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Think Cloud Services for Government, Business Research

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CLOUDWATCH2 (Think Cloud Services for Government, Business Research)

Reporting period: 2016-09-01 to 2017-09-30

CloudWATCH2 (CW2) provides a set of services to help European R&I initiatives capture the value proposition and business case as key to boosting the European economy. Objectives (Ob) include:
1. A cloud market structure encouraging transparent pricing showing how the market could become more efficient, more competitive and bring savings to consumers.
2. An evolved portfolio of standards for interoperability and security analysing implementations in European Research and Innovation projects. This builds on the ETSI Cloud Standards Coordination and places emphasis on the business opportunities enabled by interoperability.
3. A mapping of technologies, development status and practical support activities for projects to cluster and collaborate on common challenges, carry out interoperability testing, validate and endorse the level of interoperability.
4. Facilitate projects in moving to the market through practical adoption sessions and stakeholder engagement events, and offer a digital innovation hub to showcase European excellence.
5. Educate SMEs and public administrations (PA) on risks and legal aspects with practical guidelines and check lists to lower entry barriers.
Ob1 Outputs: Cloud Market Roadmap Final version (D4.3) charts how the cloud computing market has changed in the last 14 months and makes recommendations to key stakeholders for actions to mitigate risks of market failure, and deliver a stable cloud computing market.
2 Cloud Market Stakeholder workshops including final event the CloudWATCH Summit

Ob2 Outputs: Security and interoperability standards status (D3.6) maps adoption, gaps and new standards based on analysis of data collected from 30 EC projects.
Cloud Interoperability plugfest reports (D3.3 & 3.7) provide recommendations on a variety of standardisation topics such as reducing the complexity of choosing standards, challenges for the landscape, the business case for standards.
Recommendations have been provided to the C-Sig, DSM Stakeholder Group and to a future standardisation project which will provide funding for EU experts to contribute to standardisation work.

Ob3 Outputs: Technology round-up and market readiness report (D2.3) provides an online catalogue of services with 54 new entries from EC cloud projects that are filterable by technical focus and vertical sector.
Mapping of EU cloud services, solutions and providers (D2.2 & 2.4) provides a reinforced cluster methodology and 86 projects now mapped and clusters identifiable.
Five cloud standardisation plugfest and policy workshops delivered.
Support to EC clusters through cluster session at Concertation Meeting (T2.3) cluster meetings, contribution to DPSP cluster documentation and dissemination.

Ob 4 Outputs: Mapping of EU cloud services, solutions and providers (D2.2 & D2.4) provide a Market and Technology Readiness Level methodology provided and training delivered to six projects. A new limited company has been set up as a result.
Delivered four MTRL workshops at CloudForward, Cloud Security Expo, Concertation and CloudWATCH Summit.
Published new EU service offer catalogue on showcasing EU excellence.
Facilitated projects market impact and international reach through workshops, information stands (Cloud Security Expo) pitch sessions, and position papers at (Cloudscape Brazil).

Ob 5 Outputs: The has been revamped with a new design and structure to improve accessibility to the large amount of content on the site and improve user experience. New sections were implemented to have clear entry points to the website for outputs and relevant users: SME, Government & public authorities, research (including MTRL), cloud standards, and Schools and universities.
Legal recommendations on EU cloud computing services (D3.4) provides an essential first step guide for SMEs and PAs.
EU-Brazil legal alignment position paper delivered.
Risk-based decision making mechanisms for cloud services (D3.5) provides risk profile for SMEs and PAs and an online recommendations service.
Increased engagement with SMEs & PAs through social media outreach and growing community database: 3,100 launched tweets & 1,000 followers. LinkedIN: 49 posts & 717 members.
GDPR clinics and risk management sessions to SME audiences.
Cloud Market Roadmap: CW2, in particular SB, has attempted to implement recommendations, in particular those around intermediation between AWS, the leading cloud provider, and its customers. SB are engaged with Vodafone, Bytes Technologies, NTT Data, Accenture, DXC and Dell on this. SB is delivering with workshops with the IMF and the Federal Reserve Board, and has designed and conducted a public cloud tender for the World Intellectual Property Organisation. CW2 has contacted Pearse O’Donohue and Pierre Chastanet to establish channels with EU bodies overseeing financial stability and system economic risks.

Clustering methodology: Being re-used in at least another on-going project with a similar problem statement focussing on cyber security and privacy ( CSA Unit H1). Trust-IT and UOXF are in discussions with the EC for the cluster tool and methodology to be used by DG DIGIT in order to group projects.

Catalogue of services and promotion of project results has been and will be used to identify candidates for the MTRL Framework. It provides a quick top-down enquirie service that originate from a user needs/market segment point of view. The Catalogue of services will be maintained and updated by Trust-IT services for the next 12 months and events published on website and through social media.

MTRL Framework & workshops has impacted directly on 6 projects: CloudTeams, MUSA, WAZIUP, CLARUS, COLA and EUBra-BigSEA. As a direct result of CW2 a for-profit company, Market and Technology Ready Ltd., has been set up as a commercial exploitation outlet employing three people.

Concertation meetings: have become “want-to-attend” events for projects and a 250-strong consolidated community of coordinators and participants has been sustained. Trust-IT will provide 4 annual Concertation meetings for Unit H1 Cyber security and privacy as part of the project.

Risk management: CW2 has provided a framework and online self-assessment services for SMEs/PAs to perform a self-assessment of the data and services they handle, categorize their services in relevant risk areas, and have those areas mapped to suitable security controls.

Legal services: The legal recommendations have been (and will continue to be) used as training material for the Professional Certification Education Programme (including, the Data Protection Officer (DPO) Certification course) provided by the Maastricht European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity. ICTL used legal recommendations to structure a compliance framework for clients and will continue to promote them cloud legal events. and a growing stakeholder community: CW2 has built up a consolidated stakeholder community around the which has been strengthened in Y2 through the results of the project. No competitor observatory contains such a wide-range of independent support tools and guides as well as access to software and cloud services. The strength of CloudWATCH2 assets is the high-level of independent expertise in key cloud issues such as security, risk management, legal and SLAs, pricing, technical and market readiness.