CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Electronic project newsletters will be prepared and disseminated by email to the evolving network of stakeholders that register on the partner EcoQUIP website. The newsletters will also be distributed via the existing consortium networks. The newsletters will be available for download on the partner EcoQUIP website. The newsletters will be delivered in the following months: M3, M6, M10, M12, M15, M18, M21, M24
Consultations with Buyers / Users conclusionsThis report will include the result of the interviews with stakeholders from the demand side (buyers and users) in three contrasting countries (Denmark, Poland, Spain). These interviews will be aimed at understanding the barriers to the more rapid exploitation of eHealth solutions, and to what extent they vary in different countries, and how these might be overcome.
Review eHealth Demand side conclusionsThe process of identiyfing unmet needs will commence with a desk review of the current evidence on exploitation of eHealth solutions in European hospitals and healthcare systems. This will set the baseline for remaining tasks in WP3.
Consultations with Supply Chain ConclusionsThis will complement the parallel consultations with buyers/users (WP3). They will focus on the same three countries, for comparison purposes, but will also be extended to some European domain experts who can provide a wider view.
Newsletters (M21)Electronic project newsletters will be prepared and disseminated by email to the evolving network of stakeholders that register on the partner EcoQUIP website. The newsletters will also be distributed via the existing consortium networks. The newsletters will be available for download on the partner EcoQUIP website. The newsletters will be delivered in the following months: M3, M6, M10, M12, M15, M18, M21, M24
Newsletters (M3)Electronic project newsletters will be prepared and disseminated by email to the evolving network of stakeholders that register on the partner EcoQUIP website. The newsletters will also be distributed via the existing consortium networks. The newsletters will be available for download on the partner EcoQUIP website. The newsletters will be delivered in the following months: M3, M6, M10, M12, M15, M18, M21, M24
Joint Statement of Unmet NeedsThe conclusions of the Synthesis Workshop will allow the PPI experts in the consortium to facilitate the development of a high level statement of unmet needs. This will evolve, with subject areas prioritised, through an evolutionary process of demand-side consultations and workshops. The output will be a publication that is suitable for communication and engagement with the eHealth supply chain and related innovation community.
PPI Training Workshop Report 1Three published reports will be produced to disseminate results of the PPI Training Workshops. These will be in electronic format for dissemination to stakeholders by email and will be available for download from the partner EcoQUIP website.
Newsletters (M15)Electronic project newsletters will be prepared and disseminated by email to the evolving network of stakeholders that register on the partner EcoQUIP website. The newsletters will also be distributed via the existing consortium networks. The newsletters will be available for download on the partner EcoQUIP website. The newsletters will be delivered in the following months: M3, M6, M10, M12, M15, M18, M21, M24
PPI Training Workshop Report 3Three published reports will be produced to disseminate results of the PPI Training Workshops. These will be in electronic format for dissemination to stakeholders by email and will be available for download from the partner EcoQUIP
Community of learning visits report (M6)A report will be produced to disseminate the lessons learned from the learning visits. These will be in electronic format and available for download from the partner EcoQUIP website. Two reports will be delivered: M6, M14
Newsletters (M6)Electronic project newsletters will be prepared and disseminated by email to the evolving network of stakeholders that register on the partner EcoQUIP website. The newsletters will also be distributed via the existing consortium networks. The newsletters will be available for download on the partner EcoQUIP website. The newsletters will be delivered in the following months: M3, M6, M10, M12, M15, M18, M21, M24
Newsletter (M24)Electronic project newsletters will be prepared and disseminated by email to the evolving network of stakeholders that register on the partner EcoQUIP website. The newsletters will also be distributed via the existing consortium networks. The newsletters will be available for download on the partner EcoQUIP website. The newsletters will be delivered in the following months: M3, M6, M10, M12, M15, M18, M21, M24
Newsletters (M18)Electronic project newsletters will be prepared and disseminated by email to the evolving network of stakeholders that register on the partner EcoQUIP website. The newsletters will also be distributed via the existing consortium networks. The newsletters will be available for download on the partner EcoQUIP website. The newsletters will be delivered in the following months: M3, M6, M10, M12, M15, M18, M21, M24
Community of learning visits report (M14)A report will be produced to disseminate the lessons learned from the learning visits. These will be in electronic format and available for download from the partner EcoQUIP website. Two reports will be delivered: M6, M14
PPI Training Workshop Report (M13)Three published reports will be produced to disseminate results of the PPI Training Workshops. These will be in electronic format for dissemination to stakeholders by email and will be available for download from the partner EcoQUIP Two reports will be delivered: M7, M13
PPI Training Workshop Report 2 (M7)Three published reports will be produced to disseminate results of the PPI Training Workshops. These will be in electronic format for dissemination to stakeholders by email and will be available for download from the partner EcoQUIP Two reports will be delivered: M7, M13
PPI / PCP Strategy for eHealthIt will summarise the lessons from the project and identify the demand-side measures that are needed to enable the healthcare sector to accelerate the development and adoption of „market-ready‟ eHealth solutions – and thus help to address the major challenges that are facing the healthcare sector in Europe.
Newsletters (M12)Electronic project newsletters will be prepared and disseminated by email to the evolving network of stakeholders that register on the partner EcoQUIP website. The newsletters will also be distributed via the existing consortium networks. The newsletters will be available for download on the partner EcoQUIP website. The newsletters will be delivered in the following months: M3, M6, M10, M12, M15, M18, M21, M24
Review eHealth Supply Side ConclusionsThe market sounding process will commence with a desk review of the scale, structure and maturity of the European eHealth supply chain and related technology roadmaps. This will provide an indication of the technology and market readiness to deliver eHealth solutions and thus complement the demand-side review.
M. Kautsch, M. Lichoń, N. Matuszak
Published in:
Economics & Sociology, Issue Vol. 9, No 3, 2016, Page(s) 28-40, ISSN 2071-789X
Centre of Sociological Research
M. Kautsch, M. Lichoń, N. Matuszak
Published in:
International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 2016, ISSN 1099-1751
M. Kautsch, M. Lichoń, N. Matuszak
Published in:
The European Journal of Social Science Research, 2017, ISSN 1469-8412
Taylor & Francis
M. Kautsch, M. Lichoń, N. Matuszak, R. Dela
Published in:
Economics & Sociology, 2017, ISSN 2071-789X
Centre of Sociological Research
M. Kautsch, M. Lichoń, N. Matuszak
Published in:
Health Informatics Journal, 2017, ISSN 1460-4582
SAGE Publications
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