Periodic Reporting for period 4 - Q-CEOM (Quantum Cavity Electro- and Opto-Mechanics)
Période du rapport: 2020-01-01 au 2021-06-30
Realising such links necessitates physical systems that are coherent, and couple to optical and electronic signals alike. In this project, we develop nanomechanical resonators coupled to microwaves and light through capacitive and radiation pressure forces. They are designed to be highly coherent in spite of the inevitable coupling to a thermal environment. In this manner, they will be able to transfer signals, and mediate correlations between different domains of the electromagnetic spectrum as required.
By coupling soft-clamped membrane resonators to an optical field we could realize optical measurement of motion close to the standard quantum limit (SQL). Based on such precise measurements, we could, for the first time, control the motional quantum state of the membrane using quantum feedback, and cool it to its ground state. Exploiting quantum correlations born in the measurement process, we could also beat the SQL for both position and force measurements.
Furthermore, were could generate quantum correlations between two laser fields of different wavelength, mediated by their interaction with a single membrane resonator. We could show that the light fields emerging from the interaction are indeed entangled. This hallmark of quantum physics signals the potential for mechanically-mediated interactions for quantum information processing.
Addressing the second challenge, we have realized electromechanical systems with superconducting microwave resonators capacitively coupled to soft-clamped, metallized membranes. The system’s high coherence enables a strong quantum cooperativity, and thereby ground state cooling of the mechanical system via microwave backaction.
Finally, we have performed theoretical studies to determine relevant figures of merit for quantum transducers. An important outcome is a detailed analysis of the importance of transfer efficiency and added noise, depending on the task of the transducer. Further work has made the project’s topic accessible to a broader audience, by taking a microwave engineering perspective, as well as giving a broader overview of nano-electro-optomechanical systems.
First and foremost stand the unprecedented Q-factors in excess of 1 billion at 1 Megahertz oscillation frequency, which were first achieved within this project. This constitutes an advance of several orders of magnitude over earlier results.
Secondly, measurement-based quantum control of mechanical motion had been attempted for more than 20 years, unsuccessfully, with a wide variety of approaches, including trapped atoms, optomechanics, and gravity wave detectors. It was first achieved within this project.
Third, the Standard Quantum Limit (SQL) had been elusive in measurements of mechanical motion, for more than 30 years since it had been first described. It was reached, and indeed even broken, for the first time in this project.
Finally, at milliKelvin temperatures, the electromechanical systems developed in this project have unprecedentedly low heating rates of only a few phonons per second.