Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PROSME-INN (PROSME SME- Improving management of innovation processes in SMEs)
Reporting period: 2014-07-01 to 2014-12-31
a) identifying bottlenecks to the creation of economic impact in companies benefiting from grants by Horizon2020's SME instrument and address these bottlenecks with the help of capable coaches;
b) increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of innovation processes in small and medium sized enterprises with significant innovation activities that could potentially become beneficiaries of European support to research and innovation but would not have effective access to consulting services for innovation management.
- capacity and competence building for the two members of the consortium for delivering “Enhancing innovation management capacity and processes in client SMEs” services, using IMPROVE approach;
- actual delivery of the “Enhancing innovation management capacity and processes in client SMEs” service for 8 companies.
- for the service package on “Key account management” for the beneficiaries of the SME instrument the impact cannot be recorded - this service package was not provided due to the lack of potential beneficiaries of the service in the geographical area covered by the action – NUTS 1 - RO3 area;
- for the service package on “Enhancing SME innovation management capacity” for innovating SME a general positive impact may be described, directly for the competitiveness and specific managerial and consulting knowledge of the actors involved, PROSME consultants and client companies and indirectly for the RO3 SMEs, as potential beneficiaries of PROSME services.