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Data driven approach for a Seamless Efficient European Travelling in 2050

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


4.1 Current supply profile

D4.1 Current supply profile [M18, ECTL] This deliverable comprises the work conducted in task 4.1. It will present the baseline situation with respect to the time required to perform door-to-door trips within Europe.

3.1 Current demand profile

D3.1 Current demand profile - Passenger expectations, needs and requirements [M18, BHL]: This deliverable comprises the work conducted in task 3.1 and includes a detailed data-driven depiction of current passenger characteristics and associated travel behaviour. Using these to derive different passenger clusters will serve as a basis to depict demand related requirements concerning the design of future transportation systems.

4.2 Future supply profile

D4.2 Future supply profile [M23, UOW] This deliverable comprises the work conducted in task 4.2. It will include the different possible scenarios of evolution of services for two time-frames: 2035 and 2050.

2.2 Data driven model

Deliverable 2.2 Data driven model [M15, INX]: This deliverable will inform, through providing the necessary detailed documentation, on the data requirements and data provision tasks as described in T2.2

3.2 Future demand profile

D3.2 Future demand profile - Passenger demand over time [M23, BHL]: This deliverable comprises the work conducted in task 3.2. It presents the results from the meta-scenario generation as well as the analysis of future passenger demand related to the operational environments described therein. Two timeframes, 2035 and 2050, will be related to.

5.2 Assessment execution

Deliverable 5.2 Assessment execution [M30, INX] Deliverable 5.2 will comprise and gather the results of the work conducted in task 5.2. Hence, details on the mobility metrics in the context of the 4hours door-to-door challenge and the process to achieve them with be documented in this deliverable, leaded by Innaxis, supported by the rest of the partners with effort involved in D5.2

5.3 Novel concept foundations for European mobility

Deliverable 5.3 Novel concept foundations for European mobility [M36, BHL] This deliverable will comprise the work conducted in task 5.3 and includes the collection of existing and future inter-modal approaches, their assessment according to key performance indicators and the following identification of gaps and bottlenecks within these approaches which will be addressed in the formulation of proposed new approaches. Furthermore, it entails the detailed description of potential new paths to inter-modal systems as well as their respective evaluation according to key performance indicators, economic viability and feasibility in regard to transport infrastructure implications.

2.1 Data requirements and acquisition

Deliverable 2.1 Data requirements and acquisition [M10, UOW] This deliverable will inform, through providing the necessary detailed documentation, on the data requirements and data provision tasks as described in T2.1

5.1 Mobility assessment

Deliverable 5.1 Mobility Assessment [M30, ECTL] It will be developed within this deliverable, the documentation on the mobility assessment methodology for application throughout DATASET2050. All the tasks and subtasks described in T5.1 will be described and presented in deliverable 5.1, that will be leaded by Eurocontrol, supported by the rest of the partners with effort involved in D5.1

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