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Births, mothers and babies: prehistoric fertility in the Balkans between 10000 – 5000 BC


Nauka za muzeje: praistorija Sombora i okoline u svetlu novih bioarheoloških istraživanja / Science for the museums: the prehistory of Sombor and its surroundings in the light of new bioarchaeological research

Auteurs: Ivana Živaljević, Sofija Stefanović, Anđelka Putica, Viktorija Uzelac, Nenad Jončić, Vesna Dimitrijević, Jelena Jovanović, Darko Stojanovski, Marko Porčić, Jugoslav Pendić, Tamara Blagojević, Kristina Penezić
Publié dans: Exhibition Catalogue, 2019
Éditeur: BioSense Institute, University of Novi Sad


Auteurs: Sofija Stefanović, Marko Porčić, Kristina Penezić, Vesna Dimitrijević, Ivana Živaljević, Jelena Jovanović, Bojan Petrović
Publié dans: 2018
Éditeur: Zadužbina Ilije M. Kolarca

Session – Births, mothers and babies: a bioarchaeological perspective

Auteurs: Sofija Stefanović, Gwenaelle Goude
Publié dans: 8th World Archaeological Congress (WAC 8), Numéro 28.08-02.09.2016, 2016
Éditeur: WAC-8 Kyoto Local Organizing Committee, under the direction of WAC
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1211376

NEW AGE: the lives of mothers and babies in the Balkan Neolithic

Auteurs: Sofija Stefanović, Damir Vlajnić, Vesna Dimitrijević, Marko Porčić, Ivana Živaljević, Jelena Jovanović, Kristina Penezić, Tamara Blagojević, Dragana Filipović, Lidija Balj, Darko Radmanović, Lidija Milašinović, Jasna Vuković, Andrej Starović, Miloš SPasić, Sonja Perić, Gordana Čađenović, Verica Tanasić, Ivana Pantović, Goce Naumov, Ljubo Fidanoski, Stefan Stojkoski, Aleksan
Publié dans: Exhibition Catalogue, Numéro 02.03.2017., 2017, ISBN 978-86-80946-00-9
Éditeur: BioSense Institute

The pathways of humans and animals in the Early Neolithic Balkans: an archaeozoological perspective

Auteurs: Ivana Živaljević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: The 26th EAA Virtual Meeting Abstract Book, Numéro August 26st‒30th 2020, 2020, Page(s) 521, ISBN 978-80-907270-7-6
Éditeur: European Association of Archeologists

Dietary adaptations at the Early Neolithic in the Danube Gorges: Neolithized foragers of Mesolitized farmers?

Auteurs: Camille de Becdelievre, Jelena Jovanović, Zuzana Hofmanova, Gwenaelle Goude, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 1st Conference on the Early Neolithic of Europe (ENE), Numéro 1, 2019, Page(s) 125-126
Éditeur: Museu Marítim de Barcelona

Detecting the signal of the Neolithic demographic transition in Central Balkans using summed radiocarbon probability distributions: theoretical and methodological issues

Auteurs: Marko Porčić, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Recent issues in paleodemography, 2016
Éditeur: Rzeszow, Poland

People of Lepenski Vir: Sharing and caring for the 3D osteoarchaeological record

Auteurs: Jugoslav Pendić, Jelena Jovanović, Jelena Marković, Sofija Stefanović, Dragoslav Stojanović
Publié dans: 25th EAA Annual Meeting (Bern, 2019) – Abstract Book, Numéro 04.-07.09.2019., 2019, Page(s) 253, ISBN 978-80-907270-6-9
Éditeur: European Association of Archaeologists

Keramika, lipidi i izotopi: uvid vo neolitskata kujna na Vrbjanska Čuka

Auteurs: Darko Stojanovski, Julie Dunne, Goce Naumov, Richard Evershed, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Neolitot vo Makedonija IV, Skopje, Macedonia, Numéro 12.12.2018., 2018
Éditeur: Archaeological museum of Macedonia

Ikonografija i telo: prikaz pola na antropomorfnim figurinama sa lokaliteta Vinča-Belo brdo

Auteurs: Ana Tripković, Mihailo Radinović, Marko Porčić, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: XLII Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva (SAD), Negotin, Serbia, Numéro 30th May - 1st June 2019, 2019
Éditeur: Serbian Archaeological Society

Novel statistical tools bring to light complex interactions during prehistoric demographic turnovers: The case of Lepenski Vir

Auteurs: Hofmanová, Zuzana; Link, Vivian; Schulz, Ilektra; Bloecher, Jens; Winkelbach, Laura; Stefanović, Sofija; Burger, Joachim; Wegmann, Daniel
Publié dans: 24th Annual Meeting of European Archaeologists (EAA), Barcelona, Spain,, Numéro 5-8. 09. 2018., 2018
Éditeur: European Association of Archaeologists

Cone-beam computed tomography in paleodontology and bioarchaeology

Auteurs: Bojan Petrović, Kristina Penezić, Marko Porčić, Jugoslav Pendić, Sanja Kojić, Jelena Jovanović, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 22nd European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Numéro 22, 2018, Page(s) 20
Éditeur: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Da li ima mezolita u Srbiji van Đerdapa? Novi radiokarbonski datumi i dokazi sa nalazišta Magareći mlin i Grabovac-Đurića vinogradi

