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Project quality plan

The project quality plan the project handbook constitutes a set of project templates explanations on the project management process review process quality checks meeting organisation which is communicated to all partnersThis deliverable is marked with nature OTHER software technical diagram etc and will be accompanied by a small written report outlining its structure and purpose in order to justify the achievemt of the deliverable

Consolidated data management results and technology

This deliverable will summarize all results relating to data management in the SUPERCLOUD It contains descriptions of mechanisms and documents the results obtained by integrating the data handling prototypes into the testbed

Architecture for data management

This deliverable documents the aspects of the SUPERCLOUD architecture relevant for data management It will focus on the static entities in the SUPERCLOUD infrastructure relevant for data processing with the security and resilience features introduced by the tasks of WP3 An important aspect relevant for all tasks is the architecture for cryptographic key management This deliverable forms the basis for the later deliverables

Implementation of Self-Management of Network Security and Resilience

This deliverable will present the overall architecture of the network virtualization platform and it will include the final version of the description implementation and evaluation of the services and protocols that were developed

SUPERCLOUD Architecture Specification

This deliverable will describe an architecture that builds the basis for the SUPERCLOUD project The architecture will serve as an initial point to develop solutions for the three objectives of SUPECLOUD ie selfservice security self managed security and endtoend security

Preliminary Architecture of the Multi-Cloud Network Virtualization Infrastructure

This deliverable will describe an initial version of the network virtualization architecture identifying the main components and their relations The fundamental assumptions about the environment will also be presented as well as potential techniques that will be used to increase the resilience of the operations

Specification of Self-Management of Network Security and Resilience

This deliverable defines the main services and protocols that will be provided by the network virtualization platform namely to the users and other components of the SUPERCLOUD framework

SUPERCLOUD Self-Management of Security Specification

This deliverable will describe the specifications of the Security Service Level Agreement SSLA that will form the foundations of security resource requests for customers specifying their security policy requests and negotiation capabilities as well as the requested audit levels that provide information and feedback about actual enforcement across service providers

Architecture for Secure Computation Infrastructure and Self-Management of VM Security

This deliverable provides the analysis and the specification both of the distributed cloud infrastructure for computation and of the SUPERCLOUD mechanisms for selfmanagement of security of VMs running on this infrastructure The deliverable contains the description of the virtualization layer federating compute cloud resources It also includes the specification of the autonomic security monitoring infrastructure support enabling a 360 view of security management both across layers and domains for the SUPERCLOUD system

Specification of security enablers for data management

This deliverable will introduce the processing functions for data management in the SUPERCLOUD In particular it contains component specifications descriptions of distributed protocols specifications of cryptographic mechanisms and descriptions of the dataresilience tools

Risk Assessment Plan

The Risk Assessment Plan will include a Critical Path Analysis CPA of the main project activities identifying risk points and procedures to deal with them

Evaluation and validation results

Description of the validation and evaluation through the use cases

Consolidated Security Management and Infrastructure for Computation Results and Technology

This deliverable is the final version of the distributed cloud infrastructure for computation and SUPERCLOUD security management services integrated within the final project demonstrator and evaluatedThis deliverable is marked with nature DEM demonstrator pilot prototype plan designs and will be accompanied by a small written report outlining its structure and purpose in order to justify the achievemt of the deliverable

SUPERCLOUD Architecture Implementation

This deliverable will describe and demonstrate the implementation of the architecture that is developed and described in D11 SUPERCLOUD Architecture Specification The implementation will be based on an open source hypervisor and provides jacking points for the implementations of all other SUPERCLOUD objectives Thus it will be the basis for other implementations in the SOUPERCLOUD project for instance the Security Management and Infrastructure for Computation from WP2 Data Management from WP3 or Resilient Network Virtualization and Provisioning from WP4This deliverable is marked with nature DEM demonstrator pilot prototype plan designs and will be accompanied by a small written report outlining its structure and purpose in order to justify the achievemt of the deliverable

Proof-of-concept prototype for data management

This deliverable contains the first release of the implementations of the SUPERCLOUD data handling functions It will consist of prototypes for a selected number of the functions described in D32 they use the SUPERCLOUD architecture but are not necessarily integrated into the common testbedThis deliverable is marked with nature DEM demonstrator pilot prototype plan designs and will be accompanied by a small written report outlining its structure and purpose in order to justify the achievemt of the deliverable

