CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
This deliverable will assess the safety impact of the new concepts on reducing excursions.
Inventory current developments and new initiativesThis deliverable will provide an overview of current developments and new initiatives intended to avoid or mitigate the risks associated with runway excursions.
Test report preliminary testing with system/pilots cognitive task analysisConduction of first real time flight simulation experiments and subsequent analysis of the results. Recommendations for second real time simulation.
Safety mindfulness techniqueMethodology description of the approach based on advanced task analysis (including value analysis), observation methods (including day-to-day, LOSA and NOSS variants), and trade-off task analysis methods.
Materials for cabin environment protection - Test results (second batch)Report on results of the second batch of tests for new materials, fire retardants & fire protections to improve material solutions to mitigate and protect cabin environment from fire, smoke and fumes, including data sheets for the database. Final technical assessment of test protocols and material test results.
Safety mindfulness management guidelinesSafety Mindfulness Management Guidelines – for middle management – these will be integrated into the Safe Performance System, with their own tools, metrics, training ideas and media.
Demonstration of composite material solutions to reduce fire and smoke in cabin environmentA demonstrator panel, combining different materials under research at VZLU and DLR, is constructed and shown during the second public workshop. It consists of two curved panels that are attached to each other by connectors. The demonstrator represents the inner (cargo interior) and outer (fuselage, primary structure) shell of an airplane. The key aspect of the outer shell is to show the different layers CF-Prepreg and metal layers of a Fibre Metal Laminate. The cargo interior panel will be made of geo-polymer reinforced with recycled carbon fibres or flax fibres. The layup is similar to a typically used cargo interior and fuselage composite. The deliverable summarizes demonstrator and provides recommendations for future exploitation of the new material solutions.
Recommendations for augmenting the human performance envelopeProvision of recommendations for future recovery methods and principles.
A prototype safety dashboard for ANSPsIn order to develop a viable safety dashboard concept for Executive Board level of ANSPs, a staged approach is being taken. Four workshops are planned, with 7 ANSPs to develop general user requirements. WP5 will be working with two specific ANSPs (Spain and Italy) to develop the dashboards and to test them via presentation at their executive board level. Scalability will be considered via further workshops with the original set of ANSPs, prior to presentation to a larger group of ANSPs (>20). This will culminate in an advanced dashboard concept and guidance and validation report.
Analysis aircraft tyre dynamicsThis deliverable will provide an analysis of tyre ground models that can be used for simulation aircraft operations during ground roll under crosswind conditions.
Optimised safety culture profiles tailored to national culturesOptimized safety culture profiles tailored to national cultures – showing how safety can work differently but coherently for Air Traffic Service (ATS); national cultures will be clustered into regions. The approach will work across different ATS sectors including Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), airlines, airports and manufacturers.
Smart vest for real-time measurements of physiological dataThe outputs of this dissemination and exploitation action are (1) a smart vest (TRL7) for real-time measurement of physiological data in order to estimate the Human Performance Envelope. The system is consisting of two independent sensors with Bluetooth connection, one garment (vest) with sewn slots linked together with a wire integrated into the garment, one USB charger and one Smartphone App (Android) to control the system, perform real-time signals visualization and upload recorded data from the sensors. Dedicated algorithms are embedded in the sensors in order to estimate in real time the workload as well as the stress level of the pilot. (2) A performance report containing the test results; (3) A summary report of the organized workshop with recommendation of the potential usage of a smart vest in the future cockpit and what is required or best to have in order to facilitate the integration into the cockpit ecosystem but also to make the pilots eager to use/accept it.
Assessment of dissemination and exploitation activities 3Three assessments of the dissemination and exploitation activities will be performed. In this report the results from the third exercise will be presented.
Assessment of dissemination and exploitation activities 2Three assessments of the dissemination and exploitation activities will be performed. In this report the results from the second exercise will be presented.
