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Geoparks: Heritage, Education and Sustainable Development - an Innovative Methodology for Southern Countries. Case Study in Morocco (Atlas Mountains, Marrakech)


1 book

Edition of a book on geopark issues methodology for developing countries A methodological book on heritage conservation management and development of geoparks in Southern countries will be designed and published

Training session (2)

3 training sessions (France, Spain and Morocco) on geopark issues (conservation, management, heritage, development) organised in MNHN (Month 12), UAB (Month 24) and Morocco (Month 36). These training sessions (40 hours each) will be organised into 3 languages (French, Arab and Spanish) with theoretical lectures and practical work in the field (Atlas Mountains, Geopark of Central Catalunia) in order to better assess empirical impacts on territory and local population.

Distance Learning: Master (II) programme

Creation of a distance learning Master II programme on geopark 30 ECTS based and managed by MNHN education platform as a sustainable results of the consortium As an international and highlevel qualification the course will be taught in English and French The consortium will design specific modules and will be in charge of the university calendar selection exams academic planning

Workshop (2)

International Workshops in order to give an international visibility to our proposal and to the European Geoparks Network, two international workshops will be programmed: Month 18 and Month 36. A limited number of representatives of Latin America and Maghreb countries will be considered: Workshop (2) (M36): “Geopark: A new Opportunity for Dynamising Isolated and Marginal Territories” in Marrakech (UCAM) Duration: 2 working days and one day for the visit of Zat Valley. Participation of representatives of tree EU-Geoparks: El Hierro/Canary Islands (Spain), Sicilia Geopark (Italy) and French geoparks. Number of participants: 30-40 persons. Person uncharged of local organization: Prof. O. Teebba.

Training session (3)

3 training sessions (France, Spain and Morocco) on geopark issues (conservation, management, heritage, development) organised in MNHN (Month 12), UAB (Month 24) and Morocco (Month 36). These training sessions (40 hours each) will be organised into 3 languages (French, Arab and Spanish) with theoretical lectures and practical work in the field (Atlas Mountains, Geopark of Central Catalunia) in order to better assess empirical impacts on territory and local population.

Training session (1)

3 training sessions (France, Spain and Morocco) on geopark issues (conservation, management, heritage, development) organised in MNHN (Month 12), UAB (Month 24) and Morocco (Month 36). These training sessions (40 hours each) will be organised into 3 languages (French, Arab and Spanish) with theoretical lectures and practical work in the field (Atlas Mountains, Geopark of Central Catalunia) in order to better assess empirical impacts on territory and local population.

1 exhibition

Conception and implementation of an exhibition on Valley of Zat Morocco Prof NourEddine Jalil Dr JeanGuy Michard Prof JoseLuis BriansoPenalva A scientific and didactic exhibition on the Valley of Zat Month 48 will be designed and exhibited in Morocco MuseumInterpretation centre and France MNHN as a dissemination tool based on local heritage geology biodiversity geography etc and on all material collected during the project as a media scientific and didactical tool of the consortium This exhibition will be presented during the last meeting Month 46 of the consortium in Paris MNHN

1 international conference

Organisation of an international conference on geoparks and proceedings editing this geopark conference Month 46 focused in developing countries with little or without Geoparks existence in their territories will be held in Barcelona Spain in order to mix theoreticalresearch discussions and empiricalpractical issues with field visits Geopark of Central Catalonia This scientific conference will give worldwide impacts on geoparks based on main research issues and innovative methodology as an integrated approach for developing countries Africa Latin America and Asia and beneficiaries publicprivate

Workshop (1)

International Workshops in order to give an international visibility to our proposal and to the European Geoparks Network, two international workshops will be programmed: Month 18 and Month 36. A limited number of representatives of Latin America and Maghreb countries will be considered: Workshop (1) (M18):”Geopark: A new Opportunity for Social Inclusion of Local Populations” in Paris (MNHN). Duration: 2 working days, with the participation of representatives of tree EU-Geoparks: Lesvos (Greece), Basque coast (Spain) and Provence Geopark (France). Number of participants: 30-40 persons. Person uncharged of the local organization: Prof. Yves Girault A limited number of representatives of Latin America and Maghreb countries will be considered.