SUPERCLOUD Self-Management of Security Implementation

This deliverable will describe and demonstrate the implementation of selfspecified Security Service Level Agreements SSLAs for customers leveraging and integrating development work from WP24 to provide a homogeneous layertransparent view of securityThis deliverable is marked with nature DEM demonstrator pilot prototype plan designs and will be accompanied by a small written report outlining its structure and purpose in order to justify the achievemt of the deliverable

Implementation of Secure Computation Infrastructure and Self-Management of VM Security

This deliverable is the prototypical implementation of the distributed cloud infrastructure for computation and of the SUPERCLOUD mechanisms for selfmanagement of security of VMs running on this infrastructure The APIs of the corresponding components are available a first tested version being ready to integrate in the project testbed The deliverable also contains all the components to manage trust in the SUPERCLOUD and underlying infrastructure relying on hardwareenabled security mechanismsThis deliverable is marked with nature DEM demonstrator pilot prototype plan designs and will be accompanied by a small written report outlining its structure and purpose in order to justify the achievemt of the deliverable

Proof-of-Concept Prototype of Secure Computation Infrastructure and SUPERCLOUD Security Services

This deliverable is the prototypical implementation of the distributed cloud infrastructure for computation and related SUPERCLOUD security management services ready to integrate in the use case implementation on the project testbed The deliverable also discusses how the security architecture for SUPERCLOUD systems may be extended to enable a continuum between user and provider control over securityThis deliverable is marked with nature DEM demonstrator pilot prototype plan designs and will be accompanied by a small written report outlining its structure and purpose in order to justify the achievemt of the deliverable

Proof-of-concept Prototype of the Multi-Cloud Network Virtualization Infrastructure

This deliverable will show the execution of specific parts of the multicloud network virtualization platform demonstrating it with relevant applications In the third year of the project these results will be extended when the network virtualization solutions are employed to support the use case scenariosThis deliverable is marked with nature DEM demonstrator pilot prototype plan designs and will be accompanied by a small written report outlining its structure and purpose in order to justify the achievemt of the deliverable

Internal and external IT communication infrastructure and project website

The external IT communication infrastructure constitutes a guideline for communication of the SUPERCLOUD project to external target groups including conferences marketing measures and communication channels Furthermore this deliverable constitutes the launch of the internal SUPERCLOUD communication infrastructure including the establishment of mailing lists or a subversion server and the SUPERCLOUD website This deliverable is marked with nature DEC and will be accompanied by a small written report outlining its structure and purpose in order to justify the achievement of this deliverableThis deliverable is marked with nature DEC websites patents filing press media actions videos etc and will be accompanied by a small written report outlining its structure and purpose in order to justify the achievemt of the deliverable

Data Management Plan

As SUPERCLOUD is taking part in the Pilot on Open Research Data a first version of the DMP as an early deliverable will be provided within the first six months of the project The purpose of the DMP is to provide an analysis of the main elements of the data management policy that will be used by the applications with regard to all the datasets that will be generated by the project The DMP is not a fixed document but evolves during the lifespan of the project More developed versions of the plan can therefore be included as additional deliverables at later stages According to the Guidelines on Data Management in Horizon 2020 the DMP should address data set reference and name data set description standards and metadata data sharing and archiving and preservation including storage and backup on a dataset by dataset basis and should reflect the current status of reflection within the consortium about the data that will be produced


On the consistency of heterogeneous composite objects

Auteurs: Alysson Bessani, Ricardo Mendes, Tiago Oliveira
Publié dans: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data - PaPoC '15, 2015, Page(s) 1-2, ISBN 9781-450335379
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/2745947.2746687

Nested Virtualization meets Micro-Hypervisors: Towards a Virtualization Architecture for User-Centric Multi-Clouds

Auteurs: Alex Palesandro, Marc Lacoste, Chirine Ghedira Guegan and Nadia Bennani
Publié dans: 2015
Éditeur: SEC2 2015
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.56452

The role of cloud services in malicious software: trends and insights?