EREA Aviation Safety Research Plan 1This annually updated plan will be based on different inputs and contains the planning for the coordination of the institutionally funded safety research of the participating Research Establishments for the second year of Future Sky Safety. It has to be adopted by the RE Coordination Steering Committee.
Assessment of dissemination and exploitation activities 1Three assessments of the dissemination and exploitation activities will be performed. In this report, the results from the first exercise will be presented.
The Risk Observatory: Aviation Safety Information Sharing and Learning PlatformThis deliverable contains a description of the final Risk Observatory prototype from an end-user and customer perspective. It will contain the business model for the operational deployment of the Risk Observatory. It will also contain a description of the key elements of the Risk Observatory and the rationale of their inclusion. This includes various dashboards that show how safety data is translated to actionable safety information in the risk observatory. Finally, it will make recommendations for future development avenues for the Risk Observatory and comparable actions.
Primary structure materials - Final report on the characterisation and modelling of materials fire behaviourWP7.1 final report on the understanding and characterisation of the fire behaviour of primary structure materials, incl. the analysis and conclusions of all the tests, the assessment of test protocols, material database, and state-of-the-art models.
Agile response capability - scenario testingAgile Response Capability – scenario testing – four scenarios will be developed: two with two or three ATS functions (one of these must concern a ‘drift-into-danger’ situation), and two that are ATS-wide invoking the European Crisis Cell, e.g. break-up of a spacecraft above European airspace, determining how different organizations must be prepared to react in time.
EREA Aviation Safety Research Plan 2This annually updated plan will be based on different inputs and contains the planning for the coordination of the institutionally funded safety research of the participating Research Establishments for the third year of Future Sky Safety. It has to be adopted by the RE Coordination Steering Committee.
Materials for cabin environment protection - Models for material degradationReport on the description of partners state-of-the-art models for materials degradation with respect to fire, fumes and smoke in cabin environment. Application and validation of degradation models with WP7.2 materials test results.
Models and analysis of dynamic interaction between aircraft/pilot and ground reactionsThis deliverable discusses models that represent dynamic interaction between aircraft/pilot and ground reactions of the aircraft during the ground roll under crosswind conditions.
Materials for cabin environment protection - Final report on characterisation and modelling of materials degradationWP7.2 final report on the improvement of materials, fire retardants and fire protections incl. the analysis and conclusions of all the tests, the assessment of test protocols, material database, and state-of-the-art models.
Mapping of safety culture onto processes and practicesMapping of safety culture onto processes and principles – this relates the specifics of safety culture (ways of doing safety according to national values) to common safety processes and practices in the SPS, including safety emergence and safety intelligence. The principles and processes must support safety mindfulness and management of trade-offs at operational, management and executive levels. This means there must be a coherence between the high level principles and those at the operational end of the spectrum.
Survey institutional funding mechanismsThis report will provide information on the procedure and time scale of the institutional funding in the different countries, necessary for the coordination of the activities funded by these sources.
Risk observatory designThis deliverable contains a description of the early prototype of the risk observatory (visualization of end-product), the business model and design specification (e.g. system architecture, interfaces) of the risk observatory.
Total Aviation System Risk Picture 2018This deliverable contains quantified safety performance indicators that measure the actual progress with respect to main safety issues.
Educational plan setting/requiring new skills and educational training pathsThe plan will define the following activities: 1. promote scientific and technical studies and careers in Safety research, allowing the sharing of a common safety culture within the air transport domain. 2. selection of learning subjects relevant for schools curricula. An educational plan related to the project by setting/requiring new skills and educational training will be defined. 3. Keep close contact with the related education EC CSAs (e.g. FlyHigher, PromoAir, AIRVET, and those coming from the H2020 new calls) participating to workshops, meetings.
Test report large scale simulationsConduction of second real time flight simulation experiments and analysis of the results.
Integrated risk assessment frameworkThis deliverable describes the integrated risk assessment framework consisting of the connected domain-specific risk assessment modules.
