CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
report on outcome of 1. focus group workshop at reference test site
Exhibition report 4report on outcome of participation at fairs and exhibitions
Scientific publicationsFinal Conference Proceedings
Organisation and distribution of findings from final conference
Exhibition Report 1report on outcome of participation at fairs and exhibitions
"Public Information - Booklet, portrait exposition ""Women and Men of FAME"""Public information booklet, youtube video and updated flyers
Kick-off reportReport on outcome of kick-off conference
Exhibition Report 3report on outcome of participation at fairs and exhibitions
Focus group report 2report on outcome of 2. focus group workshop at reference test site
Focus group report 3report on outcome of 3. focus group workshop at reference test site
Revised, extended and edited update to the Deliverable D2.1 in result of QA/QC peer-review by external expert. The Report designed for public release describes the economic potential of skarn, pegmatite and greisen deposits and requirements for sustainable mining.
Best practise reportReport on best practise examples known from mining of skarn, greisen and pegmatitic ores
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