Auteurs: Xiao Han, Nizar Kheir, Davide Balzarotti
Publié dans: DIMVA 2015, 2016, Page(s) 187-204
Éditeur: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20550-2_10

Separating the WHEAT from the Chaff: An Empirical Design for Geo-Replicated State Machines

Auteurs: Joao Sousa, Alysson Bessani
Publié dans: 2015 IEEE 34th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), 2015, Page(s) 146-155, ISBN 978-1-4673-9302-7
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/SRDS.2015.40

Consenus in a Box: Inexpensive Coordination in Hardware

Auteurs: Zsolt Istvan, David Sidler, Gustavo Alonso and Marko Vukolic
Publié dans: NSDI 2016 (13th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation), 2016
Éditeur: USENIX Association

(Literally) above the clouds: virtualizing the network over multiple clouds

Auteurs: Max Alaluna, Fernando M. V. Ramos, Nuno Neves
Publié dans: IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), 2016
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.55261

Towards Management of Chains of Trust for Multi-Clouds with Intel SGX

Auteurs: Houssem Kanzari, Marc Lacoste
Publié dans: 2nd Workshop on Security in Clouds, 2016
Éditeur: 2nd Workshop on Security in Clouds
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.60903

Verifiable Message-Locked Encryption

Auteurs: Sébastien Canard, Fabien Laguillaumie, Marie Paindavoine
Publié dans: Second Workshop on Security in Clouds (SEC2), 2016
Éditeur: SEC2 2016
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.58898

A Novel Proof of Data Possession Scheme based on Set-Homomorphic Operations

Auteurs: Nesrine Kaaniche, Maryline Laurent, Sébastien Canard
Publié dans: Second Workshop on Security in Clouds (SEC2), 2016
Éditeur: SEC2 2016
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.58911

GINJA: One-dollar Cloud-based Disaster Recovery for Databases

Auteurs: Alcântara, Joel; Oliveira, Tiago; Bessani; Alysson
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware Conference (Middleware'17), Numéro 1, 2017
Éditeur: -
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1163572

A byzantine fault-tolerant ordering service for the hyperledger fabric blockchain platform

Auteurs: Alysson Bessani, João Sousa, Marko Vukolić
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Scalable and Resilient Infrastructures for Distributed Ledgers - SERIAL '17, 2017, Page(s) 1-2, ISBN 9781-450351737
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3152824.3152830

XFT: Practical Fault Tolerance Beyond Crashes

Auteurs: Liu, Shengyun; Viotti, Paolo; Cachin, Christian; Quéma, Vivien; Vukolić, Marko
Publié dans: 12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2016); Savannah, GA, USA, Numéro 50, 2016
Éditeur: -
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.168544

Mantus: Putting Aspects to Work for Flexible Multi-Cloud Deployment

Auteurs: Palesandro, Alex; Lacoste, Marc; Bennani, Nadia; Guegan, Chirine Ghedira; Bourge, Denis
Publié dans: 10th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), Numéro 4, 2017
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.846809

Secure Tera-scale Data Crunching with a Small TCB

Auteurs: Vavala, Bruno; Neves, Nuno; Steenkiste, Peter
Publié dans: International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Numéro 4, 2017
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.835720

Secure and Dependable Multi-Cloud Network Virtualization

Auteurs: Max Alaluna, Eric Vial, Nuno Neves, Fernando M. V. Ramos
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Security and Dependability of Multi-Domain Infrastructures - XDOMO'17, Numéro EuroSys 1st International Workshop on Security and Dependability of Multi-Domain Infrastructures (XDOM0), 2017, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 9781-450349376
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3071064.3071066

SDN-based Dynamic and Adaptive Policy Management System to Mitigate DDoS Attacks

Auteurs: Sahay, Rishikesh; Blanc, Gregory; Zhang, Zonghua; Toumi, Khalifa; Debar, Hervé
Publié dans: EuroSys 1st International Workshop on Security and Dependability of Multi-Domain Infrastructures (XDOM0), Numéro 8, 2017
Éditeur: ACM New York
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.580290

Chrysaor: Fine-Grained, Fault-Tolerant Cloud-of-Clouds MapReduce

Auteurs: Costa, Pedro A. R. S.; Ramos, Fernando M. V.; Correia, Miguel
Publié dans: IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), Numéro 6, 2017
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.814856

Enabling Trust Assessment In Clouds-of-Clouds - A Similarity-Based Approach

Auteurs: Reda Yaich, Nora Cuppens, Frédéric Cuppens
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security - ARES '17, 2017, Page(s) 1-9, ISBN 9781-450352574
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3098954.3098970