GIS cartography

A GIS cartography on the engravings site with Partner 1 WP4

Multimedia tools

Creation of multimedia tools to be diffused on the website Technical tools (newsletters, forum, consortium documents database, etc.) will be designed in order to stock and diffuse information. Besides, media supports such as videos or brochures will be produced and diffused as a didactical and communication tool linked to case study (Valley of Zat, Atlas Mountain) for different target groups (schools, local population, regional tourism centre, stakeholders, etc.).


Creation and development of a website adapted to consortium activities databases inventories trainings conferences etc in order to disseminate scientific results and share knowledge between EuropeMaghreb Region It will be a multilingual website French Spanish Arab and English in order to diffuse as large as possible all type of information connected with the project

Virtual museum

Creation of a virtual museum participative cartography on local heritage and communities regarding the Valley of Zat with Partner 1 WP4

Scientific progress report (2)

Management and scientific reports Five reports will be produced during Geopark project in order to follow scientific and technical activities: 2 administrative reports (Kick-off and final meeting) and 3 scientific progress reports (M12, M24, M36) under the supervision of WP leaders and beneficiaries (public/private).

Geologycal inventory (database)

Geological inventory for Geopark candidature (month of delivery M36). Evaluation of all geological potentials (geological points of great interest and with clear difference with other existing Geoparks) for the contribution in order to obtain the nomination of UNESCO Geoparks, after the end of the project. Specific disseminations activities/conclusions (partial or global) of WP1, during months 20 to 34. Transfer of results to the WEB project. Collaboration in diffusion and training/education activities together with other WPs or with the whole project output (until month 48). The geological inventory will be presented during the international conference in Toulouse (September 2015) entitled “Les inventaires géologiques: enjeux, bilan et perspectives” organised by MNHN, Toulouse Museum and UNESCO and leaded by Prof. Patrick de Wever.


Nouveau rôle des citoyens et gouvernance démocratique 32. Exemple de l’Unesco-Géoparc des Alpes de Haute Provence

Auteurs: Ekobevet-Allogo Y. et Barthes, A.
Publié dans: Actes du 7eme colloque international développement durable et lien social : les parcs naturels entre patrimonialisation et innovation, ,, Numéro 5-6 septembre 2016, 2016
Éditeur: Université Ibn Zohr d’Agadir

Légitimité sociale des savoirs construits dans la labélisation des territoires. Exemple des géoparcs.

Auteurs: Barthes, A., Alpe, Y. et Ekobevet Allogo Y.
Publié dans: Actes du 7eme colloque international développement durable et lien social : les parcs naturels entre patrimonialisation et innovation., Numéro 5-6 septembre 2016, 2016
Éditeur: Université Ibn Zohr d’Agadir

From nature conservation to geotourism development: examining ambivalent attitudes towards UNESCO directives with the Global Geopark Network

Auteurs: Gonzalez-Tejada C., Du Y., Read M., Girault Y.
Publié dans: International Journal of Geoheritage, Numéro Vol. 5, no. 2, 2017, Page(s) 1-20, ISSN 2310-3388
Éditeur: Darswin Publishing House

De la prise en compte des problèmes socio-écologiques à l’évolution des principaux courants de recherche en éducation relative à l’environnement dans la francophonie », Éducation relative à l'environnement

Auteurs: Girault Y.
Publié dans: Éducation relative à l'environnement, Numéro Volume 14 - 2 | 2017 - 2018 | 2018, mis en ligne le 20 décembre 2017, 2017, ISSN 2561-2271
Éditeur: Centr'ERE

Turismo accesible para todos. Análisis del grado de accesibilidad de las infraestructuras turísticas de transporte de Marrakech

Auteurs: Manuel Javier Martínez Carrillo y Saïd Boujrouf
Publié dans: Revista Turydes: Turismo y Desarrollo, Numéro vol. 10, n. 23 (diciembre / dezembro 2017), 2017, ISSN 1988-5261
Éditeur: Grupo (Servicios Académicos Intercontinentales S.L.)