Auteurs: Ivana Živaljević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Jugoslav Pendić, Anđelka Putica, Viktorija Uzelac, Jelena Bulatović, Miloš Spasić, Tamara Blagojević, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Praistorijska sekcija Srpskog arheološkog društva, Numéro 14.12.2018., 2018, Page(s) 5-6, ISBN 978-86-81086-13-1
Éditeur: Museum of Vojvodina & Serbian Archaeological Society

People of Lepenski Vir: first results of developing gudielines for digitalization of osteoarchaeological record

Auteurs: Jugoslav Pendić, Jelena Jovanović, Sofija Stefanović, Jelena Marković
Publié dans: 06th International Conference Methodology and Archaeometry, Numéro 06.-07.12.2018., 2018, Page(s) 53, ISBN 978-953-175-745-4
Éditeur: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb & Croatian Archaeological Society

"Lov, stočarstvo i ""hibridne"" zajednice u neolitu Balkana"

Auteurs: Ivana Živaljević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: XLII Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva (SAD), Negotin, Serbia, Numéro 30th May - 1st June 2019, 2019, Page(s) 94, ISBN 978-86-80094-09-0
Éditeur: Serbian Archaeological Society and The Museum of Krajina

Colloque annuel de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris 1845 e réunion scientifique

Auteurs: Jovanović, Jelena; de Becdelievre, Camille; Blagojević, Tamara; Porčić, Marko; Goude, Gwaenelle; Stefanović, Sofija
Publié dans: Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, Numéro 32, 2020, Page(s) S9-S33, ISSN 0037-8984
Éditeur: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.3166/bmsap-2019-0067

Dental buccal microwear and dietary strategies in the Early Neolithic of Southeast Europe

Auteurs: Jelena Marković, Alejandro Romero, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 1st Conference on the Early Neolithic of Europe (ENE), Numéro 06.-08.11.2019., 2019, Page(s) 127-128
Éditeur: Museu Maritim de Barcelona

Ancient Genomic Diversity Reveals Differences in Cultural Practices and Cultural Barriers between Prehistoric Farmers and Hunter-gatherers in Europe

Auteurs: Hofmanova, Zuzana; Link, Vivian; Schulz, Ilektra; Bloecher, Jens; Winkelbach, Laura; Stefanović, Sofija; Burger, Joachim; Wegmann, Daniel
Publié dans: Annual Meeting of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE2018), Yokohama, Japan, Numéro 8-12. July 2018., 2018
Éditeur: Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution

Analiza mikrostrija na gleđi ljudskih zuba iz perioda mezolitsko-neolitske tranzicije sa teritorije centralnog Balkana i južnog dela Panonske nizije

Auteurs: Marković, Jelena; Romero, Alejandro; Stefanović, Sofija
Publié dans: XLII Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva (SAD), Negotin, Serbia, Numéro 30th May - 1st June 2019, 2019
Éditeur: Serbian Archaeologica Society

Population trends in the Central Balkan Early Neolithic (6200–5350 BC): new data and new results

Auteurs: Marko Porčić, Tamara Blagojević, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 24th Neolithic Seminar. Neolithisation Processes in Eurasia: Retrospect and Prospect, Numéro 24, 2018, Page(s) 11
Éditeur: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology and Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Rutonjina greda- praistorijski višeslojni lokalitet kod Idvora

Auteurs: Jugoslav Pendić, Kristina Penezić, Vojislav Đorđević
Publié dans: XLI Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva (SAD), Pančevo, Serbia, (Session Sekcija za praistorijsku arheologiju), Numéro 31.05-02.06.2018., 2018
Éditeur: Serbian Archaeological Society

The importance of milk in the Early Neolithic diet of the Northern parts of the Balkan Peninsula

Auteurs: Darko Stojanovski, Julie Dunne, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 1st Conference on the Early Neolithic of Europe (ENE), Numéro 06.-08.11.2019., 2019, Page(s) 122-123
Éditeur: Museu Maritim de Barcelona

Migrations, interactions et adaptations alimentaires au cours du Néolithique anciens dans les Balkans: l'expérience individuelle et intergénérationnelle de la Néolithisation

Auteurs: Camille de Becdelievre, Jelena Jovanović, Zuzana Hofmanova, Sofija Stefanović, Gwenaelle Goude
Publié dans: Colloque annuel de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 1845e réunion scientifique (SAP), Numéro 29.-31.01.2020., 2020, Page(s) 15-16
Éditeur: Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme (MMSH)

Dietary habits and Neolithization in the Central Balkans through Dental Buccal-Microwear and isotope analysis

Auteurs: Jelena Marković, Jelena Jovanović, Camille de Becdelievre, Sofija Stefanović, Alejandro Romero
Publié dans: The 26th EAA Virtual Meeting Abstract Book, Numéro August 26st‒30th 2020, 2020, Page(s) 253, ISBN 978-80-907270-7-6
Éditeur: European Association of Archaeologists

