Final Activity Report Summary - NCGGTH (Non-Commutative Geometry, Gauge Theories and Higher Yang-Mills Theories with Nonabelian 2-Form Gauge Potential)
The outcome was the generalisation of Einstein's theory of gravity to the case of non-commutative space-times, as well as a deep understanding of the differential geometry of twisted non-commutative manifolds.
There were many investigations following this work, concerning both exact solutions, such as the question on whether a non-commutative black hole had an essential singularity in the origin, and the dynamical treatment of non-commutativity, i.e. the identification of whether the non-commutativity parameter could be considered a field itself like the metric was.
Along the same lines, non-commutative gauge theories were revisited. In particular, twisted non-commutative gauge transformations were constructed and found to be symmetric to the usual non-commutative Yang-Mills actions.