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UKraine Replication, Awareness and INnovation based on EGNSS

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - UKRAINE (UKraine Replication, Awareness and INnovation based on EGNSS)

Reporting period: 2016-01-01 to 2016-09-30

The objective of the UKRAINE project, in line with GALILEO-3-2014 Call, are to foster application development through international cooperation and to create a broad acceptance of EGNSS in Ukraine, creating at the same time opportunities both for knowledge building and at commercial level. The contribution of the UKRAINE project with respect to the aforementioned objectives relates to the achievement of the following impacts:
- preparation of the Ukrainian aviation market to the extension of EGNOS
- support to the uptake of regulated EGNSS applications through the elaboration of a legislative roadmap - generation of innovative solutions for multimodal logistics and dangerous goods
- creation of business matchmaking opportunities for Ukrainian and EU companies

These impacts have been achieved through a set of coordinated actions:
1. performing a study on integrating the Ukrainian legal framework to key European directives and regulations on EGNSS transport
2. working on aviation as the starting point for the extension of EGNOS to Ukraine, by a) preparing the ground for LPV procedures, b) working on GNSS signal monitoring and c) setting the required legal framework
3. innovating in the field of EGNSS tracking and tracing of Dangerous Goods and performing a pilot on multimodal freight transport
4. creating business matchmaking opportunities between EU and Ukrainian companies and engaging GNSS stakeholders through a contest on a multiconstellation receiver
5. disseminating results through pilots, demonstrators and an extensive communication campaign

The maximum possible involvement of Ukrainian stakeholders was ensured by a) the direct involvement of the State Space Agency of Ukraine, the National Aviation University and the Technical Polytechnic of Kiev (KPI), b) the organization of events, matchmaking opportunities and contests targeting Ukrainian entities and c) the vision to release products on the Ukrainian market
Project activities

The project was structured in four main areas of activities, as follows:

• A Legal Assessment has been performed in order to develop a strategy on EGNSS implementation in Ukraine, together with an evaluation of the political feasibility. These activities were then followed by the development of a roadmap defining the optimal way, including legislative and non-legislative actions, to proceed updating Ukrainian legal framework to key European directives and regulations on EGNSS in transport.

• The preparation of the Ukrainian aviation market as the entry point of the extension of EGNOS – specifically addressing LPV procedures, GNSS signal monitoring and reinforcing systems integrity. The performance of signal monitoring tests and spectrum assessment allowed to identify a number of sites near Boryspil airport as the most preferable place for RIMS location. A relevant effort has been devoted to spreading awareness to airports, ANSP and aviation authorities concerning EGNOS-based approach procedures and deriving benefits, resulting in a concrete interest of Ukrainian Airport for PBN procedures and related training. Initial activities have been carried out concerning the eventual promulgation of the first RNP APCH approach procedure down to LPV minima at Zhuliany airport RWY 08.

• Tracking and tracing in multimodal logistics
The generation of innovative solution was possible thanks to a detailed market analysis, which allowed to define the market potential of the service, the related business model and technical implementation of GNSS-based solutions for tracking and tracing of unpowered goods in Ukraine. Rail and multimodal transport have been identified as the most relevant targets. A very successful pilot testing has been performed in the rail sector, and a go-to- market plan, foreseeing a partnership with a local operator, was finalised.

• Matchmaking activities
Three matchmaking workshops offered the chance for cross-promotion between the EU and Ukraine of space technologies and applications creating networking and collaboration opportunities to foster innovation and the uptake of EGNSS. In addition, a contest in Ukraine built around the development of innovative ideas on EGNSS has been successfully organised.
The UKRAINE project has been a success to the point of being recognised as an example of best practices among Horizon2020 projects for international cooperation. Hard work and coordination efforts have been well repaid with new concrete business opportunities for both European and Ukrainian players, paving the way for even further development and cooperation.

In particular, UKRAINE paved the way to future consulting opportunities for the VVA Group in Ukraine in the sectors covered by the project. TCA will be offering signal monitoring and spectrum assessment services to Ukrainian airports and PildoLabs will support Ukrainian aviation stakeholders for the validation and implementation of PBN procedures in Ukraine.

Ovinto is currently looking for a Ukrainian partner to enter the market of tracking and tracing of unpowered goods and waste treatment, in addition to be willing to test the Galileo authentication concept for hazardous material transport in Ukraine and participating in developing “always coverage” satcom units for eCall in Ukraine.

On the other hand, Ukrainian partners, namely NAU, SSAU and KPI, will closely support the actual extension of EGNOS from the legal and technical point of view, and the deployment of the recommendations and action plans deriving from the UKRAINE project, involving key authorities and stakeholders, ensuring thus an effective follow-up.

In each of the four mentioned areas of activities, promising outcomes have been achieved, in particular related to:
• Legal assessment: the most important outcome is the Draft Law of Ukraine “On the State Regulation in the Sphere of Satellite Navigation”, which is expected to be enforced in Ukraine by the end of 2016.

• Aviation: opening new opportunity for Ukrainian airports in terms of safety and efficiency thanks to the new approach procedure designed by PildoLabs, which is currently in the validation process, and the necessary signal monitoring activities offered by TeleConsult Austria (TCA), with equipment (hard- and software) already tested within real conditions.

• Tracking and tracing in multimodal logistics: a deployment plan has been identified, together with a tailor-made technical development of Ovinto solution for tracking and tracing of unpowered goods, which rely on an optimised EGNSS chipset and antenna. Negotiations with potential Ukrainian partners are currently underway; at the end of the process Ovinto solutions will be ready to reach the Ukrainian market.

• Matchmaking activities: the events held in Kyiv, Brussels and The Hague enabled to create business matchmaking opportunities.
Other initiatives were launched, including a unique contest launched in April 2015 to develop EGNSS-based applications. The contest winner had then the opportunity to participate in the European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) with very successful results: he is one of the finalists for the regional prizes.
UKRAINE project image