Exploring the demographic aspects of the Mesolithic - Neolithic transition in Central Balkans via tooth cementum analysis: preliminary results

Auteurs: Kristina Penezić, Marko Porčić, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Abstract book of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists 2017, Numéro 30. 08 - 3. 09. 2017., 2017, Page(s) 345, ISBN 9789057992858
Éditeur: The European Association of Archaeologists and The Municipality of Maastricht, the Province of Limburg and the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1218630

Female stress during the Neolithic Demographic transition in the Balkans: evidences from tooth cementum

Auteurs: Kristina Penezić, Sofija Stefanović, Ursulla Wittwer-Backofen, Petra Urban, Jelena Jovanović
Publié dans: World Archaeological Congress (WAC 8) - Book of Abstracts, Numéro 28.08-02.09.2016, 2016, Page(s) 278
Éditeur: WAC-8 Kyoto Local Organizing Committee, under the direction of WAC
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1248069

The stress of farming: bodies and health during the Mesolithic and the Neolithic Transition in Serbia

Auteurs: Jelena Jovanović, Tamara Blagojević, Camille de Becdelievre, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: IUAES inter congress: World anthropologies and privatization of knowledge: engaging anthropology in public, Abstract Book, Numéro 04-09.05.2016, 2016, Page(s) 118
Éditeur: The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1248014

Children feeding practices and growth patterns during Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Danube Gorges

Auteurs: Jelena Jovanović, Camille de Becdelievre, Gwenaelle Goude, Estelle Herrscher, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 8th World Archaeological Congress (WAC 8) - Book of Abstracts, Numéro 28.08-02.09.2016, 2016
Éditeur: WAC-8 Kyoto Local Organizing Committee, under the direction of WAC
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1248052

Who Were The Earliest Farmers? Interactions - Innovations - Adaptations At Earliest Neolithic Of The Central Balkans, Human Bioarchaeological Perspectives

Auteurs: Camille De Becdelievre, Jelena Jovanović, Zuzana Hofmanova, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Abstract book of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists 2017, Numéro 30.08.-03.09. 2017, 2017
Éditeur: The European Association of Archaeologists and The Municipality of Maastricht, the Province of Limburg and the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1218593

Behavioral Adaptations - Morphological Adaptations: new contributions from Morphometric Mapping for the understanding of Mesolithic-Neolithic transformations (Balkans; 10 000 - 5000 BC)

Auteurs: Camille De Becdelievre, C., Marc-Antoine Le Guen, Marko Porčić, Jelena Jovanović, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Proceedings of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution, Numéro 6, 2017, Page(s) 43
Éditeur: European Society for Human Evolution
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1218601

New weaning food for prehistoric babies and origin of caries

Auteurs: Sofija Stefanović, Jelena Jovanović, Kristina Penezić, Tamara Blagojević
Publié dans: 20th Congress of the European Anthropological Association (EAA), European Anthropology in a Changing World: From Culture to Global Biology - Abstract book, Numéro 24-28.8.2016., 2016, Page(s) 26
Éditeur: European Anthropological Association (EAA)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1248058

Infant feeding practices in the Danube Gorges at the advent of the Neolithic in the central Balkans

Auteurs: Jelena Jovanović, Gwenaëlle Goude, Mario Novak, Željka Bedić, Camille de Becdelievre, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Building Bridges - Abstract book of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists 2017, Numéro 30.08-03.09.2017., 2017, Page(s) 152
Éditeur: The European Association of Archaeologists
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1247955

Exploring early farming diets and population dynamics in the Neolithic central Balkans

Auteurs: Dragana Filipović, Camille de Becdelievre, Jelena Jovanović, Thomas Büdel, Kristina Penezić, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: The Agricultural Origins of Urbanization: ‘Intensification’ in Late Prehistoric Western Eurasia and Beyond, Numéro 18-20.03.2016, 2016
Éditeur: School of Archaeology, University of Oxford
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1256526

Ispitivanje ishrane prvih zemljoradnika i populacione dinamike u neolitu centralnog Balkana

Auteurs: Dragana Filipović, Camille de Becdelievre, Thomas Büdel, Jelena Jovanović, Kristina Penezić, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 39th Conference of Serbian Archaeological Society - Book of Abstracts, Numéro 02-04.6.2016, 2016, Page(s) 66-67
Éditeur: Serbian Archaeological Society, Belgrade and City Museum in Vršac
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1248034

Between the forest and the river: hunting and fishing in the Danube Gorges in the Mesolithic

Auteurs: Ivana Živaljević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 22nd Meeting of the EAA (European Association of Archaeologists), Abstract book, Numéro 31.08–4.09.2016, 2016, Page(s) 68
Éditeur: The European Association of Archaeologists & Public Institution The Academy of Cultural Heritage, Vilnius, Lithuania
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1252771

(Dis)continuities in fishing practices at the onset of Neolithic: a case study from Starčevo, Serbia