Somewhat/Fully Homomorphic Encryption: implementation progresses and challenges

Auteurs: Bonnoron, Guillaume; Fontaine, Caroline; Gogniat, Guy; Herbert, Vincent; Lapotre, Vianney; Migliore, Vincent; Roux-Langlois, Adeline
Publié dans: Guillaume Bonnoron, Caroline Fontaine, Guy Gogniat, Vincent Herbert, Vianney, Lapotre, Vincent Migliore, Adeline Roux-Langlois, Numéro 9, 2017
Éditeur: Springer, Cham
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.580199

Firewall Policies Provisioning Through SDN in the Cloud

Auteurs: Nora Cuppens, Salaheddine Zerkane, Yanhuang Li, David Espes, Philippe Le Parc, Frédéric Cuppens
Publié dans: 31st Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec'17), 2017, Page(s) 293-310
Éditeur: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-61176-1_16

Rethinking Permissioned Blockchains

Auteurs: Marko Vukolić
Publié dans: Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Contracts - BCC '17, Numéro BCC 2017 : The First ACM Workshop on Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Contracts (BCC’17), Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 2017, 2017, Page(s) 3-7, ISBN 9781-450349741
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3055518.3055526

Non-determinism in Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Replication

Auteurs: Cachin, Christian; Vukolic, Marko; Schubert, Simon
Publié dans: 20th International Conference On Principles Of DIstributed Systems (OPODIS’16), Numéro 9, 2016
Éditeur: Dragstuhl Research Online Publication Server
DOI: 10.4230/LIPIcs.OPODIS.2016.24

PhishEye: Live Monitoring of Sandboxed Phishing Kits

Auteurs: Han, Xiao; Kheir, Nizar; Balzarotti, Davide
Publié dans: 23rd ACM conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS); Austria, October 2016, Numéro 10, 2016
Éditeur: ACM New York
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.166929

Constant-Size Ciphertext Attribute-based Encryption from Multi-Channel Broadcast Encryption

Auteurs: Sébastien Canard, Viet Cuong Trinh
Publié dans: ICISS 2016, 2016, Page(s) 193-211
Éditeur: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-49806-5_10

Usage Control Policy Enforcement in SDN-Based Clouds: A Dynamic Availability Service Use Case

Auteurs: Khalifa Toumi, Muhammad Sabir Idrees, Fabien Charmet, Reda Yaich, Gregory Blanc
Publié dans: 2016 IEEE 18th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 14th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS), 2016, Page(s) 578-585, ISBN 978-1-5090-4297-5
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/HPCC-SmartCity-DSS.2016.0087

Veriable Message-Locked Encryption

Auteurs: Canard, Sébastien; Laguillaumie, Fabien; Paindavoine, Marie
Publié dans: CANS 2016, Numéro 9, 2016, Page(s) 299-315
Éditeur: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.246798

How many planet-wide leaders should there be?

Auteurs: Shengyun Liu, Marko Vukolić
Publié dans: ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Numéro 43/3, 2015, Page(s) 3-6, ISSN 0163-5999
Éditeur: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/2847220.2847222

Towards User-Centric Management of Security and Dependability in Clouds of Clouds

Auteurs: Marc Lacoste, Fabien Charmet
Publié dans: E-Democracy – Citizen Rights in the World of the New Computing Paradigms, 2015, Page(s) 198-201, ISBN 978-3-319-27164-4
Éditeur: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.56455

Similarity Measure for Security Policies in Service Provider Selection

Auteurs: Yanhuang Li, Nora Cuppens-Boulahia, Jean-Michel Crom, Frédéric Cuppens, Vincent Frey, and Xiaoshu Ji
Publié dans: Information Systems Security, 2015, Page(s) 227-242, ISBN 978-3-319-26961-0
Éditeur: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.55782

Trinocchio: Privacy-Preserving Outsourcing by Distributed Verifiable Computation

Auteurs: Berry Schoenmakers, Meilof Veeningen, Niels de Vreede
Publié dans: Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 2016, Page(s) 346-366, ISBN 978-3-319-39555-5
Éditeur: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.60294

Certificate Validation in Secure Computation and Its Use in Verifiable Linear Programming