De l’État au citoyen, redistribution des cartes : éléments d’une histoire de la cartographie.

Auteurs: Habert E.
Publié dans: Revue d’Ethnoécologie, Numéro "11 | 2017 : Varia + dossier ""Cartographie participative"" (2)", 2017, ISSN 2267-2419
Éditeur: Laboratoire Eco-anthropologie et Ethnobiologie

Cartographies participatives : diversité des situations, diversité des pratiques [introduction]

Auteurs: Robert P., Duvail S., Habert E.
Publié dans: Revue d’Ethnoécologie, Numéro "11 | 2017 : Varia + dossier ""Cartographie participative"" (2)", 2017, ISSN 2267-2419
Éditeur: Laboratoire Eco-anthropologie et Ethnobiologie

Tourisme et agriculture dans les Vallées du Haut-Atlas

Auteurs: Aouda, A.
Publié dans: Revue Maghreb-Machrek, 2019, ISSN 1762-3162
Éditeur: Choiseul

le réseau d’acteurs entre femmes tisseuses et intermédiaires au Ait Ouaouzguite

Auteurs: Bouaabid, H.
Publié dans: Revue Maghreb-Machrek, 2019, ISSN 1762-3162
Éditeur: Choiseul

Trésors vivants, biens communs et mise en tourisme de l'Agdal de Yagour dans la vallée du Zat - Haut Atlas Occidental Maroc

Auteurs: Boujrouf, S., Ayoub EL Ouarti, Fatima Ezzahra El Khadali, Said Abannay, Nada Baki, Carmen Romera et Véronica Blanco
Publié dans: Revue Maghreb-Machrek, 2019, ISSN 1762-3162
Éditeur: Choiseul

Ecomuseums and geosites community and project building.

Auteurs: Giuliano Canavese, Franco Gianotti, Hugues de Varine
Publié dans: International Journal of Geoheritage And Parks., Numéro Volume 6, Number 1, 2018, Page(s) 43-62, ISSN 2310-3388
Éditeur: Darswin Publishing House
DOI: 10.17149/ijg.j.issn.2210.3382.2018.01.004

Dinópolis Halfway between Amusement Park and Science Museum: How to Develop Geotourism in A Region Undergoing Depopulation

Auteurs: Alcalá L.
Publié dans: International Journal of Geoheritage And Parks., Numéro Volume 6, Number 2, 2018, Page(s) 40-71, ISSN 2310-3388
Éditeur: Darswin Publishing House
DOI: 10.17149/ijgp.j.issn.2577.4441.2018.02.004

Educational challenges in the Portuguese UNESCO Global Geoparks: contributing for the implementation of the SDG.

Auteurs: Silva E., Artur Sá A.
Publié dans: International Journal of Geoheritage And Parks., Numéro Volume 6, Number 1, 2018, Page(s) 95-106, ISSN 2310-3388
Éditeur: Darswin Publishing House
DOI: 10.17149/ijg.j.issn.2210.3382.2018.01.007

La recherche contemporaine en éducation relative à l’environnement au sein de la francophonie : où en est-on ?

Auteurs: Girault Y.
Publié dans: Revue ERE., Numéro Vol 14,, 2018, ISSN 2561-2271
Éditeur: Centr'ERE

Fieldwork and Geological Acculturation: Between Necessity and False Evidences

Auteurs: Orange Ravachol D.
Publié dans: International Journal of Geoheritage And Parks, Numéro Volume 6, Number 2, 2018, Page(s) 25-39, ISSN 2310-3388
Éditeur: Darswin Publishing House
DOI: 10.17149/ijgp.j.issn.2577.4441.2018.02.003

Geoheritage: Obtaining, Explaining and Transmitting Archaeological Knowledge.