Auteurs: Ivana Živaljević, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 22nd Meeting of the EAA (European Association of Archaeologists), Abstract book, Numéro 31.8–4.09.2016, 2016, Page(s) 151
Éditeur: The European Association of Archaeologists & Public Institution The Academy of Cultural Heritage, Vilnius, Lithuania
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1248064

Aurochs’ distribution and evidence of hunting in the pre-Neolithic and Neolithic Central Balkans

Auteurs: Vesna Dimitrijević, Tamara Blagojević, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 22nd Meeting of the EAA (European Association of Archaeologists), Abstract book, Numéro 31.08–4.09.2016, 2016, Page(s) 71
Éditeur: The European Association of Archaeologists & Public Institution The Academy of Cultural Heritage, Vilnius, Lithuania
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1248073

Exploitation strategies of the animal environment of the last hunter-gatherers and first farmers in Europe

Auteurs: Monica Margarit, Adina Boroneant, Vesna Dimitrijević, Clive Bonsall
Publié dans: 22nd Meeting of the EAA (European Association of Archaeologists), Abstract book, Numéro 31.08–4.09.2016, 2016, Page(s) 67
Éditeur: The European Association of Archaeologists & Public Institution The Academy of Cultural Heritage, Vilnius, Lithuania
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1248076

Bioarchaeology at the Tell-Site Vrbjanska Čuka in Pelagonia, Republic of Macedonia: analytical results from field season 2016

Auteurs: Jaromír Beneš, Goce Naumov, Kristýna Budilová, Jiří Bumerl, Ivana Živaljević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Veronika Komárková, Jaromír Kovárník, Tereza Majerovičová, Michaela Vychronová, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Neolithic in Macedonia - Book of abstracts, Numéro 3, 2017
Éditeur: The Center for Prehistoric Research and Archaeological Museum of Macedonia
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1216102

Onsite Bioarchaeological Knowledge of the Neolithic settlements in the Balkans: The case of Vrbjanska Čuka, a tell-site in Pelagonia, Republic of Macedonia

Auteurs: Jaromír Beneš, Goce Naumov, Tereza Majerovičová, Kristýna Budilová, Ivana Živaljević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Jiří Bumerl, Veronika Komárková, Jaromír Kovárník, Michaela Vychronová, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 14th Conference of Environmental Archaeology - Abstract book, Numéro 26-28.02.2018., 2018
Éditeur: CEA (Conference of Environmental Archaeology)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1216079

Neolithic fishing landscapes: case studies from Serbian sites in the gorges and in the plains

Auteurs: Ivana Živaljević, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: "Book of Abstracts for 19th ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group ""Fish and Fishing communities: Understanding Ancient and Modern Fisheries""", Numéro 1-7.10. 2017., 2017, Page(s) 58-59
Éditeur: (ICAZ FRWG)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1247965

Lov, stočarstvo i simbolički značaj životinja na Golokutu: nove analize arheozoološkog materijala (Hunting, husbandry and the symbolic significance of animals on Golokut: new analyses of zooarchaeological material)

Auteurs: Ivana Živaljević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Darko Radmanović, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 40th Conference of Serbian Archaeological Society - Book of Abstracts, Numéro 5-7. 06. 2017, 2017, Page(s) 81-82
Éditeur: Serbian Archaeological Society
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1216135

Demography of the Central Balkan Neolithic: preliminary results of population dynamics reconstruction using summed radiocarbon probability distributions as population proxy

Auteurs: Marko Porčić, Tamara Blagojević, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 22nd Neolithic Seminar: Modelling the Processes of Neolithisation, Numéro 06-07.11.2015., 2015
Éditeur: Faculty of Philosophy of Ljubljana
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1246400

Culture, demography and climate at the beginning of the Neolithic in Southeast Europe

Auteurs: Marko Porčić, Tamara Blagojević, Kristina Penezić, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: IUAES inter congress: World anthropologies and privatization of knowledge: engaging anthropology in public, Abstract Book, Numéro 04-09.05.2016, 2016, Page(s) 109
Éditeur: The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1248025

Kultura, demografija, i klima početkom neolita

Auteurs: Marko Porčić, Tamara Blagojević, Kristina Penezić, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 39th Conference of Serbian Archaeological Society - Book of Abstracts, Numéro 02.06.2016, 2016, Page(s) 48
Éditeur: Serbian Archaeological Society, Belgrade and City Museum in Vršac
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1248046

Prehistoric babies in the (bio)archaeological record

Auteurs: Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 22nd Neolithic Seminar: Modelling the Processes of Neolithisation - Book of Abstracts, Numéro 6.11-7.11.2015, 2015, Page(s) 3
Éditeur: Faculty of Philosophy, Ljubljana
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1252754

Starčevačka grupna grobnica na Vinči ili mesto neolitskog zločina

Auteurs: Sofija Stefanović, Jelena Jovanović, Maja Miljević, Saša Živanović
Publié dans: 39th Conference of Serbian Archaeological Society - Book of Abstracts, Numéro 02-04.6.2016., 2016, Page(s) 88
Éditeur: Serbian Archaeological Society, Belgrade and City Museum in Vršac
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1248041

