Operational guide for the design and implementation of cost-effective management, planning and adaptation decisions by the public sector, businesses and industry. The operational guide will include a (i) library/catalogue of effective eco-innovation policies, developed in cooperation with WP 4, and a (ii) decision-tree support tool building on the lessons learnt within WPs 2 and 3. The operational guide will deliver clear policy-orientations for mainstreaming eco-innovation into broader green-economy and sustainability decision-making processes. It will focus on the same scales of policy intervention and categories of end-users mapped by Task 5.1, targeting those end-users dealing with the design and practical implementation of eco-innovation policies.
2nd Symposium ReportA report from the symposium event in year 2 will be delivered
"""Map and rapid review of global eco-innovation concepts""""A background document of ""global eco-innovation concepts"" will be prepared as an input to the 1st symposium in year 1. The deliverable of task 2.1.1 will be depicted in a graphic representation of concepts and related elements, together with a rapid review of concepts and research agendas. The format of the map will be information easily translated to the web-tool. The document be an input for the preparation and discussions in Symposium 1. "
"Session background report ""Evidence library on eco-innovation policy"""Drawing on task 3.2 and its rapid reviews, this deliverable will generate an evidence library on eco-innovation policy. Versions of the deliverable shall also serve as background documents on those topics for the 2nd and 3rd Symposium. It will pick up the results from task 2.1. on concepts for Eco-Innovation and Green Economy, and will look how they translate into policy agendas.
Manual for the Measurement of Eco-Innovations and Guidelines for Green Growth Indicator SystemsThe Manual (D2.5) will consist of both issues described in task 2.2, i.e 1) a manual for measuring eco-innovation and 2) guidelines for measuring green growth (consisting of recommendations for existing indicator systems, in particular the OECD indicator set for measuring green growth). In month 37 the final version of the manual will be provided while in month 24 a draft will be available and will be presented in 2nd and 3rd network symposium and workshop reports.
"Session background report “Eco-innovation for Green Economy aligning agendas in view of sustainable development goals""""The session background report “Eco-innovation for Green Economy aligning agendas in view of sustainable development goals"" will present a concise conceptual discussion around the topic of how eco-innovation can effectively contribute to green economy and how these may be better aligned to support the sustainable development goals. It be an input for the preparation and discussions in Symposium 1. In contrast to the literature survey in deliverable in D2.1 this D2.2 will be a conceptual contribution. This is also a difference to D2.4 which is on indicators for Eco-innovation and Green Economy. "
3rd Symposium ReportA report from the symposium event in year 3 will be delivered.
Bi-annual Policy Briefs based on the findings of WP2 to WP4The communication funnel will also be instrumental in delivering all the policyrelevant outputs of the project to the community of endusers and beyond This will be achieved through the production of biannual policy briefs based on the findings of WP2 to WP4 Policy briefs will cover the thematic fields and industries and will address all scales of implementation mentioned on previous task with a focus on costeffective planning and management of ecoinnovation policies The different areas and scales of interest will be combined to respond to the policy priorities identified by greeneu Specific policy briefs could be delivered on for instance the green urban economy sustainable national procurement as a tool to enable ecoinnovation the most relevant social implications of green economy transitions and ecoinnovation policies at the global scale etc Starting month will be month 13
"Session background report ""Report describing best practices and guidelines for diffusing eco innovation worldwide""""D4.2 Report describing best practices and guidelines for diffusing eco innovation worldwide in various institutional contexts by activating economic, financial, social, institutional ‘levers’. Complementarities and trade-offs among levers will be highlighted. Diffusion of existing innovations and generation of new to the market innovations receive attention. Additionally, the deliverable will provide a background report for the respective session of the 3rd symposium. The sessions (Best practices of eco-innovation"" and ""Affordability and financing of eco-innovations) will present the main results of the interactions with partners and their engagement to a wide audience to discuss and eventually refine guidelines. Link to D1.5 (M34)"
"Session background report ""Roadmap for Eco-innovation Policy"""Drawing on task 3..4, but also the whole WP 3 and other results, this report shall propose a structure and priorities for potential activities along a timeline in light of ongoing policies and developments. It shall be related to's overall objectives No 2, 3, 4 („guidelines for the integration of eco-innovation and green economy strategies in the work of the European Commission, also extending and customizing it to the needs of developed countries and countries in transition“, „concepts of an appropriate transfer“, „identify potential options to increase the EU’s competitiveness“). The deliverable serves as a background document on those topics for the 4th Symposium.
"Session background report on ""Different Geographical Scales, World Regions or Industries"""A background report on different geographical scales, world regions or industries will be written after the respective sessions in the 2nd and 3rd network symposium and be delivered in addition to the symposium reports. Devoted section on specific policy challenges within Different Geographical Scales, World Regions or Industries included in 2nd and 3rd Symposium Report. The contents will depend on the dialogue established between the project and the community of end-users.
Stakeholder AnalysisThe network includes the following clusters of partners Multilateral partners which cover a lot of other national organisations eg UNEP ICLEI Future Earth International partners beyond Europe ie multipliers for world regions or key countries who are outstanding in terms of scientific excellence policy relevance and practical capacity to cooperate eg Chinese Academy of Science Australian National University Strategic partners from Europe which are important to reach the project goals eg Sustainability Transition Research Network STRNA stakeholder analysis will be developed and continuously updated during the project It will also serve as a contact database for all activities in WP 2 to 5
"Sessions background report ""Stocktaking Session"""A background report on stocktaking sessions will be written after the respective session in the 1st and 2nd network symposium and be delivered in the symposium reports The topics covered by the session held within the 2nd Symposium will take up the inputs received from the enlarged community of end users participating via the communication funnel
Minutes of Advisory Board Meeting Year 1Minutes of Advisory Board Meetings, which will be held at least once a year, will be made available as a deliverable for the Commission, i.e. the first in M12.