Auteurs: Valdez, F.
Publié dans: International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks., Numéro Vol. 6, No.2,, 2018, Page(s) p.86-102., ISSN 2310-3388
Éditeur: Darswin Publishing House
DOI: 10.17149/ijgp.j.issn.2577.4441.2018.02.006

A Genealogy of UNESCO Global Geopark: emergence and evolution,

Auteurs: Du, Y., et Girault, Y.
Publié dans: International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks., Numéro Vol.6, No.2., 2018, Page(s) 1-17, ISSN 2310-3388
Éditeur: Darswin Publishing House
DOI: 10.17149/ijgp.j.issn.2577.4441.2018.02.001

Constraints and stakes in enhancing archaeological landscapes in the digital age.

Auteurs: De Bruycker L., Girault Y.
Publié dans: International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks, Numéro 6(1),, 2018, Page(s) pp 74-93, ISSN 2310-3388
Éditeur: Darswin Publishing House
DOI: 10.17149/ijg.j.issn.2210.3382.2018.01.006

Geoheritage, a National Inventory in France

Auteurs: Patrick De Wever, Inès Alterio, Grégoire Egoroff, Annie Cornée, Peter Bobrowsky, Gérard Collin, Francis Duranthon, Wesley Hill, Arnault Lalanne, Kevin Page
Publié dans: Geoheritage, Numéro 7/3, 2015, Page(s) 205-247, ISSN 1867-2477
Éditeur: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s12371-015-0151-2

Postures épistémologiques et cadres théoriques des principaux courants de l’éducation aux territoires

Auteurs: Girault Y., Barthes A.
Publié dans: Éducation relative à l’Environnement : Regards - Recherches - Réflexions, Numéro 13-2, 2016, ISSN 1373-9689
Éditeur: Centr’ERE

La longue durée de l’Art rupestre au Sahara, questions et enjeux: l’exemple d’Azrou Klane (Sud Maroc, région de Guelmin)

Auteurs: Gwenola Graff, Romain Simenel & Maxence Bailly
Publié dans: Les Chroniques de Préhméd, 2016, ISSN 2109-9723
Éditeur: LAMPEA / MMSH

L’éducation au patrimoine, un outil pour un développement local durable, ou une instrumentalisation de l’éducation au service de la labellisation des territoires ? Le cas des géoparcs.

Auteurs: Barthes, A. et Blanc-Maximin, S.
Publié dans: Revue Francophone du Développement Durable, Numéro HS n°3, décembre 2015, 2015, Page(s) 8-22, ISSN 2269-1464
Éditeur: ESPE Clermont Auvergne

Les géoparcs mondiaux UNESCO: une mise en tension entre développement des territoires et mise en valeur du patrimoine. ISTE Editions, London. 285p.

Auteurs: Girault Y.
Publié dans: 2019, ISBN 978-1-78405-562-2
Éditeur: ISTE Editions Ltd

UNESCO Global Geoparks: tension between development of territories and valorisation of heritage

Auteurs: Girault, Y.
Publié dans: 2019
Éditeur: ISTE

Quelques réflexions sur la continuité graphique sur le temps long dans l’art rupestre marocain.

Auteurs: Simenel R., Bailly M., Graff G., Alaoui A. & Gavelle J.
Publié dans: INORA, Numéro no.77, 2017, ISSN 1022-3282

El Hierro se convierte en el primer geoparque de las Islas Canarias

Auteurs: Joan Poch Serra, Verónica Montero, José Juan Medina Alejandro
Publié dans: De Re Metallica, Numéro Nº. 24, 2015, Page(s) 19-24, ISSN 1888-8615
Éditeur: Sociedad Española para la Defensa del Patrimonio Geológico y Minero

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