Mothers, babies and figurines in the Neolithic of Central Balkans

Auteurs: Tripković, Ana; Radinović, Mihailo; Porčić, Marko; Stefanović, Sofija
Publié dans: 24th Neolithic Seminar. Neolithisation Processes in Eurasia: Retrospect and Prospect - book of abstracts, Numéro 24, 2018, Page(s) 24
Éditeur: University of Ljubljana, Samara State University
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1476477

New insights into subsistence practices at the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Central Balkans: data from dental calculus analysis

Auteurs: Jovanović, Jelena; Power, Robert; Stefanović, Sofija
Publié dans: 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Book of Abstracts, Numéro 24, Vol. 2, 2018, Page(s) 681, ISBN 978-84-9168-143-4
Éditeur: European Association of Archaeologists
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1477879

Influence of specimen preparation and nanoindentation protocol on the mechanical properties of bovine bone

Auteurs: Vučinić, Staša; Petrović, Bojan; Kojić, Sanja; Šipovac, Milica; Stefanović, Sofija; Stojanović, Goran
Publié dans: 5th International Conference IcETRAN 2018 (IcETRAN) - Book of Proceedings, Numéro 5, 2018, Page(s) 728-731, ISBN 9788-67466752-1
Éditeur: ETRAN Society : Academic Mind
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1479259

Upotreba savremenih radioloških tehnika u komparativnim dentalno-antropološkim studijama

Auteurs: Bojan Petrović, Sanja Kojić, Kristina Penezić, Sanja Vujkov, Duška Blagojević, Isidora Nešković, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Međunarodni simpozijum stomatologa i saradnika, 2018
Éditeur: Klinika za stomatologiju Vojvodine
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1490407

Influence of specimen preparation and nanoindentation protocol on the mechanical properties of bovine bone - POSTER

Auteurs: Staša Vučinić, Bojan Petrović, Sanja Kojić, Milica Šipovac, Sofija Stefanović, Goran Stojanović
Publié dans: 5th International Conference IcETRAN 2018 (IcETRAN), 2018
Éditeur: ETRAN Society - Academic Mind
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1490398

A String of Marine Shells from the Neolithic site of Vršnik (Ovce polje, Republic of Macedonia)

Auteurs: Dimitrijević, Vesna; Naumove, Goce; Stefanović, Sofija
Publié dans: 13th International Council for Archaeozoology Conference (ICAZ) - Book of Abstracts, Numéro 13, 2018, Page(s) 245
Éditeur: International Council for Archaeozoology
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1467173

Telesnost i prikazi trudnoće u kasnom neolitu: antropomorfne figurine sa lokaliteta Vinča - Belo brod

Auteurs: Tripković, Ana; Radinović, Mihailo; Porčić, Marko; Stefanović, Sofija
Publié dans: XLI Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva (SAD) Book of Abstracts, 2018, Page(s) 199-200
Éditeur: Serbian Archaeological Society and National Museum Pančevo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1286814

Cow milk exploitation and calf weaning in the Early Neolithic Balkans: insights from intra-tooth variations in nitrogen isotope ratios

Auteurs: Živaljević, Ivana; Dimitrijević, Vesna; Stefanović, Sofja; Balasse, Marie
Publié dans: 13th International Council for Archaeozoology Conference (ICAZ) - Book of Abstracts, 2018, Page(s) 96
Éditeur: International Council for Archaeozoology
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1468244

Dužina sisanja kod teladi i počeci upotrebe kravljeg mleka u ljudskoj ishrani: potencijali izotopskih analiza

Auteurs: Živaljević, Ivana; Dimitrijević, Vesna; Stefanović, Sofija; Balasse, Marie
Publié dans: XLI Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva (SAD) - Book of Abstracts, 2018
Éditeur: Serbian Archaeological Society and National Museum of Pančevo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1286775

Interdisciplinarni pristup analizi spaljenih ljudskih ostataka: primer nekropola sa lokaliteta Konopište

Auteurs: Jelena Marković, Adela Novotna, Ivana Živaljević, Sanja Kojić, Bojan Petrović, Aca Đorđević, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: XLI Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva (SAD) - Book of Abstracts, Numéro 41, 2018, Page(s) 87, ISBN 978-86-80094-07-6
Éditeur: Serbian Archaeological Society and National Museum of Pančevo

Bone spoons for prehistoric babies: detection of primary teeth marks on the neolithic artefacts

Auteurs: Sofija Stefanović, Bojan Petrović, Marko Porčić, Jugoslav Pendić, Kristina Penezić
Publié dans: 25th EAA Annual Meeting (Bern, 2019) – Abstract Book, Numéro 4-8.09.2019., 2019, Page(s) 96, ISBN 978-80-907270-6-9
Éditeur: Eauropean Association of Archaeologists

Diet-related strategies of Early Neolithic communities along the Danube and its vicinity: from the Danube Gorges through southern part of Great Pannonian Plain

Auteurs: Jelena Jovanović, Jelena Marković, Camille de Becdelievre, Alejandro Romero, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Prehistoric Communities along the Danube, Numéro 28th — 30th November, 2019, 2019
Éditeur: The Archaeological Museum Osijek & Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb

Neolithic Demographic Transition in the Central Balkans: population dynamics reconstruction based on new radiocarbon evidence

Auteurs: Tamara Blagojević, Marko Porčić, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 1st Conference on the Early Neolithic of Europe (ENE), Numéro 06.-08.11.2019., 2019, Page(s) 56-57
Éditeur: Museu Maritim de Barcelona

Can we detect prehistoric pregnancies? Potential of the tooth cementum analysis for the reconstruction of fertility

Auteurs: Kristina Penezić, Marko Porčić, Filip Ristović, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: 25th EAA Annual Meeting (Bern, 2019) – Abstract Book, Numéro 04.-08.2019., 2019, Page(s) 95-96, ISBN 978-80-907270-6-9
Éditeur: European Association of Archaeologists

Revealing the “hidden” Central Balkan and Pannonian Mesolithic: new radiocarbon evidence from Serbia

Auteurs: Ivana Živaljević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Jelena Jovanović, Tamara Blagojević, Jugoslav Pendić, Anđelka Putica, Viktorija Uzelac, Jelena Bulatović, Miloš Spasić, Dragan Anđelić, Milica Bajčeta, Nenad Jončić, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: MESO’ 2020 – Tenth International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, Numéro September 7th‒11th 2020, 2020, Page(s) 353-354
Éditeur: Université Toulouse- Jean Jaurès

Becoming sedentary? The seasonality of hunting in the Mesolithic-Neolithic Danube Gorges

Auteurs: Ivana Živaljević, Vesna Dimitrijević
Publié dans: The 22nd Neolithic Seminar - Modelling the Processes of Neolithisation, Numéro 22, 2015, Page(s) 14
Éditeur: University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana

The timing, tempo and mode of the Neolithic expansion across the Central Balkans

Auteurs: Marko Porčić, Mladen Nikolić, Jugoslav Pendić, Tamara Blagojević, Kristina Penezić, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: The 26th European Association of Archaeologists Virtual Annual Meeting, Numéro 24.-30.08.2020., 2020, Page(s) 371, ISBN 978-80-907270-7-6
Éditeur: Eauropean Association of Archaeologists

Bone spoons for prehistoric babies: Detection of human teeth marks on the Neolithic artefacts from the site Grad-Starčevo (Serbia)

Auteurs: Sofija Stefanović, Bojan Petrović, Marko Porčić, Kristina Penezić, Jugoslav Pendić, Vesna Dimitrijević, Ivana Živaljević, Sonja Vuković, Jelena Jovanović, Sanja Kojić, Andrej Starović, Tamara Blagojević
Publié dans: PLOS ONE, Numéro 14/12, 2019, Page(s) e0225713, ISSN 1932-6203
Éditeur: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0225713

Human Jaw from the Late Neolithic Pločnik site: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Auteurs: Vera Bogosavljević Petrović, Kristina Penezić, Jelena Jovanović, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Zbornik Narodnog muzeja Beograd - Recueil du Musee National a Belgrade, Numéro 24(1), 2019, Page(s) 9-30, ISSN 0352-2474
Éditeur: National Museum in Belgrade

The Neolithic Demographic Transition in the Central Balkans: population dynamics reconstruction based on new radiocarbon evidence

Auteurs: Marko Porčić, Tamara Blagojević, Jugoslav Pendić, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Numéro 376/1816, 2021, Page(s) 20190712, ISSN 0962-8436
Éditeur: Royal Society of London
DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2019.0712

Stressful times for women - Increased physiological stress in Neolithic females detected in tooth cementum

Auteurs: Kristina Penezić, Marko Porčić, Petra Kathrin Urban, Ursula Wittwer-Backofen, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Journal of Archaeological Science, Numéro 122, 2020, Page(s) 105217, ISSN 0305-4403
Éditeur: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2020.105217

Last hunters–first farmers: new insight into subsistence strategies in the Central Balkans through multi-isotopic analysis

Auteurs: Jelena Jovanović, Camille de Becdelièvre, Sofija Stefanović, Ivana Živaljević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Gwenaëlle Goude
Publié dans: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Numéro 11/7, 2019, Page(s) 3279-3298, ISSN 1866-9557
Éditeur: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s12520-018-0744-1

Microbotanical evidence for the spread of cereal use during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Southeastern Europe (Danube Gorges): Data from dental calculus analysis

Auteurs: Jelena Jovanović, Robert C. Power, Camille de Becdelièvre, Gwenaëlle Goude, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Journal of Archaeological Science, Numéro 125, 2021, Page(s) 105288, ISSN 0305-4403
Éditeur: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2020.105288

Primary Teeth Bite Marks Analysis on Various Materials: A Possible Tool in Children Health Risk Analysis and Safety Assessment

Auteurs: Nikola Jovanovic, Bojan Petrovic, Sanja Kojic, Milica Sipovac, Dejan Markovic, Sofija Stefanovic, Goran Stojanovic
Publié dans: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Numéro 16/13, 2019, Page(s) 2434, ISSN 1660-4601
Éditeur: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16132434

