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Cluster Development Med

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CLUSDEV MED (Cluster Development Med)

Reporting period: 2017-06-01 to 2019-05-31

The project had had a slightly delay due to the general delay suffered in the implementation of the secondments of the project. The delay was due to security problem affecting Egypt and Turkey and the Termination of the partnership with DARE -Distretto Agroalimentare Regionale SCRL.

ClusDevMed had been a 48-month project. It achieved many goals and showed that its aims were and are relevant. The project managed to implement its goals and creating networks and partnership that will last even after the project itself.
The activities and trainings implemented improved the participants skills and allowed them to share knowledge and good practices by working on the same goal. Being the consortium a very diverse environment, different ideas and multidisciplinary approaches had been explored and discussed in order to produce joint publications on WEF-Nexus of GreenTech Approach. ClusDevMed had been focus on creating the condition for the reinforcement of existing clusters in the Mediterranean Area, with the support of other EU expertise and policies, and with the aim to bridge the distance among different stakeholders with the same objectives, in order to implement a common approach to solve the food-water-energy nexus already described.
Despite delays due to national and international political tension, all secondments have been implemented fully. It is important to highlight that the new schedule and the decisions that have been taken had been discussed with all partners in order to ensure a democratic and joint decision. Partners worked together in order to ensure results expected despite the amendment.
As showed in the project reports and deliverables, activities, conferences and trainings implemented have impacted partners capacities in different ways. As reported in the deliverables, Non-European partners (especially early stage researchers) had the opportunity to attend trainings in European University. In fact, being ClusDevMed a comparative analysis on Clusters, it is important for researchers to study best practices cases in order to use that model for implementing tools and practices in their own country.

Female researchers (59,6,%) and Male Researcher 40,4 % implemented secondments on this project.
PROJECT ACHIEVEMENTS Scientific highlights and research achievements

Work Package Number 1

Main Results This work package was to guarantee coherence and coordination to the whole project activities, carried on by different WPs, as well as to guarantee an efficient financial, administrative and coordination management of the project. UNIROMA 3, the project coordinator, have developed and ensured the transfer of information from the EC to the whole consortium and vice – versa, the respect of the timetable of the project relatively to the succession of the tasks and of the reports despite international and national tension.
Activities description

Work Package Number 2

Main results Through staff exchange activities, WP2 (Methodology for Green tech clusters), developed the conceptual and theoretical framework of the new Cluster studies in Green economy, with a particular focused in food energy and water in order to assess the cluster mapping indicators level in sustainability terms, by combining the existent macroeconomic model with firm performance instruments. This WP reports the activities held for the training A e B and the articles published in the first 36 months of the project. As for month 36 to month 48, no WP2 activities were planned by the GRANT Agreement
Activities description

Work Package Number 3

Main results At the heart of ClusDevMed there is the development of a new clustering strategy. The consortium partners have built a commercial idea interacting the scientific partners with the managing partner (ROMA3). This includes knowledge and technology transfer professionals, incubator managers, business angels, grant administrators at universities and research-based firms, product development and research managers at private business firms, open innovation managers, policy and decision makers and government officials and top administration, directors and executives concerned with research and innovation management.

Work Package Number 4

Main results At the heart of ClusDevMed is the creation of a ClusMed Academy which has, among its main objectives, the implementation of research networks and technologies and innovation clusters across the three WEF Nexus disciplines in Southern Mediterranean.
ClusMed Academy is a join participated research unit where every partner works on building a research network.

Work Package Number 5

Main results This WP ensured a clear and broader promotion and dissemination of the project results - and their further exploitation in the field of Clusters development in the EU-MED scenario - to specific target groups.
ClusDevMed had been a 48-month project. It achieved many goals and showed that its aims were and are relevant. As showed in this report and in the others already uploaded on the website, the project managed to implement its goals and creating networks and partnership that will last even after the project itself. The activities and trainings implemented improved the participants skills and allowed them to share knowledge and good practices by working on the same goal. Being the consortium a very diverse environment, different ideas and multidisciplinary approaches had been explored and discussed in order to produce joint publications on WEFNexus of GreenTech Approach. ClusDevMed had been focus on creating the condition for the reinforcement of existing clusters in the Mediterranean Area, with the support of other EU expertise and policies, and with the aim to bridge the distance among different stakeholders with the same objectives, in order to implement a common approach to solve the food-water energy nexus already described. Despite delays due to national and international political tension (see section 2), all secondments have been implemented fully. It is important to highlight that the new schedule and the decisions that have been taken had been discussed with all partners in order to ensure a democratic and joint decision. Partners worked together in order to ensure results expected despite the amendment. Deliverables have been submitted according to Grant Agreement Annex 1 document. As showed in the project reports and deliverables, activities, conferences and trainings implemented have impacted partners capacities in different ways. As reported in the deliverables, Non-European partners (especially early stage researchers) had the opportunity to attend trainings in European University. In fact, being ClusDevMed a comparative analysis on Clusters, it is important for researchers to study best practices cases in order to use that model for implementing tools and practices in their own country.
ClusDevMed aim, indeed, is to carry out transfer of knowledge, trainings, career and networking opportunities in order to develop knowledges and practices that will have long-lasting results. As stated before, ClusDevMed considers diversity and gender a relevant factor. At the end of the project, 28 female
researchers (59,6%) and 19 male (40,4%) researchers implemented secondments on this project.