Analysis aerodynamics under high sideslip angles on the groundThis deliverable will provide the results of the analysis of aircraft aerodynamic characteristics under high sideslip angles (crosswind) during the takeoff/landing ground roll.
Primary structures material - Models for fire behaviourReport on the description of partners state-of-the-art models to study and predict fire behaviour of primary structure composite materials and residual strength of panels. Application of these models using WP7.1 material database and validation against WP7.1 panels test results.
Mitigating the risk of fire, smoke and fumes – Final synthesis report"This deliverable will provide a description of all the work performed in WP7 ""Mitigating the risk of fire, smoke and fumes"", and a summary of the main results, conclusions and recommendations. The deliverables will also outline future exploitation directions."
EREA Aviation Safety Research Plan 3This annually updated plan will be based on different inputs and contains the planning for the coordination of the institutionally funded safety research of the participating Research Establishments for the fourth year of Future Sky Safety. It has to be adopted by the RE Coordination Steering Committee.
Total Aviation System Risk Picture 2017This deliverable contains quantified safety performance indicators that measure the actual progress with respect to main safety issues.
On-board air quality - Final report on the effects of new materialsWP7.3 final report on the study of effects of new materials, technology and fuel systems on the on board air quality. Conclusions about the literature survey, the listing and classification of possible contaminants, the industrial framework proposal and the possible measurement techniques.
Tyre braking performance, anti-skid systems and modern aircraft tyresThis deliverable will provide the results of a literature study which will summarise and discuss the state of current knowledge regarding tyre braking performance, anti-skid systems, and modern aircraft tyres on water contaminated runways.
Braking performance of modern aircraft tyres and aircraft on water covered runwaysThis deliverable will provide data the braking performance of modern aircraft tyres and aircraft on water covered runways. These will be obtained from experimental tests using full scale aircraft.
Primary structures materials - Test results (second batch)Report on results of the second batch of tests performed to improve understanding and characterisation of primary structure materials behabiour under increasing temperature and fire exposure, including data sheets for the database. Final technical assessment of test protocols and material test results.
Analysis flight data, meteorological data, aircraft stability data and runway dataThis deliverable will provide an overview and analysis of relevant data related to the identification of runway veer-off risks.
Exploitation of the new tools and techniques for the analysis of runway veer-off risk using flight data'Aa Flight Data Monitoring Workshop will be organised. New algorithms and monitoring techniques that have been developed and tested against flight data from major operators in Europe are presented. The objective is that aircraft operators and Flight Data Monitoring software developers learn from the results of the project and implement it into their FDM programmes (either themselves or via their FDM software providers). In preparation of the workshop, several use cases will be conducted with real flight data from several airlines using the methods developed in WP3. The deliverable will summarize the workshop and outline future exploitation directions.
Concept for Human Performance EnvelopeDescription of state-of-the-Art (taking into account results of previous national and international projects) and definition of the human performance envelope and its boundaries for the real time simulations planned in Future Sky Safety.
On-board air quality - Literature review and methodological surveyReport on literature review and methodological study addressing selection of contaminants, measurement techniques, tests specifications and requirements, to study effects of new materials, technology and fuel systems on the on board air quality.
Safety intelligence for top managersGuidance in terms of awareness of key high-level safety issues, use of safety dashboards and key safety KPIs, and integration with other (non-safety) KPIs, as well as acceptable and unacceptable trade-offs illustrated by realistic scenarios.
Agile Response Capability (ARC) - best practicesAgile Response Capability (ARC) best practices from military and resilience theory, including ‘drift-into-danger’ – a literature review supplemented by expert input and principles, and differences between civil/military cultures that could affect ARC operation.
Total Aviation System Risk Picture 2016This deliverable contains quantified safety performance indicators that measure the actual progress with respect to main safety issues.
User Manual for the Risk Observatory (release 2)This deliverable is release 2 of a technical communication document that is a guide to at least the main function of the risk observatory including the human-machine interfaces. The idea is to incorporate the feedback of stakeholders on the first release of the User Manual (D4.5).
