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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Snapshot spEctral imagEr for cost effective IR Surveillance

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


SEERS prototype

Prototype TRL 7. Public system prototype demonstrated in operational environments.

Communication material and record reports

Including: - Dossier that includes all the publications related to the SEERS project (flyers, posters and brochures). - 5-minutes video and Wikipedia page on the project and its results.

Project Website

The project website will be a public domain to disseminate the public results of the project, nevertheless a private area will be set up for facillitating internal collaboration among the partners . The Website will be placed on a .EU domain and the contents will be updated every 3 months.

Demonstration of the SEERS system for coastal surveillance

Public report that shows the performance of SEERS system applied to coastal surveillance.

Demonstration of the SEERS system for tunnel control

Public report that shows the performance of SEERS system applied to tunnel control.

Open spectral datasets

Publication of datasets related with gas levels, temperature, oil spills, etc. obtained with the spectral laboratory prototype during the task 1.3.

SEERS dataset for benchmarking

Public dataset with data, measurements and routings for benchmarking purposes. Dataset does not include any personal data recorded.

Reference datasets

Collection of videos and reference metadata for algorithm training and testing, both from the tunnel and coastal scenarios. Video collection datasets used for public dissemination do not include any personal data recorded.


Multi-aperture multispectral imaging at longwave-infrared wavelengths for detection and classification

Author(s): M. A. Preciado, G. Carles, and A. R. Harvey
Published in: 2016
Publisher: Imaging and Applied Optics 2016, OSA Technical Digest (online)

Multispectral imaging at longwave-infrared wavelengths by a multi-aperture array of low cost sensors

Author(s): M. A. Preciado, G. Carles, and A. R. Harvey
Published in: 2016
Publisher: HSI Conference 2016

A high-speed MWIR uncooled multi-aperture snapshot spectral imager for IR surveillance and monitoring

Author(s): Roi Mendez-Rial, Alvaro Souto-Lopez, Jesus Rodriguez-Garcia, Jorge Rodriguez-Araujo, Anton Garcia-Diaz
Published in: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST), 2016, Page(s) 206-210, ISBN 978-1-5090-1817-8
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/IST.2016.7738224

Simultaneous computational super-resolution and 3D integral imaging in the long-wave infrared using an array of compact cameras

Author(s): M. A. Preciado, G. Carles, and A. R. Harvey
Published in: 2017
Publisher: Imaging and Applied Optics 2017 (3D, AIO, COSI, IS, MATH, pcAOP), OSA Technical Digest (online)

Embedded IR multi aperture imaging for surveillance applications

Author(s): Garcia-Diaz, R. Mendez-Rial, M. A. Preciado, A. Souto, and A. R. Harvey
Published in: 2017
Publisher: Imaging and Applied Optics 2017 (3D, AIO, COSI, IS, MATH, pcAOP), OSA Technical Digest (online)

Snapshot multispectral imaging in long-wave infrared based on a multi-aperture system of low-cost detectors

Author(s): M. A. Preciado, G. Carles, and A. R. Harvey
Published in: 2017
Publisher: Imaging and Applied Optics 2017 (3D, AIO, COSI, IS, MATH, pcAOP), OSA Technical Digest (online)

The simplicity, complexity, and benefits of multi-aperture imaging in the thermal infrared

Author(s): Laura V. Cowan, Miguel A. Preciado, Guillem Carles Santacana, Andrew R. Harvey, Jason F. Ralph, James Babington, Andrew P. Wood
Published in: Emerging Imaging and Sensing Technologies for Security and Defence II, 2017, Page(s) 6, ISBN 9781-510613416
Publisher: SPIE
DOI: 10.1117/12.2278492

Temperature imaging in the MWIR range independent on emissivity

Author(s): Á. Souto-López, A. García-Díaz, R. Méndez-Rial
Published in: 2018
Publisher: SPIE Photonics Europe 2018

Embedded video rate super-resolution in the infrared with a low-cost multi-aperture camera

Author(s): R. Méndez-Rial, Á. Souto-López, A. García-Díaz
Published in: 2018
Publisher: SPIE Photonics Europe 2018.

MWIR infrared gating imaging with uncooled PbSe FPAs for surveillance application

Author(s): R. Méndez-Rial, Á. Souto-López, A. García-Díaz
Published in: 2018
Publisher: SPIE Photonics Europe 2018

Video-rate computational super-resolution and integral imaging at longwave-infrared wavelengths

Author(s): M. A. Preciado, G. Carles, and A. R. Harvey
Published in: 2017
Publisher: arXiv:1708.01069 [physics.optics].

Intellectual Property Rights

Simultaneous 3D & multi-spectral imaging

Application/Publication number: GB 1800436.6
Date: 2018-01-11

Simultaneous 3D & multi-spectral imaging

Application/Publication number: GB 1800436.6
Date: 2018-01-11

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