1st Symposium ReportA report from the symposium event in year 1 will be delivered.
"Session background report ""Measuring Eco-innovation and Green Economy"""The report (D2.4) refers to the integration of work done under task 2.1 Understanding global concepts and research around eco-innovation and green economy and task 2.2 Global measurement of eco-innovation and green economy. It summarises the research work being done about those topics in year 2 and reports the conclusions reached during the 2nd Symposium. Before final submission D2.4 is discussed with stakeholders, whose concerns and suggestions will be addressed in the final submission. D 2.4. is on indicators for Eco-innovation and Green Economy, while D2.2 is on the underlying concepts.
Application of the ECOPOL Framework for Policy TransferabilityReport on conclusions from the application of the ECOPOL framework for policy transferability in the context of the stakeholder dialogues/case studies.
"Session background report ""Practical Guidelines Eco-innovation Policy""""Operational guidelines for policy-making will be presented at a specific session on ""Practical guidelines for eco-innovation policy"" on the network symposium MS 9 (M45) and described in a background document or a respective section of the symposion report. A summary of the ""Practical Guidelines Eco- innovation Policy"" will be discussed in 4th Symposion Report. "
Map of Key Business-policy Integrated Best PracticesProduction of a map of key business-policy integrated best practices regarding eco innovation knowledge transfers that, taking into account geographical, social, policy, economic features and conditions, will guide knowledge transfers and reciprocal learning in different and evolving contexts. A worldwide map of business/policy practices based on sector and geographical considerations can be a useful output that identifies barriers to eco innovations, drivers and promising ways to promote the integration of sustainability and competitiveness. The map assures the adherence to concrete real world situations that vary across the diverse EU relationships with other countries and sectors. It is meant as a bottom up evidence and creation of key facts rather than a top down application of the same model to different conditions
4th Symposium ReportA report from the symposium event in year 4 will be delivered.
Start of Series of Rapid ReviewsRapid reviews contain an assessment of policies and business initiatives
Options for Using Intellectual Asset ManagementReport describing the options for using Intellectual Asset Management as a tool for eco-innovation transfer, based on findings from stakeholder dialogues and case studies,
Map of business initiatives around green economyA global map of business initiatives will be depicted in a graphic representation of relevant green economy initiatives with a potential for landscape alterations as seen from a business perspective. The format of the map will be information easily translated to the web-tool.
"Sessions background report ""Scoreboard, Landscape of “Eco-innovations"""Drawing on task 3.3, this deliverable will develop a scoreboard that monitors and assesses the relative performance of the EU in key areas of green economy innovation; it will also depict key barriers. Versions of the deliverable shall also serve as background documents on those topics for the 2nd and 3rd Symposium. The final versions of D3.1-D3.3 are scheduled for month 34 in line with the 3rd Symposium; draft versions shall be available in month 21 for the 2nd symposium, which is scheduled for month 22.
"Session background report ""Identification of barriers and drivers/opportunities of eco innovation for international knowledge transfers"""Report describing the identification of barriers and driversopportunities of eco innovation for international knowledge transfers through bottom up involvement of stakeholders that present specific institutional policy issues and needs of different environments in light of the different climate energy and environmental targets and policies in various countries Additionally the deliverable will provide a background report for the respective session of the 2nd symposium The session Knowledge transfer and transferability of ecoinnovations will actively engage stakeholders to present their views and perspectives in order to share and find complementarities and discuss the backgroundscoping report Link to D13 M22
In month 24 the project website which will be set up already in year 1 will get an interactive functionality In greeneu the INNOVATIONSEEDS portal will be especially opened to receive ecoinnovative knowledge and information on ecoinnovative developments from other parts of the world and draft an additional 40 core articles featuring international green policy practices
Global Map of Eco-innovation Related PoliciesA geographical illustration will result in a global map of eco-innovation policy agendas and business initiatives, particularly those supporting the Rio+20 follow up and the green economy agenda at international level. Special attention will be given to the identification of opportunities to establish effective links to relevant international networks and initiatives.
A global map of eco-innovation policy agendasDrawing on task 31 this deliverable will depict a global map of ecoinnovation policy agendas Versions of the deliverable shall also serve as background documents on those topics for the 2nd and 3rd Symposium
Social Media GroupGreeneu will build up a dedicated ecoinnovation community of practice and communicates via the LinkedIN and Twitter Groups Green Knowledge for Industry and Politics also at a global level which will be developed further during the greeneu project The social networks will be strongly used for interactive exchange and mutual learning at a global level
"Session Background document ""Basic framework of eco-innovation for green economy for Interactive Online Tool for the network"" in the 1st Symposium"D 2.3. belongs to task 2.3., it is planned that it will contain the outcome of the review of online initiatives and underlying classification of Eco-innovation and Green Economy concepts that will guide the development of a web-based interactive tool. It will be an input for the preparation and discussions in Symposium 1.
Webinars Best PracticesThe INNOVATIONSEEDS platform will provide the technical facilities to host 12 webinars presenting green economy policy practices and training sessions that can be accessed by a world-wide audience.
Fernando J. Díaz López, Carlos Montalvo
Published in:
Journal of Cleaner Production, Issue 102, 2015, Page(s) 30-43, ISSN 0959-6526
Elsevier BV
Morleo Giovanni, Marianna Gilli, Massimiliano Mazzanti
Published in:
Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 2017, ISSN 1773-0198
De Boeck
Massimiliano Mazzanti and Marianna Gilli
Published in:
Cultures of Sustainability and Wellbeing. Theories, Histories and Policies, 2017
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