Auteurs: Sebastiaan de Hoogh, Berry Schoenmakers, Meilof Veeningen
Publié dans: Progress in Cryptology – AFRICACRYPT 2016, 2016, Page(s) 265-284, ISBN 978-3-319-31517-1
Éditeur: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.55062

Expression and Enforcement of Security Policy for Virtual Resource Allocation in IaaS Cloud

Auteurs: Yanhuang Li, Nora Cuppens-Boulahia, Jean-Michel Crom, Frédéric Cuppens, Vincent Frey
Publié dans: ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection, 2016, Page(s) 105-118, ISBN 978-3-319-33630-5
Éditeur: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.55781

Knowledge Connectivity Requirements for Solving Byzantine Consensus with Unknown Participants

Auteurs: Eduardo Adilio Pelinson Alchieri, Alysson Bessani, Fabiola Greve, Joni da Silva Fraga
Publié dans: IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2017, Page(s) 1-1, ISSN 1545-5971
Éditeur: IEEE Computer Society
DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2016.2548460

Software-Defined Networks: On the Road to the Softwarization of Networking

Auteurs: Fernando M. V. Ramos, Diego Kreutz, Paulo Veríssimo
Publié dans: Cutter IT Journal, Numéro Volume 28, 2015, Page(s) 6-13, ISSN 1522-7383
Éditeur: Cutter Information Corp
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.55258

The KISS principle in Software-Defined Networking: a framework for secure communications

Auteurs: Kreutz, Diego; Yu, Jiangshan; Esteves-Verissimo, Paulo; Magalhães, Cátia; Ramos, Fernando
Publié dans: IEEE Security and Privacy, Numéro 1, 2017
Éditeur: -
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1053803

On the Design of Resilient Multicloud MapReduce

Auteurs: Pedro A. R. S. Costa, Fernando M. V. Ramos, Miguel Correia
Publié dans: IEEE Cloud Computing, Numéro 4/4, 2017, Page(s) 74-82, ISSN 2325-6095
Éditeur: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/MCC.2017.3791027

User-Centric Security and Dependability in the Clouds-of-Clouds

Auteurs: Marc Lacoste, Markus Miettinen, Nuno Neves, Fernando M.V. Ramos, Marko Vukolic, Fabien Charmet, Reda Yaich, Krzysztof Oborzynski, Gitesh Vernekar, Paulo Sousa
Publié dans: IEEE Cloud Computing, Numéro 3/5, 2016, Page(s) 64-75, ISSN 2325-6095
Éditeur: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/MCC.2016.110

Exploring Key-Value Stores in Multi-Writer Byzantine-Resilient Register Emulations

Auteurs: Oliveira, Tiago; Mendes, Ricardo; Bessani, Alysson
Publié dans: 20th International Conference On Principles Of DIstributed Systems (OPODIS’16), Madrid, December 201, Numéro 9, 2016, ISSN 1868-8969
Éditeur: Dragstuhl Research Online Publication Server
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.437208

Elastic State Machine Replication

Auteurs: Andre Nogueira, Antonio Casimiro, Alysson Bessani
Publié dans: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Numéro 28/9, 2017, Page(s) 2486-2499, ISSN 1045-9219
Éditeur: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/TPDS.2017.2686383

Secure Virtual Network Embedding in a Multi-Cloud Environment

Auteurs: Alaluna, Max; Ferrolho, Luís; Figueira, José Rui; Neves, Nuno; Ramos, Fernando M. V.
Publié dans:, 03 March 2017, Numéro 9, 2017
Éditeur: ArXiv e-prints 1703.01313v1
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.803033

Overcoming Barriers for Ubiquitous User- Centric Healthcare Services

Auteurs: Palesandro, Alex; Ghedira Guegan, Chirine; Lacoste, Marc; Bennani, Nadia
Publié dans: IEEE Cloud Computing 3(6) 64 - 74, Numéro 10, 2016, ISSN 2325-6095
Éditeur: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.321437

Hardware/Software Co-Design of an Accelerator for FV Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Using Karatsuba Algorithm

Auteurs: Vincent Migliore, Maria Mendez Real, Vianney Lapotre, Arnaud Tisserand, Caroline Fontaine, Guy Gogniat
Publié dans: IEEE Transactions on Computers, Numéro 67/3, 2018, Page(s) 335-347, ISSN 0018-9340
Éditeur: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/TC.2016.2645204

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