Stroke is the second cause of death and the third cause of disability worldwide. Treatment options for stroke are limited and the underlying causes remain unknown in 40% of patients. In HEARTOFSTROKE I perform in depth investigations of the vasculature (Pipes), blood supply (Perfusion) and brain tissue damage (Parenchyma) to better understand the cause of a stroke in an individual patient. Together, these Pipes, Perfusion and Parenchyma are described in HEARTOFSTROKE as the ‘3Ps’. In HEARTOFSTROKE, I will develop innovative MRI methods to quantify the burden of cerebrovascular disease of the Pipes, Perfusion and Parenchyma (Objective 1-7). The new MRI methods will be applied in patients to explain the presence of smaller and larger infarcts (Objective 8-10). The developed patient specific biomarkers may pave the way for designing preventive and therapeutic strategies aimed at reducing the burden of neurodegenerative diseases.
In conclusion, we developed and showed the clinical use of novel MRI markers that characterize the burden of cerebrovascular disease at the leven of both the vasculature (Pipes), the brain perfusion and the brain parenchyma including small infarcts.