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MusicBricks: Musical Building Blocks for Digital Makers and Content Creators

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Case Studies of engagement with industry stakeholders

Data and reporting from the Market Testbed

Industry Testbed case studies and data

Data and statistics relevant for research, marketing and policy

Report on dissemination, communication and exploitation activities - Final

Final report on dissemination, communication and exploitation activities

Report on dissemination, communication and exploitation activities

Mid-term report on dissemination, communication and exploitation activities

Exploitation plan - Final

Final plan

Functional analysis, technical requirements and API definition

Guildeline document

Final feedback on MusicBricks for applications

Final compendium of new knowledge gained from working with creative SMEs

Project Final Report

This deliverable is a public report following H2020 guidelines (publishable summary, use and dissemination of foreground, report on societal implications).

Feedback on MusicBricks from the Industry Testbed

New knowledge gained from the Industry Testbed

Case studies, impact data and statistics from the Creative Testbed

Impact data and statistics relevant for research, marketing and policy

Final results from the Industry Testbed

Report on final candidates chosen for the Market Testbed

Exploitation plan

Mid-term plan

Summary on all the pilots organised

Overview of all the Creative Testbeds

Guidelines for musical TUI interfaces

This is a document that will gather the description of low-cost TUIs and their availability, and guidelines for good practices for musical TUIs and communication protocols.

Report from the Market Showcase

Report on the final outcomes of the project

Advanced processing libraries

Advanced processing and mapping libraries

First release of API

First release for use in Creative Testbeds

Final release of API

Final release for use in Industy Testbeds

Musical TUIs processing library

Data processing library


You have 24 hours to invent the future of music: music hacks, playful research and creative innovation

Author(s): Andrew Dubber
Published in: Business Innovation and Disruption in the Music Industry, 2016, Page(s) 211-228, ISBN 978-1-78347-814-9
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

Designing Action–Sound Metaphors using Motion Sensing and Descriptor- based Synthesis of Recorded Sound Materials

Author(s): Bevilacqua, F., Schnell, N., Françoise, J., Boyer, E., Schwarz, D., Caramiaux, B.
Published in: The Routledge Companion to Embodied Music Interaction, 2016
Publisher: Routledge

Technology, Citizens and Social Change in the Framework of European Research and Innovation Programmes: Towards a Paradigm Shift

Author(s): Marta Arniani
Published in: GOODTECHS 2015 Conference Proceedings, 2016
Publisher: EAI

Eear: Building a Real-Time MIR-based Instrument From a Hack

Author(s): Ó Nuanáin, C., Hermant, M., Faraldo, A., Gomezhe, D.
Published in: Extended abstracts for the Late-Breaking Demo Session of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2015
Publisher: ISMIR

MusicBricks: Connecting Digital Creators to the Internet of Music Things

Author(s): Lidy, Thomas ; Schindler, Alexander ; Magas, Michela
Published in: ERCIM News, Issue Vol. 101, 2015, Page(s) Pg. 39-40, ISSN 0926-4981
Publisher: ERCIM

Klingende Bausteine für die Industrie : Ein Projekt ebnet der Musiktechnologie den Weg in den Markt

Author(s): Lidy, Thomas ; Schindler, Alexander
Published in: OCG Journal, Issue Vol. 40 Iss. 02, 2015, Page(s) Pg. 17-18, ISSN 1728-743X
Publisher: OCG Journal

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