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advanced Concept for laser uplink/ downlink CommuniCation with sPace Objects


C3PO: advanced Concept for laser uplink/ downlink CommuniCation with sPace Objects represents a radical improvement in performance of existing ground to low earth orbit communication systems in terms of weight reduction, on-board power consumption, data rate and communication security & confidentiality. C3PO in figures:
- Mass reduction by a factor 14
- On-board power consumption reduction by a factor 100
- Data rate increase by a factor 2

The project's objectives are to
- Design a solution to improve actual downlink and uplink communication systems based on a non-space disruptive technology
- Improve enabling Space Surveillance & Tracking technologies performances to meet the final system needs
- Increase the Multiple Quantum Well Technology Readiness Level from 2 to 4
- Improve the overall perfromance of space communication systems
- Identify the C3PO system market and Business Model
- Increase the system safety (including regulation and governance issues)

This is achieved through an operational analysis of the final system, the validation of major system parameters through 2 experiments, the consolidation of the system architecturen the elaboration of the associated development roadmap and the definition of the system Business Model.

The Multiple Quantum Well retro-reflector technology, derived from non-space domain, is incorporated into the current state of the art as a high-rate lightweight communication device. Its development in the space sector has a disruptive impact on the satellites and satellite imagery markets, enabling new missions such as CubeSat earth observations.

The proposed project serve the Union's Common Security & Defence Policy by increasing the satellite communications security.

C3PO mobilises traditional space actors and non-space actors such as TEMATYS (SME) and ACREO (Research).


Net EU contribution
€ 86 946,00
78130 Les Mureaux

See on map

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Yvelines
Activity type
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Total cost
€ 117 405,63

Participants (7)