Seasonal calving in European Prehistoric cattle and its impacts on milk availability and cheese-making (accepted for publication)

Auteurs: Marie Balasse, Rosalind Gillis, Ivana Živaljević, Rémi Berthon, Lenka Kovačiková, Denis Fiorillo, Rose-Marie Arbogast, Adrian Bălăşescu, Stéphanie Bréhard, Éva Á. Nyerges, Vesna Dimitrijević, Eszter Bánffy, László Domboróczki, Arkadiusz Marciniak, Krisztián Oross, Ivana Vostrovská, Mélanie Roffet-Salque, Sofija Stefanović, Maria Ivanova
Publié dans: Scientific Reports, Numéro 11, 2021, ISSN 2045-2322
Éditeur: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-87674-1

The timing and tempo of the Neolithic expansion across the Central Balkans in the light of the new radiocarbon evidence

Auteurs: Marko Porčić, Tamara Blagojević, Jugoslav Pendić, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Numéro 33, 2020, Page(s) 102528, ISSN 2352-409X
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102528

Revealing the “hidden” Pannonian and Central Balkan Mesolithic: new radiocarbon evidence from Serbia

Auteurs: Ivana Živaljević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Jelena Jovanović, Tamara Blagojević, Jugoslav Pendić, Anđelka Putica, Viktorija Uzelac, Jelena Bulatović, Miloš Spasić, Nenad Jončić, Kristina Penezić, Dragan Anđelić, Milica Bajčeta, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Quaternary International, Numéro 574, 2021, Page(s) 52-67, ISSN 1040-6182
Éditeur: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2020.11.043

Using Histological Staining Techniques to Improve Visualization and Interpretability of Tooth Cementum Annulation Analysis

Auteurs: Bojan Petrovic, Jelena Pantelinac, Ivan Capo, Dejan Miljkovic, Milan Popovic, Kristina Penezic, Sofija Stefanovic
Publié dans: International Journal of Morphology, 2021, ISSN 0717-9502
Éditeur: Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía

Quantifying prehistoric physiological stress using the TCA method:

Auteurs: Kristina Penezić, Marko Porčić, Jelena Jovanović, Petra Kathrin Urban, Ursula Wittwer-Backofen, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Documenta Praehistorica, Numéro 46, 2019, Page(s) 284-295, ISSN 1408-967X
Éditeur: Univerza v Ljubljani
DOI: 10.4312/dp.46.17

Expansion of the Neolithic in Southeastern Europe: wave of advance fueled by high fertility and scalar stress

Auteurs: Marko Porčić, Mladen Nikolić, Jugoslav Pendić, Kristina Penezić, Tamara Blagojević, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Numéro 13/5, 2021, ISSN 1866-9557
Éditeur: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s12520-021-01324-1

A pattern of metatarsal bovine bone surface alterations produced by human permanent teeth - An experimental approach

Auteurs: Bojan Petrovic, Sofija Stefanovic, Sanja Kojic, Marko Porcic, Jovana Jevremov, Goran Stojanovic
Publié dans: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Numéro 27, 2019, Page(s) 101961, ISSN 2352-409X
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.101961

Living off the land: Terrestrial-based diet and dairying in the farming communities of the Neolithic Balkans

Auteurs: Darko Stojanovski, Ivana Živaljević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Julie Dunne, Richard P. Evershed, Marie Balasse, Adam Dowle, Jessica Hendy, Krista McGrath, Roman Fischer, Camilla Speller, Jelena Jovanović, Emmanuelle Casanova, Timothy Knowles, Lidija Balj, Goce Naumov, Anđelka Putica, Andrej Starović, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: PLOS ONE, Numéro 15/8, 2020, Page(s) e0237608, ISSN 1932-6203
Éditeur: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237608

Istražuvanje na lokalitetot Vrbjanska Čuka vo 2017 godina

Auteurs: Goce Naumov, Aleksandar Mitkoski, Hristijan Talevski, Aleksandar Murgoski, Nikola Dumurđanov, Jaromír Beneš, Ivana Živaljević, Jugoslav Pendić, Darko Stojanovski, Juan Gibaja, Niccolò Mazzucco, Albert Hafner, Sönke Szidat, Vesna Dimitrijević, Sofija Stefanović, Krýstina Budilová, Michaela Vychronová, Tereza Majerovičová, Jiří Bumerl
Publié dans: Balcanoslavica, Numéro 47 (1), 2018, Page(s) 253-285, ISSN 2545-4358
Éditeur: Institute for Old Slavic culture

Contextual and anthropological analysis of human skeletal remains from the archaeological site Topole-Bač (in Serbian)

Auteurs: Jelena Jovanović, Tamara Blagojević, Saša Živanović, Anđelka Putica, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Journal of Serbian Archaeological Society, Numéro 33, 2017, Page(s) 255-281, ISSN 0352-5678
Éditeur: Serbian Archaeological Society

Becoming sedentary? The seasonality of food resource exploitation in the Mesolithic-Neolithic Danube Gorges

Auteurs: Vesna Dimitrijević, Ivana Živaljević, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Documenta Praehistorica, Numéro 43, 2016, Page(s) 103, ISSN 1408-967X
Éditeur: Univerza v Ljubljani
DOI: 10.4312/dp.43.4