Recommendations recovery measures and HMI implementationDevelopment of methods and principles to recover performance if outside of the human performance envelope. First guideline for HMI development taking into account one dedicated concept of automation.
Results of trials of the Risk ObservatoryThe deliverable resulting from this dissemination and exploitation action will highlight the outcomes of two trials of an alpha version of the prototype Risk Observatory. One trial will be performed with KLM, the other with Airbus. The deliverable will detail the setup of the trial, the results and the recommendations that follow from the trials for further development of the prototype Risk Observatory and for requirements of a full future instalment of a Risk Observatory.
Safety intelligence for middle managersGuidance on the role and considerations of middle managers during trade-offs + safety leadership training. Scenarios and videos will be used as training media. KPIs will be developed so that managers can monitor their own performance, as well as understanding of how they can become Safety Dashboard KPI owners at their level.
Veer-off risk factors in incidents/accidentsThis deliverable will provide the results of an analysis of historical runway veer-off accidents/incidents. Causal and contributing factors related to veer-offs will be discussed and presented.
Safety mindfulness metricsSafety Mindfulness Metrics will be developed to determine if the conditions are right for safety to come to the fore in teams, particularly when having to make trade-offs or when they are under pressure. Metrics will also focus on how they are influenced by the formal hierarchy and informal peer pressure. This work will adapt the best from High Reliability Organizations and Crew Resource Management.
Educational materials targeted at senior and middle managers, as well as the political level. Safety Intelligence KPIs that are connected across the ATS.
Dissemination material First Public WorkshopTwo public workshops dedicated to present main achievements and discuss remaining gaps and new research needs will be organised. In this deliverable the material from the first public workshop and some conclusions will be presented.
Safe Performance System guidance and supporting materialSPS guidance and supporting material – this material will be for any operational organization in the SPS and so will be generic, using case studies from P5 partners, including video interviews of executives and operational personnel talking of the benefits of implementing a Safe Performance System approach. The SPS must integrate the other WPs, safety intelligence, culture, mindfulness and agile response.
Dissemination material second internal workshopTwo internal workshops dedicated to present main achievements and discuss remaining gaps and new research needs will be organised. In this deliverable the material from the second workshop and some conclusions will be presented.
Safety intelligence toolsDashboards & KPIs at Board level that can interact across the ATS. The ultimate aim is a dashboard at European level that can also highlight safety contributions (positive and negative) at the sector level, e.g. airports, ANSPs, suppliers, airlines, and manufacturers, as well as the top 5 safety risks at the European level and at industrial sector level. Individual companies, e.g. Airbus or KLM, should be able to state what part of the risk they are managing or reducing.
Dissemination material second public workshopTwo public workshops dedicated to present main achievements and discuss remaining gaps and new research needs will be organised. In this deliverable the material from the second public workshop and some conclusions will be presented.
Agile response capability - Protocols and GuidanceMaterial for Air Traffic Service (ATS) companies and management; with detailed proposals for annual or bi-annual exercises at ATS system-wide level including performance criteria, and principles for detection of drift.
Set-up of public and restricted project web site and periodic updates.
