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An Integrated Collaborative Platform for Managing the Product-Service Engineering Lifecycle

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - ICP4Life (An Integrated Collaborative Platform for Managing the Product-Service Engineering Lifecycle)

Reporting period: 2017-07-01 to 2018-12-31

The European manufacturing industry faces new challenges, which are currently not addressed by today’s products and systems. Most of the products are still in essence ‘simple’ in nature, with no capability for adapting to the consumers’ needs and no integrated methods exist for the holistic acquisition and processing of feedback information emanating from product-services. ICP4Life proposes an integrated, collaborative platform for the design, development and support of product-service systems for SMEs (99% of companies in Europe), equipment manufacturers and energy suppliers in order to maximize the impact in the European industry.

The ICP4Life project proposes an integrated, collaborative platform for the design, development and support of product-service systems. A Platform As a Service conceived also as sustainable and easy to use tool for SMEs.
ICP4Life project addresses the current needs of today’s manufacturers, providing faster design of modular equipment and components, the seamless collaboration of engineers across a wider network of companies as well as within a single company with disperse engineering offices and production sites and the reuse of knowledge regarding both products, services and processes, for new products or the configuration of existing lines.
By integrating three different modules (ICP4Life Designer, Customizer, Planner) to be used as single components or as integrated in a unique solution, ICP4life covers the whole lifecycle of the product-service, to measure and control the entire environmental impact of a product, through relevant services.

Two separate pilot cases have been defined in ICP4Life in an early stage so as to enhance the applicability of the developments in real life scenarios:
• The first pilot case (Equipment manufacturer) focuses on the configuration of a requested manufacturing equipment which will include sensors regarding energy monitoring, process fault detection and prediction and an additional Wi-Fi connector. The requested services deals with maintenance support, product evolution and monitoring of the energy consumption and the overall performance of the equipment.

• The second pilot case (Energy supply) focuses on the management of the energy demand creating benefit for both the customers of the energy supplier and the supplier. The customers of the energy supplier, especially the industrial ones, may use the ICP4Life Customizer to request services related to the monitoring of the energy consumption in different levels (e.g. shop floor, machine), towards changing their usage pattern and having more efficient and environmental friendly energy use behavior. This will also give the energy supplier the opportunity to balance the energy demand of customers supported by the services through encouraging them to move their energy demand away from the peak hours.

ICP4life is conceived as further steps within the frame of Industry 4.0 roadmap.
The value of the solution is based on a new approach that consider: the product-service approach; the co-design of the product service from the beginning; the empowerment of the services conceived as pay per use, according to the new generation of business model that allows SME not to afford on new investments but pay the solution per its use.
The ICP4Life project addresses the current needs of today’s manufacturers, providing faster design of modular equipment and components, the seamless collaboration of engineers across a wider network of companies as well as within a single company with disperse engineering offices and production sites and the reuse of knowledge regarding both products, services and processes for new projects or the configuration of existing lines. Finally, an opportunity arises through the use of three different components covering the whole lifecycle of a product, to measure and control the entire environmental impact of a product, through relevant services.

The project achievements are realized through six distinct sub-projects:
• WP1: Elicitation of all requirements and specifications for the elements of the ICP4Life platform.
• WP2-WP5: Design and development of the product-service design component, the customization component, the component responsible for the realization of the product-service and the services supported by the products.
• WP7-8: Definition and setup of the industrial use cases and validation of the ICP4Life platform.

The main results of the ICP4life project can be depicted as following:
Integration of different modules that can be used for a co-design of product-service
The design, the development, of the software prototypes of the Designer, Customizer, Planner and Procurement modules
The integration and validation of the software prototypes of the Designer, Customizer, Planner and Procurement modules
A detailed pilot case to customize the results for both the equipment manufacturers (PRIMA and BAZIGOS) and the energy supplier (TAURON)
The design, definition, implementation and validation of services
As result, the ICP4life project impact can be recognized in different areas. The following points, represent the main result of the project, the ones that go further the only technical achievement.

Environmental and social impact :
• Reduction of the energy and energy consumption thank to monitoring and management
• Reduction of energy and resources thanks to an easier communications among actors within the value chain
• Possibilities of further implementations in different topic so to extend the R&D and support the gender aspect.

Commercial impact:
• Reduction of time to market of products;
• Unique Selling Point is the co-design for the reduction of delivery time and an easier approach to a customized product-service
• Reduction of CAPEX thanks to SaaS approach

SME impact
New business opportunities for SME partners:
- 4 Small and Medium Enterprises sensors development and services users
- Possibility to strengthen relationships with larger companies and research centres
New business opportunities for SME
- Small and Medium Enterprises à APP& services providers, sensors providers, AI/VR providers, analytics module providers
- Possibility to strengthen relationships with further usersà Job shop ( from Prima), tools manufacturers (from Bazigos)