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Water Works 2014-2019 in Support of the Water JPI

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - WaterWorks2014 (Water Works 2014-2019 in Support of the Water JPI)

Reporting period: 2016-03-01 to 2021-01-31

Water is a critical resource for the European society. Beside its main life function, freshwater also provides many other functions essential to our economy. Due to the nature of water challenges they, cannot be successfully tackled through the isolated effort of individual national research and innovation programmes. The ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2014 project supports and accelerates the implementation of the Joint Programming Initiative “Water Challenges for a Changing World” (Water JPI), an inter-governmental collaboration intended to tackle the ambitious challenge of achieving sustainable water systems for a sustainable economy in Europe and abroad.
WaterWorks2014 addresses this grand challenge through the development of transnational and trans-disciplinary research and innovation actions. Specifically, this ERA-NET Cofund aims at integrating the efforts and Strategic Agendas of European Water Research and Innovation funding organizations and at pooling financial resources towards the definition and implementation of a joint transnational and multi-disciplinary Call for research and innovation proposals.
In line with the project aims, WaterWorks2014 implemented a joint transnational Call for proposals on research and innovation for developing technological solutions and services for water distribution and measurement, waste water treatment and reuse, desalination, floods and droughts. The call is a contribution to support the implementation of EU water policy.
WaterWorks2014 also performed activities contributing to Water JPI strategy and implementation, which are intended to bridge the gaps and fragmentation of European water-related research and innovation activities.
The results of WaterWorks2014 will be of benefit for researchers, policy-makers, water authorities, utility operators, industry, farmers, and citizens by developing new solutions to water challenges.
The WaterWorks2014 project successfully carried out the planned activities in line with the specific project objectives:
- In WP1, the required closeness between the WaterWorks2014 Era-Net Cofund project, the JPI governance bodies and other Water JPI supporting projects and was ensured in a bid to extend the coordination to the Water JPI partner countries not taking part in WaterWorks2014, to the European Commission and to a large number of European actors in the field of Water RDI.
- In WP2, a joint transnational call for RDI proposals on the theme “Research and Innovation for Developing Technological Solutions and Services” was successfully implemented. A total of 16 transnational collaborative research projects in total amount of 13.3 M€ were funded.
- A monitoring and evaluation framework for funded RDI projects was successfully put in place in WP3. The projects were evaluated in their mid-term and final review against a set of indicators that fulfil both national and Horizon 2020 criteria.
- The WaterWorks2014 dissemination and communication activities based on the Water JPI Communication Strategy were carried out in WP4. The main dissemination tool used is the Water JPI website ( The Water JPI Open Access and Open Data tool, the JPI social networks and a bi-monthly Newsletter were also employed to the disseminate the project results.
- The WP5 and 6, the Additional activities on Water JPI strategy and implementation were successfully carried out. The Water JPI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) is a key document that presents water RDI needs grouped in thematic areas and prioritised according to their urgency and importance. Under WP5, the planning principles for developing of the Water JPI strategy were set up to update the SRIA and the Water JPI strategic Vision document. WP6 aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Water JPI community. This included the organsation of good practices workshops on Water RDI management and funding, exploratory workshops targeted at emerging scientific and technological developments and meetings for the alignment and networking of on-going RDI projects.
WaterWorks2014 addresses the water challenges in Europe through its support of the Water JPI, which aims to coordinate individual water research agendas of participating countries with a European-wide strategic research agenda on common research questions, increase cooperation between European water professionals through sharing resources and building networks, and make better use of Europe’s public Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) funding. Since the Water JPI responds to a societal challenge, impact needs to reach society at large.
The following impacts are observed:
1. Better use of scarce human and financial resources in the area of water R&I
WaterWorks2014 effectively exploits synergies at all levels and nurtures transnational research and innovation teams with the objective to speed up the progress in the cooperation and coordination between national and regional European Water RDI programmes. The promotion of water RDI coordination was fostered by launching a cofunded transnational and multidisciplinary call for research and innovation proposals on the theme “Research and Innovation for Developing Technological Solutions and Services for Water Systems”.
2. Reduced fragmentation of water research and innovation efforts across Europe
The fragmentation of efforts and the execution of RDI activities was continuously addressed at the Water JPI level through consultations, collaboration and consensus of a broad base of Water JPI partners and stakeholders, resulting in the two iterations of the Water JPI strategic agenda (SRIA) and a strategic Water JPI Vision document.
3. Improved synergy, coordination and coherence between national and EU funding in the relevant research fields through transnational collaboration
WaterWorks2014 plays a major role in the implementation of the Water JPI by interfacing national and EU funding and bringing together National Programmes to a higher dimension through transnational collaboration. WaterWorks2014 implemented activities to identify gaps and overlaps in the agendas of the National Programmes through effective exchange of knowledge and good practices, as well as through the implementation of the Cofunded Call.
4. Improved implementation of research and innovation programmes in these fields through exchange of good practices
A number of thematic meetings on the sharing of good practices on funding and management among national and/or regional programmes were carried out.
5. Achievemnt of a critical mass
On the intergovernmental level: The WaterWorks 2014 consortium of 25 partners represents major European players in water RDI, in terms of Ministries, Government Agencies, and funding Programmes.
On the level of research: In collaboration with researchers from the past and on-going JPI Calls and other national, EU and H2020 projects, WaterWorks2014 organised a number of alignment and networking activities intended to strengthen future collaboration in Water RDI.
6. Dissemination of the project activities and results
Dissemination of Water JPI activities and results is crucial to keep society informed of the latest news on water RDI and policies. The implementation of current communication technologies (newsletter, social networks, website) is effectively contributing to disseminate results in a effective and immediate way, maximizing impact.
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