Lov, stočarstvo i simbolički značaj životinja na Golokutu: nove analize arheozoološkog materijala

Auteurs: Ivana Živaljević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Darko Radmanović, Jelena Jovanović, Lidija Balj, Jugoslav Pendić, Bojana Ivošević, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Archaika, Numéro 5, 2017, Page(s) 2-26, ISSN 1820-6328
Éditeur: Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade

Demography of the Early Neolithic Population in Central Balkans: Population Dynamics Reconstruction Using Summed Radiocarbon Probability Distributions

Auteurs: Marko Porčić, Tamara Blagojević, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: PLOS ONE, Numéro 11/8, 2016, Page(s) e0160832, ISSN 1932-6203
Éditeur: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160832

Early Neolithic population dynamics in the Eastern Balkans and the Great Hungarian Plain

Auteurs: Tamara Blagojević, Marko Porčić, Kristina Penezić, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Documenta Praehistorica, Numéro 44, 2017, Page(s) 18, ISSN 1408-967X
Éditeur: Univerza v Ljubljani
DOI: 10.4312/dp.44.2

Mothers and figurines: representation of pregnancy in the Early Neolithic of Central Balkans

Auteurs: Ana Tripković, Marko Porčić, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Archaica, Numéro 5, 2017, Page(s) 79-88, ISSN 1820-6328
Éditeur: Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade

Reconstruction of Two Mother-Infant Dyads and Obstetrical Consequences of the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition: A Case Study from Lepenski Vir and Vlasac (Serbia)

Auteurs: J. Jovanović, P. Frémondière, S. Stefanović
Publié dans: Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, Numéro 31/1-2, 2019, Page(s) 60-68, ISSN 0037-8984
Éditeur: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.3166/bmsap-2018-0042

Surface characterization of the raw and cooked bovine cortical metatarsal bone

Auteurs: Bojan Petrović, Sanja Kojić, Tamara Perić, Milica Šipovac, Jovana Lazarević, Sofija Stefanović, Goran Stojanović
Publié dans: Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Numéro 21 (1), 2019, Page(s) 13-21, ISSN 1509-409X
Éditeur: Oficyna Wydawnicza
DOI: 10.5277/abb-01197-2018-02

Direct insight into Dietary Adaptation and the individual experience of Neolithization: comparing subsistence, provenance and ancestry of Early Neolithic Humans from the Danube Gorges, c. 6200-5500. cal BC

Auteurs: Camille de Becdelievre, Jelena Jovanović, Zuzana Hofmanova, Gwenaelle Goude, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Farmers at the Frontier: A Pan European Perspective on Neolithisation, 2020, Page(s) 45-76, ISBN 9781789251401
Éditeur: Oxbow Books

Neolithic Settlements in the Central Balkans between 6200 and 5300 calBC: Issues of Duration and Continuity of Occupation

Auteurs: Sofija Stefanović, Marko Porčić, Tamara Blagojević, Jelena Jovanović
Publié dans: Making Spaces into Places: The North Aegean, the Balkans and Western Anatolia in the Neolithic, 2020, Page(s) 191-191, ISBN 9781407353807
Éditeur: BAR International Series, Archaeopress

In search of plants in the diet of Mesolithic-Neolithic communities in the Iron Gates

Auteurs: Dragana Filipović, Jelena Jovanović, Dragana Rančić
Publié dans: From Hunter-Gatherers to Farmers: Human Adaptations at the End of the Pleistocene and the First Part of the Holocene. Papers in Honour of Clive Bonsall, 2017, Page(s) 93-111, ISBN 978-606-537-386-0
Éditeur: Editura Cetatea de Scaun
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1247974

Faunal remains from Kula, a Mesolithic-neolithic site at the exit of the Danube Gorges (Serbia)

Auteurs: Ivana Živaljević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: From Hunter-Gatherers to Farmers: Human Adaptations at the End of the Pleistocene and the First Part of the Holocene. Papers in Honour of Clive Bonsall, 2017, Page(s) 113-133, ISBN 978-606-537-386-0
Éditeur: Editura Cetatea de Scaun
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1216045

Size estimations of sturgeons (Acipenseridae) from the Mesolithic-Neolithic Danube Gorges

Auteurs: Ivana Živaljević, Igor V. Askeyev, Dilyara N. Shaymuratova (Galimova), Oleg V. Askeyev, Sergey P. Monakhov, Dušan Borić, Sofija Stefanović
Publié dans: Foraging Assemblages: Papers Presented at the Ninth International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, Belgrade 2015, 2021, Page(s) 422-427, ISBN 978-86-80094-15-1
Éditeur: Serbian Archaeological Society & Italian Academy for Advanced studies ‒ Columbia University

Paleodemografija: kritički pregled teorije, metoda i istraživanja

Auteurs: Marko Porčić
Publié dans: 2016, ISBN 978-86-6427-031-1
Éditeur: Faculty of Philosophy, Laboratory for Bioarchaeology, University of Belgrade

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