Periodic Reporting for period 4 - VARIKIN (Cultural Evolution of Kinship Diversity: Variation in Language, Cognition, and Social Norms Regarding Family)
Reporting period: 2020-01-01 to 2021-06-30
One overarching aim was to create an open-access and comprehensive resource of kinship terms across the world’s languages. We collaborated with other research teams (from the Australian National University, Brazilian research institution Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, and Yale University) on this ambitious goal. We have produced KinBank: A Global Database of Kinship Terminology, which contains terms for 150 possible kin relationships across more than 1100 languages. Three main sub-projects structured our further research. Development considered what effect children’s learning constraints might have on kinship patterns; Usage studied whether the everyday use of language might pressure some kinship categories to change in different ways; and Evolution used a suite of cultural evolutionary modelling tools to understand how and why kinship terms (and their systems) change over time.
VARIKIN-Development: How do children acquire kinship knowledge?
Previously, only a small body of research existed that considered how children acquire knowledge about kin. Most research studied English-speaking children in middle-class urban contexts. We reviewed research across anthropology, linguistics and psychology, and in 2018 held the first international workshop on this topic (CAKTAM: Children's Acquisition of Kinship Knowledge: Theory and Method), in 2018 to stimulate new empirical research, particularly with non-Western communities. To this end, Mitchell and Jordan created a research field-kit for children's acquisition of kinship terms, published on the Open Science Framework.
Dr Alice Mitchell led the Development subproject and conducted 9 months fieldwork with Datooga people in northern Tanzania. The Datooga are traditionally semi-nomadic polygynous cattle-herders. By living with a Datooga family, and using a variety of methods from anthropology, linguistics, and developmental psychology Mitchell explored how Datooga children learn about their kinship system. She video-recorded 45 hours of Datooga children's spontaneous interactions and transcribed 53,000 words from recordings, and conducted interviews with 66 children. Dr Mitchell also collaborated with Joe Blythe and Jeremiah Tunmuck (Macquarie University) who were working with indigenous Australian communities to share methodologies and results. Findings show that kinship terms are complex for young children to learn and use accurately, even in communities where much time is spent with a range of relatives.
VARIKIN-Usage: How do people use kinship language?
Language change on a historical timescale arises from modifications in the language used by individual speakers in their day-to-day speech. By detecting patterns of kin term usage in large collections of spoken and written language, we gained insight into the microevolutionary pressures that can shape linguistic change over millennia. For example, does how often people speak about certain relatives affect word change? Is there variation in how often people talk about e.g. mothers versus aunts?
Dr Peter Racz led the Usage subproject and used cutting-edge computational techniques from the field of corpus linguistics to detect patterns of kinship term use across millions of words and dozens of languages. We collated and created language corpora from 34 Indo-European languages and demonstrated two main trends. Genealogically close relatives are spoken/written about more frequently than distant ones in all the languages we studied, and the more frequently a kin term is used, the slower it is to change or be replaced in long-term language evolution.
VARIKIN-Evolution: What drives the diversity of kinship systems?
Though there is variation in kinship term systems around the world, there are also very regular patterns, and this puzzle has fascinated anthropologists for decades. We used computational and phylogenetic tools from evolutionary biology that can track shared ancestry in language to investigate these questions. Do coherent systems exist? Are they products of cultural “descent with modification”? What factors drive their variability?
Dr Sam Passmore, Dr Terhi Honkola, Dr Catherine Sheard and Prof Jordan conducted a series of cultural evolutionary investigations. Our first studies showed that kinship systems persisted over long time depths in large language families—they were slow to change. Later studies examined dozens of longstanding anthropological claims that classic “kinship systems” patterns were driven by social norms such as marriage and inheritance (Sheard, Passmore). Surprisingly, we found very little support for these claims using modern methods of analysis. We then re-examined the coherence of the classic systems themselves and showed that they too had patchy support. This is important, because these classic systems are basic concepts found in any introductory anthropological textbook. Passmore further developed new methods for inferring robust kinship systems, and Honkola addressed the question of language contact with the first global analysis and systematic review of how “borrowable” kinship terms are between languages.
As at mid-2021, many empirical results from the project have been reported in the scientific literature. 2022 will see the release of the Kinbank database. Further publications to come include our work on kinship term borrowing, on identifying robust kinship systems, and our presentation of Datooga children’s kinship knowledge. Two books are in preparation: “Relatively Speaking” (Jordan) and “The Beginnings of Kinship” (Mitchell).