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Open Data INcubator for Europe

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ODINE (Open Data INcubator for Europe)

Reporting period: 2016-05-01 to 2017-07-31

Public bodies, citizen groups, and industry around the world are embracing the open data movement. They have published a large share of their data assets in freely accessible forms. This open data is fuel for the digital age, powering insights, and boosting the speed and flexibility of business. We will see a global supply-and-value chain ecosystem emerging around data, delivering not just higher volumes of the same, but, crucially, new and improved products and services.

ODINE's main objective is to establish an EU-wide, industry-focused network of open data start-ups and SMEs around Europe through an incubation model. The incubation model includes support in terms of financial, data, and computing resources, but also not distracting them too much from building and growing their company during incubation, and offering the credible possibility of acceleration via the consortium in due time. In particular, ODINE will support the formation process of innovative open data-driven services and business ideas and help turning them into focused commercial and social enterprises; run regularly scheduled and well-advertised competitions for SMEs to submit mini-project proposals; provide seed funding and mentoring for the most promising ideas to be funded for a period of six months; assist the implementation and deployment of these ideas from the technological (help with infrastructure, data processing, toolkits, etc) and business development point of view (PR, marketing, sales planning, etc); and create a process to connect successful ODINE graduates with alternative sources of funding and business networks.

ODINE concluded its life cycle after receiving 1173 applications from 707 different companies from 34 countries, granting 56 SMEs an amount of € 5.422.799,64 in total, that generated €22.5M generated through investment (grants, BAs and VCs achieved during acceleration period ), sales, and efficiencies, in addition to 268 jobs created. ODINE also contributed with a toolkit for helping companies and organisations to release Open Data in a legal-compliant and privacy-respectful manner.

ODINE's impact was independently assessed in a report by the IDC consultancy firm, reaching to the following conclusions:
1) There is a high demand for Open Data, as it offers an Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
2) Based on IDC's forecast impact model, each euro invested by the EC in the ODINE project will have generated up to 14 euros in cumulative revenues by 2020. Counterfactual analysis indicates that without ODINE there would be 48% less cumulative revenues generated in 2020
3) The influence of ODINE’s mentors in helping several companies in redirecting and improving their business idea or business plan is clear.
4) There is a correlation between the level of maturity at country level of the Open Data market (measured by a Capgemini study) and the number of ODINE successful applicants, suggesting that proactive policies improving the usability and availability of open data sets are likely to stimulate private initiatives for the exploitation of data in a positive virtuous cycle.

Finally, lessons learned on ODINE were integrated into the processes of the ODI, University of Southampton and Telefonica Open Future own acceleration programs, and served as basis for subsequent programs focusing on exploiting shared data in addition to Open Data.
Set up and management of a workflow for receiving, evaluating and selecting applications to join the program and its associated documentation. ODINE received 1173 applications from 707 different companies from 34 countries, granting 56 SMEs an amount of € 5.422.799,64 in total. ODINE received at least one application from 34 of the countries of the H2020 network. Through the acceleration portfolio defining the tracking, training and showcasing activities for SMEs in the program prepared byt the ODINE team, these SMEs have collectively managed to generate a significant impact on their own growth and impact within their particular sector/market. This is reinforced by the €22.5M generated through investment (grants, BAs and VCs achieved during acceleration period ), sales, and efficiencies, in addition to the 268 jobs created. ODINE-funded SMEs have created over 50 open data products/services. These products/services provide new opportunities for other companies from the publishing of open data, an environmental impact by trying to improve living standards, and an economic benefit through the revenue and investment generation.

We conducted a comprehensive survey interviews with selected ODINE companies with the objective to showcase the range of the business models further developed during the ODINE incubation and the wide spectrum of business opportunities that open data can help materialize. In particular, we found that new open data business models suggest a mixture of two or more value propositions and that Peer-to-peer support in a programme like ODINE is challenging given that companies operate in different sectors, markets and countries.

Publication of a data value chain database that creates the basis for deeper studies on open datasets’ consumption as performed by companies that applied to the ODINE incubator. This set of companies can be a valuable representative sample for understanding the entire European open data ecosystem. The ODINE consortium participated in the unlocking of more than 30 datasets and of 4 Open Standards in different sectors, either in joint effort with incubated companies or as an effort considered as key for the Open Data Community. Furthermore, we estimated that Open Data based APIs reached more than 1000 developers.

The consortium published a set of guidelines on how to release data, covering legal aspects which are crucial for scenarios in which open and enterprise data are used in combination, providing a toolbox with concrete suggestions on how to organize processes before, both during and after data opening, and which tools can be used to adequately address the data protection risks. An exploitation and sustainability strategy was defined in terms of enabling a sustainable commercial open data ecosystem, an strategy of measuring and supporting the success of open data SMEs and startups. The third section outlines how we continue an open data incubator and acceleration programme after ODINE finishes.

Showcases of ODINE-funded companies were organised at the ODI Summit (2015 and 2016), Four-Years-From-Now (2016 and 2017), European Data Forum (2016) and Pioneers (2017)
ODINE has created awareness of Open Data as a commercially valuable asset in different domains, receiving applications from HealthCare, transportation and energy management that we foresaw in our expected impact, but also from; Environmental, Renewable Energies, IoT, Legal Services and others. This implies that we have widen the scope of action of Open Data to larger sectors of society.

We have proposed a model for a data-value chain, providing an essential tool for monitoring open data reuse and evolution.
We have surpassed our expected impact in terms of mini-project applications (618, expected 500), confirming our goal of attracting companies interested in Open Data. For the reported period, we have measured an economical impact of 1.5M euros.