Periodic Reporting for period 3 - RAWFIE (Road-, Air- and Water-based Future Internet Experimentation)
Période du rapport: 2017-07-01 au 2019-03-31
In more detail RAWFIE is a Research and Innovation Action (RIA) that:
• Pursues the development of a Strategic Experimental Infrastructure for mobile IoT that mitigates the fragmentation of high-end experimentation platforms seen in other advanced countries/economies. In RAWFIE many different experimentation platforms are federated and treated uniformly by the interested experimenter.
• Supports the entire lifecycle of complex experiments with fully detailed, controllable and replicable conditions. RAWFIE supports open standards for the specification of experiments and delivers an extensive suite of tools (still on the open source domain) for experiment execution, visualization and analysis of pertinent information.
• Integrates fully with the cloud and networking facilities that contemporary NRENs (National Research Networks) provide. Cloud support coupled with high speed networking capabilities allow for the launching /execution of the experiment from, practically, everywhere in the globe. Owning to RAWFIE, the Experimentation-as-a-Service (EaaS) pattern can be validated and further promoted.
• Bridges an important gap from research to actual commercial launch for commercial players of varying sizes that cannot afford to maintain experimentation facilities of the technology and complexity level that RAWFIE integrates.
• Presents a highly realistic testing environment which can be relocated for large experiments to meet highly demanding requirements of interested actors. Thus, experiments need not be confined spatially (in the designated testing facilities) but may be ported to other environments to better emulate real-life conditions.
• Puts the EU in the foreground of FI research and experimentation while facilitating the scientific osmosis between acknowledged IoT research groups with testing infrastructures worldwide. RAWFIE pursues relations with other facilities in the US but also other (past or ongoing) FIRE projects (e.g. FED4FIRE).
1. WPs started: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
2. Meetings held: Kick-off (22-23/01/2015 Athens Greece), 2nd Plenary (23-24/06/2015, Thessaloniki, Greece), 3rd Plenarry (26-27/11/2015, Dresden Germany), Review Meeting (29/2/2016, Porto Portugal), Technical Meeting (19-20/9/2016, Neuchatel Switzerland), 1st Open Call Kick-off meeting (23/9/2016, Athens Greece), Technical meeting (19-20/6/2017, Catania Italy), 2nd Open Call Kick-off meeting (24/11/2017, Athens, Greece), 3rd Open Call Kick-off meeting (23/05/2018, Athens, Greece), Plenary meeting (21-22/6/2018, Valencia, Spain), Plenary meeting (6-7/03/2019, Geneve, Switzerland), RAWFIE workshop (29/03/2019, Athens, Greece)
3. WP specific work:
3.1 WP1: project management & housekeeping, produced first version of risk analysis deliverable, handled bureaucracy of open calls third parties contracts
3.2 WP2: produced integration & testing roadmap. Work is underway for Federation Policy and Business Model
3.3 WP3: produced requirement analysis & RAWFIE data model (refined in 3 cycles)
3.4 WP4: produced RAWFIE design documents (architecture, tools & communication) (refined in 3 cycles)
3.5 WP5: produced prototype implentation of the platform, and first testing in testbeds were performed (refined in 3 cycles)
3.6 WP6: produced integration reports, fixing and validating errors (refined in 3 cycles)
3.7 WP7: produced and updated data management plan, participation in multipled dissemination, liaison events (ICT 2015, FIRE events, national, EC events, industry events)
3.8 WP8: 3 open calls launched, received proposals, assigned reviewers, selected successful bids, prepared and signed contracts, performed workshop with third party participants, established third-party liaisons to the project, performing third party work execution overview, finalized third party results.
The project is in the phase of design and implementation. The expected potential impact is huge, considering the explosive growth of the UxV market and the possible applications attached to standalone or swarm vehicles. The planned ability to explore distributed mobile data gathering, smart interaction with buildings, cars, facilities and any other networked device without actually possessing any unmanned device has the potential to embrace players that would not have the ability to participate in such activities.
The interest already expressed by potential experimenters in the RAWFIE Open Calls clearly shows that the platform is very well accepted by the respective community of manufacturers (drones, wireless networking, domain specific solution providers, etc.)