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Flight Qualification of Deployable Radiator using Two Phase Technology

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Project website

This website will act as a central information source and provide a pointofcontact within the project for the research SME and industrial communities as well as for the general public The website will highlight the H2020 Space program concept results outputs and activities past and forthcoming it will also host publications andor similar documents and provide instructions on how to acquire further details on the project for interested parties In addition a private password protected website area will be used for internal dissemination and project management

Dissemination material (papers, .ppt presentations, flyers, video clips, etc.)

This deliverable compromises a wire range of different materials aimed to different communities. Just an example of these materials are: - papers with DPR results in space thermal management - papers in generic coatings forums. - diffusion seminar for potential customers (satellite platform manufacturer) - product data sheets at DPR level - news in the specialized space magazines (infoespacio, Infoespacial, Finmeccanica, Space news…) - posters and flyers for conferences - ...

Public Final Report

Final report summarizing the goals achieved by the project focusing in the results and in the new alternatives that arises from the program. Special attention shall be considered for new commercial aplications.


Development and qualification of a Deployable Radiator in the frame of the European Horizon 2020 Pegasus program

Author(s): J. Verdonk and P. Hugonnot - Thales Alenia Space, Cannes - France A. Ferrero - Thales Alenia Space, Turin - Italy J. Martínez Martín, M. Serrano Serrano and A. Torres Sepúlveda - IberEspacio - Madrid - Spain
Published in: 48th International Conference on Environmental Systems - ICES-2018-293, Issue 48th ICES, 8-12 July 2018, 2018, Page(s) All
Publisher: ICES-2018-293

Eco-friendly hybrid sol-gel coatings for replacementof Cr-based treatments in medium strength aluminium alloys for space application

Author(s): Cecilia Agustín Sáenz, Patricia Santa Coloma Mozo, Eider Martín Ugarte, Francisco Fernández Carretero, Marta Brizuela Parra
Published in: SMT-32 Congress, 2018
Publisher: SMT-32 Congress

New eco-friendly hybrid sol-gel coatings for replacement of Cr-based treatments in high and medium strength aluminium alloys for aeronautics and space applications

Author(s): Cecilia Agustín Sáenz, Patricia Santa Coloma Mozo, Eider Martín Ugarte, Francisco Fernández Carretero, Marta Brizuela Parra
Published in: ASST Congress, 2018
Publisher: ASST Congress

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