage communication between the project partners and coordinate the work. provide the ICT platform for information sharing and archiving

T5.2 Progress reporting and financial management
RESULT: Done as planned. manage communications with the EC, prepare reporting to the EC, manage administrative and financial issues, and ensure compliance of the project to the Grant Agreement. aSolintel official change in the form of cost :
As it is allowed by Article 55, Solintel performed a change in the form of costs (from UNIT to ACTUAL) for the whole project. During the second reporting period they directly added their costs claimed under ACTUAL cost category. For Period 1 they have presented an adjustment changing the costs from UNIT to ACTUAL category and claiming extra 1,118.24 €. The additional amount claimed for Period 1 is related to the fact that the personnel costs from the company have been updated according to the final figures from the financial year 2016.
EEBERS creates impact functioning as a platform for establishing and supporting communication and networking between stakeholders, enhancing knowledge exchange and, facilitating collaborations with supportive actions.

In the first period work set-up the foundations for this platform and its activation. The second period will focus on increasing its dynamics and communication with key stakeholders.
The information in section 2.2 of DoA (Part B ) remains valid and no updates are needed.

The following presents a summary on work developed in the 1st period on the projects key factors to create impact:

1) Key stakeholders and links between them:
WP1 identified the key stakeholders. Actions were taken to engage these.

2) Project topics and links between them:
WP1 mapped all relevant projects topics and cluster these in taxonomy in order to help clustering synergies.

3) Project results and their TRL levels:
Task 2.1 identified the project results and analysed TRL levels.
These work continued in the 2nd period within tasks T2.2 and T2.3.
The technology radar of all 23 technological solution was a starting point of the WP3.
The D3.1 finally summarized all the project outcome as a comprehensive recommendations

4) Links with innovation and technology transfer initiatives:
these were identified during P1 and was explored in P2.
The 3CsA was actively doing a recommendation in the end of the project linking reports.
Clustering ICT related activities (projects) in the EeB domain