Gerard Van Es
Published in:
AIAA Flight Testing Conference, 2017, ISBN 978-1-62410-492-3
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
T.C. Callari, N. Mc Donald, D. Baranzini, F. Mattei
Published in:
ECRM 2017 - 16th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, Issue 22-23 June 2017, 2017, ISBN 978-1-911218-41-8
ECRM - Academic Conferences and Publishing International
Chong Wang, Florian Holzapfel
Published in:
2018 AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 2018, ISBN 978-1-62410-528-9
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
R. Tump, T.J. Mulder
Published in:
49th European Symposium of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP), Issue 11-15 July 2017, 2017
Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP)
G. van Es, P. Koks
Published in:
28th Society of Flight Test Engineers (SFTE) European Chapter Symposium, Issue September 13-15, 2017, 2017
Society of Flight Test Engineers (SFTE)
Rogier Woltjer, Björn J.E. Johansson, Peter Berggren
Published in:
6th Resilience Engineering International Symposium, Issue 22 – 25 June 2015, 2015
Resilience Engineering Association
I. Roese-Koerner, B.Schuh, T. Rinneberg and P. Wierach
Published in:
17th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM17), Issue 26 - 30 June 2016, 2016, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-3-00-053387-7
European Society for Composite Materials
Chong Wang, Sylvain Metge, Florian Holzapfel
Published in:
7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 (TRA 2018), 2018
Robin Hron
Published in:
17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM2017, Nano, Bio and Green � Technologies for a Sustainable Future, 2017, ISBN 9786-197408294
Stef92 Technology
M. Kadlec, F. Martaus, R. Hron
Published in:
ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, Issue 24-28th June 2018, 2018
University of Patras
Graziani , Ilenia; Berberian , Bruno; Kirwan , Barry; Le Blaye , Patrick; Napoletano , Linda; Rognin , Laurence; Silvagni , Sara
Published in:
HCI-Aero 2016 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aerospace, 2016, ISBN 978-1-4503-4406-7
P. Bieber, S. Metge, M. Morel, J. Plé
Published in:
7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 2017
EASN Association
X. Olive, P. Bieber
Published in:
International Conference for Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2018, 2018
P. Bieber, J. Morio, F. Kaakai, M. Morel, S. Metge, M. LLobet, L. Carbo
Published in:
Lambda-Mu 21 Symposium on Risk Management, System Dependability & Safety, 2018
Lambda-Mu d'Or
Joram Verstraeten, Gerben van Baren, Rombout Wever
Published in:
Journal of Safety Studies, Issue 2/2, 2016, Page(s) 91, ISSN 2377-3219
Macrothink Institute
Robin Hron, Martin Kadlec, František Martaus
Published in:
Solid State Phenomena, Issue 278, 2018, Page(s) 82-88, ISSN 1662-9779
Jim Nixon, Rebecca Charles
Published in:
Cognition, Technology & Work, Issue 19/4, 2017, Page(s) 655-666, ISSN 1435-5558
Springer Verlag
Rebecca L. Charles, Jim Nixon
Published in:
Applied Ergonomics, Issue 74, 2019, Page(s) 221-232, ISSN 0003-6870
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Robin Hron, František Martaus, Martin Kadlec
Published in:
MATEC Web of Conferences, Issue 179, 2018, Page(s) 02003, ISSN 2261-236X
EDP Sciences
Tiziana C. Callari, Corinne Bieder, Barry Kirwan
Published in:
Safety Science, Issue 113, 2019, Page(s) 19-29, ISSN 0925-7535
Elsevier BV
Barry Kirwan, Tom Reader, Anam Parand
Published in:
Safety and Reliability, 2019, Page(s) 1-18, ISSN 0961-7353
Taylor & Francis
Job Smeltink, Sybert Stroeve, Barry Kirwan
Published in:
MATEC Web of Conferences, Issue 273, 2019, Page(s) 01002, ISSN 2261-236X
EDP Sciences
Tiziana C. Callari, Nick McDonald, Barry Kirwan, Keith Cartmale
Published in:
Safety Science, Issue 120, 2019, Page(s) 838-849, ISSN 0925-7535
Elsevier BV
B. Kirwan, T. Reader, A. Parand, R. Kennedy, C. Bieder, S. Stroeve, A. Balk
Published in:
AeroSafety World, 2018, ISSN 1934-4015
AeroSafety World
N. Makins, B. Kirwan, B. Bettignies-Thiebaux, C. Bieder, R. Kennedy, M-.A. Sujan, V. Arrigoni, R. De Piano, S. Pozzi, C. Muccitelli, A. Boschiero, A. Dijkstra, A. Parand, T. Reader
Published in:
Intellectual Property Rights
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